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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. do you approve of the camcorder I got? yes and no, it doesnt have dv in/out, but its ok. What is the benefit of having DV when you can hook it straight up to the PC using USB and transfer data that way?
  2. Go on buy it You can lend it back to Matt for the Wales run
  3. Mine was £500 last year for my R6, but then it is my first bike and I only just learnt to ride
  4. Chris`I


    Well done mate, took ya time though didnt you Hope they have some new stickers soon. I still have to put mine on yet
  5. I try to be light footed on the motorway, but thats only so I can let rip on the twisties! Dont be mean to yourself, you have to let go now and again, just take it easy on the motorway and town and fly on the twisties, get a nice balance. Also try not to start/stop too much, momentum is the key to good MPG, and you can have fun in the twisties without burning *too* much fuel
  6. I have it, not played it for 2 months though..... Ditto. Got PGR4 on the go atm, but not touched that for a couple of weeks. Need to get a games room, XB360 doesnt see much action being in the living room
  7. I need them, not just want them, but need them, as my handles are scratched by the previous loving owner i need them too, cos erm.. my handle are silver and too bright for my eyes? . Nice try
  8. I need them, not just want them, but need them, as my handles are scratched by the previous loving owner
  9. Damn you man, yet more money I will be sending your way! I have a few scratches on my handle from the previous owner so this will tidy it nicely. Do you have any other better/larger pics? Will need a price for a set of these and a Nismo carbon gear knob please
  10. Good man, you wont regret it. Think H5 has everything covered
  11. I've been banned from speaking to Phil byt he missus until I pay for a new carpet At least once its done (sometime this month), I'm then free to spend my money on what I like! Xmas trip to Phils may be on the cards (oh and gonna sneak the odd £50 to get me a Nismo gear knob )
  12. Hold it to your head when pressing it, goes miles further Sorry cant help with the real answer. Mine probably needs doing soon so I'll keep an eye on this thread.
  13. Jeez...F1 drivers are so pampered. What about the GT cars and Le Mans. These guys race through the night... Dont they also get headlights?
  14. Yup just need to find out what to rewire
  15. Wouldnt have thougth it would be hard for someone electonically minded to rig it up to the ignition. Would be a simple relay if you know where to do it. I also saw a thread on the US forums where a dude had taken a pair of JDM mirrors and wired them up. Forget where the thread was now though
  16. Saw a clip on TV of what looked like the night race course on the news and it seemed to have lighting every 10yrds, so well lit up, but we may get the drivers having epilpetic fits if they are at the wrong frequency!
  17. I had been discussed a few times, and although some reckon to have done it, we are yet to see evidence of it working on a non-JDM car
  18. Sounds obvious, but do you/they have that in writing from NMGB? Very easy way to get them to back off. They normally run scared when you want it in writing as then they cant deny it
  19. Oh the dramas of life and decision making, welcome to my world Ditto. You start off thinking its not going to be too expensive and before you know it you're spending a fortune! Especially when you have a stone chipped bumper which could do with a respray and paint protection
  20. black and chrome versions £45 carbon version £55 Titanium £85 Good stuff. As its payday I think I may be having one Does it come with the finisher for around the gear gaiter? (think thats the right word for it!) Another image for those looking at getting one:
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