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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. are you jeremy clarkson it safe its safe !!! ...... its not safe its not safe I work in IT, and I know how hacking these things work, and how crap they are, but I also know that my bank covers me if anything fraudulent happens, as they proved when my CC details were nicked and used in the US. They just cancelled my card and replaced it, and refunded my money
  2. I've heard of it being paired with the ECU, but also that people have managed a swap of Bose HU (not sure thats JDM > UK, perhps just US > US). Try a search on my350z.com
  3. Deary me, you guys still using cheques! Dont you trust Paypal or something?
  4. +1 Be careful out there. A mate used his S2000 as a tree clearer at the weekend on black ice. I'm hearing of a lot of people writing off S2k's atm, glad I got a Zed and not one of them now! My Zed seems very sure footed in these condtions and very predictable at the limit of grip
  5. Does the HU have a button to disconnect/"Eject" the ipod? I know on the PC if you just rip if off when its doing something it can cause it to hang like this, but I've never seen it happen on a HU and I had my ipod on my currect HU in my old car for about a year with no troubles. Does it work fine when its conencted?
  6. Because we have good traders (*cough* Phil *cough*) and the like who really know what they are talking about
  7. Isnt the G35 a 350z with back seats? So the 37 must be an update?
  8. +1 Wheres the holiday snaps? I have some new goodies, but I'm not spilling the beans til they arrive and are fitting (today hopefully!) We had a meet at Phils, which was excellent. Piccies are few and far between but was good to meet up with a few fellow members.
  9. Anthracite would look great on a GM. I did think of anthracite to start with, but wanted something a bit different. Agree it would look brill
  10. Search PAC-ROEM on here, and you should find what you are looking for. There is no harness adapter/connector block due to the way the BOSE setup works, but theres plenty of explainations of what the PAC-ROEM is and how to fit it if you search
  11. side light bulbs ?? Would they fit in the Boot light then ? Yes. I tried to put my LED side lights in the boot and although they fit, the LED points forward which meant they didnt cast any light into the boot. Normal fillament bulbs will work though
  12. Ok, just off the phone with Phil, all expained and panick over! Seems I need to go out and re-bed in the pads as my girly commuting driving isnt always pushing the pad enough and I've got a bit of deposit on the disks which needs rubbing off. Matches up to that StopTech article and the bit about having the pad inprint on the disc. Will report back when I get some quiet road to do the bed in procedure again
  13. Was that the Leon? My LFR only put out 180BHP and I used to take it easy for the last mile or 2 of my journey home (all 30MPH limits) and it was always fine. I could see the point in a LC which was mapped or a LCR which was mapped but not my stock. Mapped Ibiza Cupra Ahh, that'd explain it
  14. Was that the Leon? My LFR only put out 180BHP and I used to take it easy for the last mile or 2 of my journey home (all 30MPH limits) and it was always fine. I could see the point in a LC which was mapped or a LCR which was mapped but not my stock. For the Zed, I guess it depends on how hot it runs. The engine bay is packed as it is, so with two turbos its gonna get toasty in there. If you didnt rag it all the way home, I'd say a couple of minutes would do it good. You be better taking it easy for the last few miles and get some airflow to cool it, rather than idle it on the drive
  15. Good man, cheers Phil. Hopefully some carbon will cheer me up
  16. Gonna give him a ring later, cant get any privicy at work to make calls like that, and he'd prob want me to test stuff out on the car. Hope its not the discs, I havent had them on long and they werent exactly cheap! Had them fitted at my last service which was mid-Oct I beleive. Been fine from the start, except for some squealing, which seems to have faded away, maybe that has something in common with this, hmmm. Tyres were replaced maybe 2 weeks after that. Need to check the dates when I get home. Booooo
  17. Just get these bought and stop whingeing!!! http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... ght=attack Or at least buy them for me and I can stop moaning
  18. Chaps, I've recently notice that during moderate braking on M-way or dual carridgeway an ABS like pulse is sent through my brake pedal and possibly the steering wheel. At first I thought "uh oh, its a warped disc", but as a read more on the net it could be as simple as my lug nuts not being torqued properly. Nissan fitted said pads and discs supplied from Phil, but they were fine until recently, say the last few days. Since having my pads fitted I have had new tyres on the rear, and the fronts are on the way out (a mm or two left before the wear marker, was going to change them at the end of the month) Can anyone offer some advice/help in diagnosing whats wrong? Could it be the ABS kicking in due to uneven tyres (nearly new on rear, old on front)? Does the ABS light come on when that kicks in? I doesnt feel a violent pulsing like ABS to me.
  19. Meet at Phils again?
  20. They were quite useful on my way to Sunderland. I would have felt sorry for my mum having to clean her A4 lights as they were caked crap, but it was muggins that had to do it for her +1 on buying Jay a calendar, I'll chip in
  21. I've been quoted £70 per wheel to have my Rays done in time attack style, bargin if you ask me, as a couple of years ago, Chips Away charged me £55 to have my Leon wheel refubed and that didnt have much damage at all and this is an all out re-finish they are doing .
  22. Agreed, I love the LE37 look, shame it doesnt suit the normal Rays wheels on the Zed Wanna buy 2 sets and let me have one?
  23. Thanks chaps. No option of leave standard as I said that I dont want to pay all that money for the standard look and they need doing, especially with the direction that I'm taking the look of the car. I personally dont like the all black look, especially in 18" as theres too much tyre for all black. Interesting that no one has voted for option 2, I think in 19" that is my prefered scheme but doesnt suit the 18s for some reason (again prob too much tyre) Jay: Im sure that Adam posted no so long ago he has some TE37 Time Attacks if you want to buy the, though I will be disgusted if you re-finish them
  24. Sorry, should have said, this is on my GM, with carbon bits on the way The missus made me vote for black w/silver
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