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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Look forward to seeing the finished article and a writeup on how you did it
  2. There was a storm trooper walking around Basingstoke town centre the other day, was funny as you like that he didnt seem to know what he was doing! I guess he was meant to be promoting something, but havent got a clue what! Maybe he was lost
  3. Chris`I


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercolor used to have one way back when They were awesome! Shame when you washed them a few times they stopped working
  4. Sure I saw something only the other day from a pilot whingeing that the chances of more than one engine failing at the same time were infinitesimal. Hmmm. He his probably right but you never know, i think a double engine birdstrike is possible, especially if you have a look at this pic. http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=0 ... id=0652327 Jebesus! Thats a lot of birds!
  5. Chris`I


    +1 - that colour only ever looked good on a TVR
  6. Apparently all power was lost on the plane and the pilot had to glide the plane in. BA have publicly acknowledged the efforts of their staff in hadling the situation. This is the first reported crash of a 777 ever in its 10yrs of service
  7. Got this on News 24 atm. Seems the plane came in very low, undercarridge down, landed on the grass and skidded to a stop at the start of the runway. Witnesses are saying the plane sounded very dodgy and that the pilot did a brilliant job to stop it hitting anything.
  8. I thought that too but: I'm tempted to try and get mine adjusted as its quite stiff and Amanda moans about the shift being too heavy. Keep meaning to ask Tere how to just lighten up the shift action, as I cant quite work it out from the link. Think it would be a nice summer day job
  9. Dont we already have a gallery? Not the I've every used it
  10. Doesnt work for me. Its a sod to get cars to display from that site, I ended up having to do screen prints to show people! EDIT: Grrr does now. I'm gonna get that just for spares
  11. I'm still trying to decide between Donny and Wales run, as I could do the Wales run later in the year, but Donny is only once. Flip side, I could do Wales and the car shows much closer to me
  12. Waaaaaay tooo long atm! Been working from home this week and what with our slow servers, I must be spending about 5hrs a day on the net
  13. They won't fit, we have tried them. Get a Varis, they fit perfectly No actually on second thoughts dont, I lilke being quite exclusing
  14. Don't underestimate the Gixer 1000. I've got one in the back of my race car and there isn't much between it and a standard Hayabusa. Doesnt the new gixer thou put out more BHP than the hyabusa? The hyabusa is quite old now
  15. Wont give you the usual rubbish of welcome to the nut house and dont feed Sarnie as you'll already know that lurking
  16. Definately needs more than just a thread thats for sure. Sub-forum in TheTrading Post?
  17. what you havnt seen a nismo spoiler before? just kidding will take pics once its on car Well someone had to say it! I want to see it with the C-west lip too Got my car back 20mins ago, 99% working (dome light still doesnt, needs a new BCM which is on order), so can get some piccies of my Varis lip in daylight this weekend
  18. Test drive at a dealer or even test drive a JDM off Autotrader if you can. Then use a reputable importer that someone on here has actually used and approves. From the top of my head Jurgen@JM Imports did a blinding job for nixy, I seem to remember a very excited young lady in a thread raving about the experience
  19. Mine lives in the cubby below my single din HU after I ripped the Bose out
  20. It actually doesnt lower the front very far at all, from what I can see. The lowest part is where it hooks onto the lower wheen arch just in front of the wheels (where the liner meets the bumper), and even then it is only by the thickness of the actual CF, so a few mm at most. It also doesnt stick very far forward of the centre of the bumper, only about an inch, but where the bumper normally curves back towards the wheels, the lip protrudes forwards more which I think causes the problem. As it sticks out quite far forward at the sides of the bumper, it does mean that you have to be careful with slopes. I used to take them at an angle but that doesnt work any more. Other than this one awkward speed bump into my close, the other 3 are fine and can be taken at normal speeds, its just this last one that I have to do in first gear. Phil has said he doesnt have any problems with his and clearnace, I just think I have a dodgy speed bump by me!
  21. Yup just waiting for those days and I'll get some pics up. The car is currently with Nissan and has been all of yesterday and today as the Body Control Module and dome lights decided they didnt want to work any more, but I'm glad to say the extended warrenty has kicked in and is covering it Watch this space for progress. Wheels are in the pipeline as you have seen from the other thread, just waiting for Phil to knock me together an estimate. My only worry is that he beleives the car will need lowering slightly, and if taken at the wrong angle my lip already rubs on the speedbump just down from my house After that, skirts and then engine bay dress up
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