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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I was thinking more of the Seadragon part of it. Must have some immense I/O to display those images in that quick real time. He was using some seriously big photos/images which would take a normal computer a while to render, and to do it that quick was stunning.
  2. Might have missed this but do we have a confirmed date for Wales? Whats the deal with staying the previous night as well? I have a provisional OK for the drive out, date dependant
  3. Chris`I

    Glow dials

    This is where it becomes a sod. I looked into chaning all my lights to blue, but seeing the thread on the US forum where guys have done it, it is a mission. From what I can see, all the lights under switches and behind dials are LEDs, soldered to the boards directly. So swapping them means un-soldering them all and soldering the new ones back in I just realised with these glow dials, its going to look odd as you're gonna have all blue dials but the digi readouts on the guages (trip computer and odo) is still gonna be orange because of the backlight
  4. Chris`I

    Glow dials

    Looks interesting, but I'd like to see how much effort there is in installing these in a Zed. I've read a few threads on the US site about swapping dials and they seem to suggest its a bit of a fecker. Have you had any experience with them? I'd definately be interested if the install isnt too difficult as I have a head unit which has a blue glow to it already and this would match nicely
  5. F'me thats crazy! The computing power behind that must be imense
  6. Hmm, didnt even think of that when I voted 2
  7. Would the 07 front lights fit an 03? I've heard the 07 lights are much better
  8. I think the weight of the flywheel is meant to help keep the motor spinning for a smoother drive when doing things like coming off the throttle, but obviously it takes effort to get it going. With a lighter one, I beleive the ride isnt quite as smooth, but as its lighter its easier for the engine to spin and hence it revs quicker
  9. Keep em standard if you're selling, thats what a buyer will expect
  10. +1 - I seem to get this a lot atm. Also does it happen after you wash the car? This is the same thing if the pads rust to the disc slightly Always run the car up and down the drive with the brakes on to get rid of some of the excess water after washing it before putting the car back to bed in the garage with tha handbrake off and in gear I have started recently to leave the car butted up against our paving stones at the front of the drive (drive slopes towards them) and with the car in gear Does the rusting do anything dodgy? I find it happens when it rains as well. Not too comfortable leaving the car off the handbrake and in gear all the time incase the missus tries to fire her up and launches into the house
  11. +1 - I seem to get this a lot atm. Also does it happen after you wash the car? This is the same thing if the pads rust to the disc slightly
  12. I think on the right car they will look ok. Never seen them in the UK, best to get them from Evo-R or ebay in the states
  13. +1 - look out for new ones when the new mods arrive
  14. Nope the 03-05 take the large wedge type. I just ordered mine from JDM-Performance How did u fit them? did u go from underneath the car or thru the wheel arches? Not got them yet, waiting for delivery. Sure Gixx can shed some light. I think for the front you can get at it from above.
  15. Wasnt that on long road down, or long way round, the biking trip things?
  16. Real fine... Do you have difficulty hitting the gate too? Nope the action is nice and smooth, just a little heavy We'll get back on track on day
  17. Thats what I have on the way
  18. Nope the 03-05 take the large wedge type. I just ordered mine from JDM-Performance
  19. Real fine... Do you have difficulty hitting the gate too? Nope the action is nice and smooth, just a little heavy
  20. +1 - been around a while yet. Hell of a Zed, stroker kit and TT
  21. How do you tell him to get in line?
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