I've recently notice that during moderate braking on M-way or dual carridgeway an ABS like pulse is sent through my brake pedal and possibly the steering wheel. At first I thought "uh oh, its a warped disc", but as a read more on the net it could be as simple as my lug nuts not being torqued properly. Nissan fitted said pads and discs supplied from Phil, but they were fine until recently, say the last few days. Since having my pads fitted I have had new tyres on the rear, and the fronts are on the way out (a mm or two left before the wear marker, was going to change them at the end of the month)
Can anyone offer some advice/help in diagnosing whats wrong? Could it be the ABS kicking in due to uneven tyres (nearly new on rear, old on front)? Does the ABS light come on when that kicks in? I doesnt feel a violent pulsing like ABS to me.