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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Ahh, well that is a good turn out. What colour is it? If we can get it here somehow (i.e. cheap!) then I'll take it off your hands
  2. Depends where the amp was bought. As I've just had an amp blow up on me, I'd want to be able to take it back to a local store, something like Richer Sounds, if it went wrong
  3. Shame your so far away mate, my amp blew up the other day and I'm in the market for another around this spec. Would be more hassle and cost than going to Richer Sounds for me though To anyone who is a bit nearer, this is a brilliant amp and a good deal at that price for brand new
  4. Ok own up, it was you that put it there wasnt it
  5. +1 It appears that Hamilton has stalled on the grid, his car must have hibernated while it idled
  6. Um... don't fancy that - dynomec has all my hopes pinned on it I've heard that works too. Some people have even told me just a good old smack with a hammer on the locknut is enough to loosen it so you can undo it with your fingers
  7. Thats what I've heard too. All it can be doing it fiddling with the signal in some way. It cant take control and tell the engine exactly what to do from there, all it can really do is take how much you've pressed it and multiply it making it feel more responsive. Now it might just dubly multiply it linearly or it might have some kind of response curve, but at the end of the day I think its just multiplying your input, just like sport buttons that are on other FBW cars
  8. Seems a few people now have this, I'm sure I've seen a few pics up here in post recently of them. Think I'll have to see what other ones Phil does or import on from Adam
  9. Chris`I

    G37S Coupe

    Wheels are Volk Racing GT30 20x9.5 +36 & 20x10.5 +37 Anyone know where I can find out if these come in 19" with Zed offsets?? Adam would probably be a good start
  10. What was the total cost? Postage and excise etc I'm not sure but is this guy in the usa ? he says he has a european track 350z ? His prices are all in $$ and he is registered on the US eBay, so I'm guessing hes in the states no mate not the seller, the member on here you asked him, cost of postage/excise but i imagine he wont know
  11. What was the total cost? Postage and excise etc I'm not sure but is this guy in the usa ? he says he has a european track 350z ? His prices are all in $$ and he is registered on the US eBay, so I'm guessing hes in the states
  12. If you disconnect it while the HU is accessing the ipod, chances are it will crash, its an Apple after all Glad it works now
  13. I gave my bosses son a ride in mine after a meeting in Birmingham. I left the car on the boss' drive for the day and took his car up there. When we got back his son asked for a ride and thought it was wicked. Was going to tell all his class mates, he is only 6 bless him. His dad was totally bemused as he'd never shown an interest in cars before, to which I replied "but you've never had a good enough car for him to be interested in before!!" Luckily he has a good sense of humour and took it lightly
  14. What was the total cost? Postage and excise etc
  15. Chris`I


    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRADBURY-4-POST-C ... dZViewItem Damn, wish I'd know, could have told Santa. Unfortunately, I need to extend the root of the garage as its only one storey high atm and I dont think the Zed will fit!
  16. Chris`I

    Crazy 350z

    I love Aston's, I love 911's, I love my Zed, but together they dont make a good combo!
  17. Sounds like a winner. Got my lip on last night, perfect fitment, piccies to follow when I get some decent light and have my camera
  18. I already posted that up, mate, but Jay says you told him they were sold??? Is he p1ssing you off yet? At least he's hassling someone other than Phil, which means I can get through to Phil when I call him
  19. Coated with what? Noticed mine have started to do it too boooo!
  20. Chris`I


    I just want one of the car lifts those guys have in my garage, hide the Zed in the roof
  21. Now that should be the new K.I.T.T
  22. Thats how i like it too You missed one - sqeeze. Sounds like you are describing a 3 stroke haha Suck, squeeze, bang, blow - thats a four stroke
  23. I beleive it can with a fly by wire throttle if it wanted. Even if you are giving it more air, the FBW throttle can close a bit, to give the "normal" airflow. This is what I would guess it does when you install a popcharger. With the plenum, as it is balancing the air to the cylinders rather than letting in more, it gives better fuel/air mixes across all cylinders, which means better burn which gives more power Usual disclaimer applies, I could be talking cack
  24. Want to bet money on that?? yup I'll send Phil round to explain, whats ya address?
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