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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Agreed. The money you make mate, just get an OEM version.
  2. Exactly mate. I just want MS Office 2007 PM me please..... No you dont, stick with 2003. 2007 looks stupid, they've moved every menu and button around and it stinks. Stick with 2003
  3. Different tax bands even though the emissions are the same
  4. Good idea but may be a problem for me How about I always work from home then - keeps the ratio right. I dont mind doing my bit for the country
  5. Everyone should work from home one or two days a week. See how much that lowers congestion. If you think about it, if 1/5 to 1/4 of the people on the road werent there because they were at home working, the roads would be much nicer
  6. Chris`I

    Im in love

    Buy it now and I'll look after it for ya
  7. Oh dear god, I've created some monsters
  8. Takes a bit of hacking. When you hit "quote" as you normally would, look at the code it generates. You just need to copy how it does it. Generally you just need to copy n paste what you want to quote inside a pair of these : [ quote="Username" ] blah blah blah [ /quote ](remove the spaces)
  9. I'm off to MPH on Sunday. Could only get seats in the 100th row, but hey I have binoculars
  10. Magic Look for the Quote button in the reply box
  11. See my mum used woman logic on me. She thought if she paid for my lessons and test, I wouldnt like it and give up. Ooohhh how she was wrong.
  12. Good stuff chap Hazzard perception is strange, I had to slightly delay my response when I did it last year as in the practice I was getting the "pressing too many times" thing coming up Its all easy now, just pray you dont have to do your U-turn on a cambered slanted road like I did first time round Neadless to say, next time I got a nice flat open road to do it and and its been all good since then, cant wait for better weather to get the ole six out again
  13. Excellent job bryd, where abouts are you based? Think my Zed could do with a professional touch at some point
  14. Tesco wont let you put more than £60 in at pay at pump and that doesnt quite fill the tank no more
  15. If it wasnt 500+ miles away, I'd have definately be up for that!
  16. Tell him to go for a drive, far more fun and less destructive Hope its all sorted soon, I'm hopefully paying a visit around xmas time (alas albeit with probably very little money!)
  17. When are you expecting this to land? Would be good to see it on the car and see what quality is like and also have a realistic price. Looks quite tasty
  18. Correct, I do have authentic Lambo doors i thought they were called audi doors now Nope mine definitely say Lamborghini on them Did you see the stealth fighter version on top gear ? oh my god !! awesome its very, very (def in my top ten fav cars ) as standard but that was the dogs danglies (only 1 coming to the uk, £800k ) <- have you got sometthing to tell us ??? +1 - looked the mutts!
  19. Should have kept my original choice? Confused now as I didnt think the GT3 had the roll cage, thought that was just the RS, but it doesnt have the RS spoiler. Man this is confusing You lucky sod, hope I can afford one of them in a few years MORE PICS!
  20. GT3 EDIT: Actually not sure the spoiler is a GT3. I change my mind and go with Stew
  21. LOL nice one It always suppirses me just how stupid these people are. As you say, if you are trying to hide something, why do something that would catch a coppers eye? Eeeediots the lot of them, get what they deserved
  22. Dont think PS3 has the edge over XB360 at the momement in terms of GFX. I think the 360 has it for now as its better known by developers, and the PS3 still has a lot to give, but developers need to learn to get at it yet. The PS3 will be better, but the harder to learn architecture is making it difficult to get the best of it atm.
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