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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Mine just seemed smoother at lower revs and pull away. Also nice and smooth pootling in the Slough traffic on a morning! Other than that no difference at all.
  2. I'd be interested in the exhaust should you decide to sell without the mods
  3. I've got parking booked at Uxbridge, then train/tube to Wembley. A mate went that way in the summer and said it wasnt too bad
  4. Yup, me! We had a RoC thread already, think there are 3-4 people from here going
  5. Ahh you only responded back when you found out it was a fake, get worried did ya ? I think you could get under 1:36 easily. No way mate. Look at the cars in the list that are above 1:36. To do that time in a zed you would have to be a fairly experienced track driver imo. Considering the Stig did it in near as damit 1:32, I think you would have to be mighty tallented to get a 1:36 on your first visit to the track 1 hour and 36 mins is nothing dude, trust me I think I could easily get under n hour - I think even I can manage that
  6. Good man, we all appreciate the effort you are going to for this calendar I think next year we should have season themed piccies which tie into the season of the month. I'm gonna go for xmas as there are some cracking tacky houses around here with hillarious lights that would look amazing with a Zed parked in front
  7. Ahh you only responded back when you found out it was a fake, get worried did ya ? I think you could get under 1:36 easily. No way mate. Look at the cars in the list that are above 1:36. To do that time in a zed you would have to be a fairly experienced track driver imo. Considering the Stig did it in near as damit 1:32, I think you would have to be mighty tallented to get a 1:36 on your first visit to the track
  8. Not me, although they are pretty different, if you knew my ebay and you knew I was on here, I think you could get between the two, but you couldnt prove anything this scammer used the sme name on Ebay , Facebook , photobucket, Etc etc.. dead easy to googgle and come up with all her details as well as photos(nice rack by the by ) Yeah I saw. Used the exact same name for them all, idiot Shes got quite a good bod to be fair though. Never did get that web cam they wanted tho
  9. Not me, although they are pretty different, if you knew my ebay and you knew I was on here, I think you could get between the two, but you couldnt prove anything
  10. Why you asking, you dont have a Zed! Leave the lad to sell his bonnet
  11. Wouldnt know about that Lol, I dont drink but I imagine it to be Guys really really bad news, two of my cousins from Italy are coming over around christmas, found out last night, (Italians like to drop it on you ) and cos they are my age I am responsible for them, not seen them in like 11 years They leave on the 29th so I got to take them out everywhere, no doubt being women they will just want to go shopping and clubbing. I hate last minute crap Last time I saw them they tried to dress me up as a girl, scarred me eversince Tie them to the roof and bring them with you
  12. I'm going from Basingstoke, no excuses (ok ok, so I am already going to be up there visiting people, but still )
  13. Chris`I

    Front pads

    Damn beat me to it, with more information too
  14. Chris`I

    Front pads

    Try calling BigPhil (07714457051), hes a trader on here. Fastest delivery I have ever seen and good prices to boot Just dont talk to him too long or your boss will spend thousands on mods for the Zed
  15. Very true. Note to self - make sure car park has no curbs before it snows
  16. generally speaking drifting/sliding will not be the quickest way round a corner (on tarmac at least)! but it does look good of course you dont see F1 drivers drifting.. You need to watch Race of Champions then! Theyd drift round nearly every corner Your right though, drifting isnt the fastest way. In the good ole days of MotoGP there used to be plenty of tail end action and they were certainly quicker Cant wait for RoC at the weekend, gonna be awesome
  17. You could hit something hard like a tree or barrier and that would be bad I have a divx somewhere that has the different drift techniques, remind me and I'll bring it to Phil's on a CD for ya Few methods include handbrake, dropping the clutch and general booting the throttle
  18. Frightening stripping the trim down, I'm always waiting for the clips to break Need a trim tool lad
  19. she is pretty good at not kurbing wheels, Im just worried for her license, she did have 9 points for speeding, now she is back to three as six is past the 3 year part, but Im sure wont be long Time to buy her a speed camera detector
  20. Dedicated meet thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 772#143772
  21. Split from the Teaser Pics thread We are planning to have a meet at BigPhil and ESR's new premises on Thurs 27th Dec. All are welcome. We plan to meet there about 3pm, but time tbc. Going to have a look around Phils new place, some Zed goodies (to spend xmas money on!) and maybe go for a drive? Open to ideas! Location: Unit 1 Queens Court Business Centre Carrmere Road Leechmere Industrial Estate. Sunderland SR2 9TW Google Map of location Hopefully see some more faces there So far we have: Chris`I Zedrush (Jason) martinmac (Martin) sinbad
  22. We couldnt wait until the new year This was born from the fact that I will be up there visiting relatives for xmas and Zedrush was also going to be up there. Phil will no doubt be having a proper open day, but I wont make that as it would be a 700+ mile round trip to make it!
  23. +1 - I think if you had a real GT look Zed, with carbon front lip, spoiler and other bits, this would look really good. I'd have one. On my stock Zed though I dont think it would go.
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