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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Keep an eye out for the Canon Outlet on eBay, they sometimes have some cracking deals. You do need to be weary of eBay, but I got a cracking deal on my 350D from there, about £150-£200 less than Jessops, and theres nothing wrong with it at all. Sorry mate, dont know much about Nikkons. DPReview is the best place. Have a look at WarehouseExpress to see what lenses exist then find reviews on DPReview to help decide.
  2. I'd never have had a go. You never know what those guys were tooled up with. Could have been stabbed, shot, anything, even if it was in broad day light, these guys tend not to care. Boot it and enjoy the ride!
  3. Shall we start a new thread which is appropriately titled for the meet to see if we can get some more to come?
  4. Excellent. Whos going to make the executive decision on which day? Shotgun not! Worst comes to the worst, I'll try get down there both days
  5. 27th 28th Chris`I Y Y Jason Y MAYBE Sinbad Y(3>) Y Martin Y N (keep it in code so that the spacing stays right!) So 27th running past 3pm so Sinbad can join us the best idea?
  6. Right, this is getting far too confusing, we need a table of availability! 27th 28th Chris`I Y Y (keep it in code so that the spacing stays right!)
  7. I feel an afternoon meet on the cards I'll get my 350D charged and ready to go for some piccies
  8. Its up to Mr Zedrush, he was the one who suggested the 27th, he may not be able to make the 28th. For the record I can make the 27th or 28th, I leave it to you guys to decide which is best. Can we not wangle it so where there on your lunch break or something? I feel a sickie coming on
  9. Its up to Mr Zedrush, he was the one who suggested the 27th, he may not be able to make the 28th. For the record I can make the 27th or 28th, I leave it to you guys to decide which is best.
  10. +1 - At that time of day (night) and with 5 guys, I would have thought they'd be after the car. It isnt worth getting a kicking and your car being nicked to confront them trying to be the hard man. Boot it and get out of there! Glad it all ended ok
  11. I'm not going up until Boxing day, so would have to be some time in the 27th-29th (I assume Phil doesnt want to open on a Sunday and that would be the day I'm travelling back to Basingstoke so not nice to do a day out then a 350mile trip home, no matter how much you love the Zed!)
  12. Dont think that is right even though the business park has the same name, as its on Riverside Road not Carrmere Road. This is Phils place I think (would love to be proved wrong but I dont think Phil will fit in with the Commet and other shops at that business park hehe) http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en ... &z=15&om=1 We want to know where the cafe is in Roker where they meet to have breakkie
  13. Get confirmation from Phil that a visit is ok and we're on. Will need the specifics as well as to where the cafe is to make sure its the same one I'm thinking of
  14. Sounds like a minimeet to me
  15. My friend has a 400D and I have a 350D. Both are excellent cameras. OK so the kit lense isnt the best, but if you know its limits then you can still take some excellent photos. Have a dig around on the DP review forums and see what they can do with it. They show up the rich sods who just buy the best lenses but dont have a clue. When my mate was looking at getting his 400D I think only the Nikon came close, but that was more expensive. I'd do what he did and get the 400D, learn the limits of the kit lense (which is more than capable) and then look to get a decent second hand lense to replace it. Even now I have more lenses, the kit lense on my 350D is still useful.
  16. Been done on my350z.com - go have a search
  17. I'm pretty sure I'll be up there seeing relatives from boxing day onwards for a few days, think we need to arrange a meetup Phil: what stocking fillers you got for the Zed? Fancy a Nismo carbon gear knob if you have any, any more things I can get from Amanda for crimbo? Will be passing by that day too on the way back to work Lets sort a meet as Sinbad said he might be around and Rickya might be coming up with me Sounds good. Where abouts is Phils new place? I aint got a clue about where stuff is up North, only the way to my Uncles. But from what I understand from Phil, they have breakie just around the corner from my uncles at a cafe on the sea front so we could meet there
  18. With me I think its Vista. Amanda connected to the same router via wifi same as me on her XP laptop and google fired up. Just Windows being rubbish as always
  19. They send you the standard bit of paper with the NCB on it with no reference to a 10 month bonus scheme, so its like you did it properly. At least thats what Elephant and Admiral do
  20. Thats because you cant spell, talk or drive I dont have a zed and im 25, need to buy a house first, if i didnt and ended up staying with my parents, id have an aston now I'm 25 and have a zed and a house, and think if I was to stay at home I'd have an Aston too. Think I might move back home again and get some TT for my Zed Oh and £2500 for insurance?! You guys need a better post code. Mine is £530 with 20k business miles, and that was taken out when I was 24! (i.e. I havent seen the price fall of being 25 yet)
  21. I'm pretty sure I'll be up there seeing relatives from boxing day onwards for a few days, think we need to arrange a meetup Phil: what stocking fillers you got for the Zed? Fancy a Nismo carbon gear knob if you have any, any more things I can get from Amanda for crimbo?
  22. +1 - we have an extra bottle on the passenger side, means taking the bumper off one half at a time
  23. Be prepared for them to SQUEEL!!!!! +1 - Although mine seem to have calmed down now, dont squeak much at all
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