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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. ^^ What he said I have the grounding kit and it seems smoother on idle, but you will not get any more power from simply grounding better IMO.
  2. I was a Weston Park, just got back. 9hrs it took us to get there, the traffic is getting worse every year (my 5th year, and a mates 10th) and we're now deciding if we want to do it again But..... when there, it was awefully wet and miserable but the bands were awesome. Two best were ovbiously the headliners - Basment Jaxx and Foo's. Foo's even played and acoustic set under the name of 606 earlier in the day at one of the smaller stages apparently. Didnt see it though. On the whole a damn good time, but not sure i will be returning, its getting too big and too much hassle. Oh and I nearly run a ground in the zed, bloody potholes all over the place on the tempory roads they'd layed in gravel all over the fields for parking. Rubbed the air damn stip thing (black stip under the front bumper)
  3. I wouldnt even think of using Nissan if I had a tuner like that near me
  4. Wow - bet you are pretty damn handy on a bike then Tim with a teacher like that
  5. Chris`I

    2007 M3

  6. If anyone is thinking of replacing the BOSE system then this is a great deal. The biggest hassle in the swap is getting the PAC-ROEM (from the US) and splicing all the wires. This looks very well done and would make a HU swap easy as pie, if I didnt already have one I would take it straight away
  7. Sorry to hear that mate. Its been just over a year since I lost my Dad too, but although times will be hard now, you never forget things like learning to drive/ride/shoot with them, you keep those great memories forever. My Dad passing on was the main reason for me getting the Zed and keeping his R6, as he was relatively young (mid 50's), it tought me life is too short to want soming and then regret not doing or getting it.
  8. Awesome dude! He is a god indeed. I havent ever met anyone Off to V Festival on Friday, where Foo's are playing, wanna see if you can get me back stage? I'll trade you my missus weekend camping pass, she'll understand!
  9. Lets hope they dont loose him after all your good work
  10. I've always wondered what the black bit is infront of that unit, stuck to the windscreen, will be waiting to see what it is
  11. As the others have said, the age range is expansive. I'd say from late teens onwards. I dont think the Zed (or its insurance) is down to a level yet where many teens can afford one, not least without mummy or daddys help! At the Zed meets I have been to I was certainly one (if not the) youngest at 24. Which is good as it means theres no little boy racers getting them in this country yet
  12. They did that here too recently on the ringroad. Fortunately they did it in the opposite direction that I went that day, which was pure fluke as my normal route would have taken me straight into it My GF wasnt so lucky, she was the one who found out, but better her Corsa than my Zed!
  13. I think its a case as was with that VXR in that unless directly asked he wont (legally) have to say anything. Obviously I dont condone witholding something like that from a presepective buyer as it was all repaired properly and shouldnt really effect it Which brings me onto another interesting point, do you now have a new engine warrenty as its a new unit?
  14. Good stuff, definately post vids!
  15. I'm lusting for some L series lense atm, but my GF found out how much they cost, so I'm banned from spending money on lenses for now. Have to make do with buying parts for the car instead
  16. Yup totally, even IS wont help you then, tripod is the way to go. My post above didnt quite read as it was meant to. I meant to say if you were doing action shots at night and hence needed faster shutter speeds, you have to use a higher ISO and lower f stop otherwise it will be blurred (although that can look cool ). Didnt realise we were talking only about static shots. Out of interest I was at a balloon festival glow (at night where balloons "glow" their burners to music - I know a pilot so got nice and close in the arena) a week back and my mate had his recently purchased 400D (and I of course had my 350D) and there was quite a bit more noise on his 400D at the higher ISO settings. Made me happy I have the 350D as I like to do quite a lot of low light shots and use the higher ISO settings for them. Still the 400D has many qualities I wish my camera had.
  17. To get access to the cig lighter behind the seats is quite tricky due to overlapping pannels. You need to start with the bits around the seats and door sills, then the bits around the seat belt and B pillar. Then you have to remove the BOSE sub over and then you can pop off the whole back panel that the cig lighter is part of. No other way I know to get to it
  18. You've suceeded in spamming your own thread, Jay. Well done!
  19. Voted Agree about Beemers being common, have to hope that others vote for other than their own make.
  20. Good job mate, its not often small businesses make it these days, always good to see one of "our own" making it I personally think the new name is a good choice, much more suited than the old
  21. Just go short ram, easier to clean, sounds nicer (well can be heard more), looks more bling and no chance of hydrolock. Small chance of heat soak, but hey ho, it dont get that warm in this country compared to the US
  22. I dont think you so much as feel heat soak, its more a log of the ODBII (diag) will show it up somewhere in lower numbers, but I have no idea where. Tere might be able to help with that kind of thing, she has a lot of experience in tuning Zeds. You will probably just prefer one to the other. From what I have read the differences between stock air box, CAI and short ram are very few and far between. Its mainly about noise I guess. Short ram will give more noise as the end of the filter isnt enclosed. Also there have been people with CAI that have driven into large puddles and hydrolocked the engine where water has been sucked up through the CAI into the engine (think thats what it is). At the end of the day, it all appears to be about personal preference to what you like the best as the self leveling ECU will take control and negate any gains you would see
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