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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris`I


    Take your phone off the hook and put your mobile on silent
  2. Chris`I


    Remember BigPhil does the Nismo exhaust too now (iirc), if you want it super quick and he has it in stock he could probably do next day delivery. Although if you are getting stuff from the US, its prob easier to get it all in one go.
  3. I have the same problem, but it doesnt effect all of the net. For example last night I could not connect to google but could get into gmail! I thought it was probably a DNS thing and after about half and hour it went away and I could get onto google again. No idea what caused it, I was too tired to play about with pinging things or doing any other investigation. Disconnecting from the net and reconnecting did nothing, show it wasnt my connection at least. Seems it was a more major ISP type problem
  4. Chris`I

    Which wheels

    No, your error was going to Halfrauds in the first place, should have known they dont know anything!
  5. What bulb is in the boot as well? I fancy uprating mine now I have LEDs in the interior lights
  6. I would hide the keys!!!!!!! +1 Who wears the trousers in your house? Amanda drives my Zed, shes actually better than most of my mates. She's even learning to heel-toe atm
  7. Beat you to it. Might be old but still quick at some things. Did I say that? Haha, remember you dont wnat to be quick at everything
  8. Think this has been discussed before. Youngest member was about 18 iirc. Makes me look old at 25 My mum thought I was too young, til I pointed out my R6 has a much higher power to weight ratio! Wait for the proper oldies to come along now
  9. Chris`I


    Thats the entry level model Looks like an RC car with no shell on
  10. We should do it like the Ozzies. If the immigrants have nothing to offer us, they can go home. End of If you were truely homeless a tent and a sleeping bag would be a luxury! They shouldnt be allowed a choice, if they turn down the first offer, they should be off the list (which they shouldnt be on in the first place)
  11. Whats ya xmas opening hours then Phil? I'm oop North for a few days after boxing day if you're about for a guided tour
  12. +1 Its a GT4 after all
  13. I just stick my right indicator on. Usually confuses them enough to move out the way
  14. Nah, someone who has been on here for ages, or was on here ages ago. First bet would of been Tim............................ I have the white faced type Did you fit these yourself?
  15. I can only really comment on the clutch out of all the issues covered. When I went for a test drive in my Zed I thought the clutch was unbeliebably heavy compared to my Leon (near as damn it an A3). The thing with Audi's is the clutches are always really light and anything feels heavier afterwards. Needless to say, it took me all of a day or two to get used to the Zed and now never have a problem. I have a 75mile round trip in the Zed every day to work and back and its not an issue at all after 6 months of driving it. Boot can fit more than you think if you are careful with your packing Just get the Zed and you'll be more than happy
  16. +1 - I suggest you don't post it in this thread, I'd rather see it first as I think many other would. Be best to PM if they want the answer
  17. Lookin good mate Hope you didnt get her muddy getting her off the grass
  18. But arent the Stones that come on the Zed designed for that? Bet you ignored them though as we all do
  19. No reports on my Zed or my old Leon, thats no fun is it
  20. Well done chaps. Always good to see businesses grow esp when they involve 350z No more having to search the bigger site now!
  21. I think that would be a good idea. PM Adam too, I think they are in contact more often
  22. Compared to bright orange, anything looks dull
  23. Leemik I believe is his username, stunning car
  24. Done. Cant let these numpties from the city who move near a track and dont research it try and shut it down. The council should just point and laugh at them for being numpties
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