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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Cant wait for this to arrive. Got a space on the wall ready to go
  2. Try Richie @ Equibs, he has them on his site iirc. Dont know if he has any stock though.
  3. We have fitted quite a few of the BM short shifters without any issues but as sais by others the Nismo knob will shorten the throw as well due to it's lower position. Both in stock as it happens. Might just be easier if I give you my credit card now and you can max it for me and have all the stuff waiting for the 27th visit
  4. From what I've heard on teh US forums short shifters arent too good on the Zed. The shift is already quite short throw as it is, reducing it would make it very short imo. If you want to shorten it a tad do as suggested above and fit a lower gear knob, that will shorten it slightly
  5. Remember the audio to that being played on Radio 1
  6. Well we do have a 6hr trip home to do the same day! You are about 1 hour from me, you are not far from bracknell are ya Basingstoke is a bit further west Jay...... Down the A33 from J11 of the M4. Correct. Plus I am convoying with my mum and she has to stop for her dog every 2hrs otherwise he goes demented! I've done the trip in under 4hrs with no one else hassling me to stop
  7. Damn you! Think I'm heading home on the 30th, what time you planning on being there? Could have a quick meet up. If thats possible, I'll still go on the 27th and get me mods and then show em off on the 30th lol we are leaving home at 6 cos trying to get him to fit my kit on the car, as will finally be ready, waited bloomin ages for it but will be worth the wait ETA? How long will it take you to get up there? Amanda has agreed that I can pop over and see ya at some point
  8. Damn you! Think I'm heading home on the 30th, what time you planning on being there? Could have a quick meet up. If thats possible, I'll still go on the 27th and get me mods and then show em off on the 30th
  9. Think its just you, me and Martin, but hoping others that are reasonably local will see this and decide to come I'm looking to have a few mods added while I'm there so I'm definately going, its up to anyone else if they want to attend.
  10. Shameless bump for anyone that missed it first time round Only a week to go
  11. I couldnt get my hands in by undoing the one screw on the wheel arch so had to undo the first two on the bottom as well to allow me to pull the liner down and back. Didnt take it off though, that would have been a job! Hardest part was getting my hand in and being able to turn the sidelight housing
  12. Would be interested to see how they look. After the fun I had with replacing my side lights though I'm not replacing any other bulbs that require the wheel arch liner to be partially removed! They were a right pain in the back side. Admittedly they do look better, but what a job! Rear license plate bulbs were much easier and look far better with LEDs
  13. but its on the limit at that bhp no? I beleive that is quoted as the highest you can go safely and reliably. Ie you could go higher on stock internals, but they you will start to run into trouble. 400 is known as a safe power output.
  14. I went to Bedford with a mate in his Evo, seems to be a very good novice track. Reasonable amounts of grass run off, so low chance of hitting something should it go wrong
  15. I found you had to dig around to find a food stall with the queues not so big. A fairly up and down day for me. We got there to find out tickets had been upgraded to the (i believe) £75 club wembley tickets We spend half the morning trying to find the right entrance for club wembley as only one was open despite being let in at a normal turn style we then had to go out, walk around half the stadium to come back in! We were smack bang over the entrance tunnel and had an excellent view! Padded seats were a nice bonus, was expecting rock hard plastic seats. Food as I said was good, but the queues for some stalls was ridiculous! Got very pi$$ed when I saw some of the cameras people had after being told that anything with an interchangable lense would be confiscated, could have easily taken my 350D with zoom lense Also got stung with the £5 parking at Hillingdon, but better safe than sorry. Rather spend a fiver and be able to park than get there and have no parking! Cant wait for the vid. Been looking for a torrent for a while but cant find nowt . Overall a very good day though
  16. Probably the best thing, as long as the insurance cough up. +1 - If it was returned in "working order" god knows what could have been wrong with it under the skin if they've been raggin it about
  17. Now thats what you call filling the engine bay!
  18. +1 so it would be fair to include adam and not bigphils and kevs (envy) cars ? And what about that US guys red zed? People wanted his in but I thought the concensus was that it was uk members only? +1 Last I heard it was open to all members no matter where they are based. A member is a member, end of, and its a members callendar.
  19. Sounds normal to me. You'll soon be questioning why everyone elses steering and clutch are sooo light and has no feedback
  20. nice sequential gearbox too of course! Missed that... Haha, that will keep my Vauxhall loving mate quiet when I tell him that! He thought it was a VX unit of some sort
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