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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Looks nice and shiney, and stone chips are a PITA! Lexx, didnt happen to see if Phil had 4 wheel sized boxes in ESR for me did ya?
  2. Saw this on the news today, I'm up for that when it finally gets finished, if I still have the Zed
  3. Hmmm, I could use these while I got my leather ones retrimmed (need the car on the road, its by daily driver) and then ebay them on after
  4. This is good quality stuff, EP Racing are members on here. Do a search, they have posted about it before, and will no doubt offer a forum discount
  5. Chris`I

    Wheel Spacers

    Like you need to ask you eeeediot, you know that Phil will be able to sort you out a set Dont know what kind of strain it will put on the car being really far out, Phil, Adam etc will be able to help with that
  6. Thought it was to give preference for a month. I dont have a preference so put both. If more people say specifically one month over the other we'll go with that
  7. Always wondered where your money came from You better shift it all soon, I have space on my car for exhuast, wheels, carbon bits, only to happy to help a fellow forum member
  8. M13KYF...................April/May martinmac...............April/May Lomoto....................April/May Digsy...................... April/May Ebized......................April/May Ian...........................April/May Chris`I.....................April/May
  9. Looking good chap, but you need to read my silver indicator bulb swap how to
  10. Which colour did you go for in the end?
  11. TG is on now on Dave, just before the WRC, may as well get watching now
  12. Its fine in the wet, dont listen to the horror stories. Just take it easy first time, but being well versed at the track with a rear drive already, you wont have any problems
  13. Not nice to lose people once theyve been added Wales 08 April 1. beavis 2. lomoto 3. M13KYF 4. Digsy 5. Gixxer 6. Martinmac 7. stuey (lead car ) 8. AndySpak 9. Chesterfield 10. Ian (depends on date) 11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol) 12. xstric9x 13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase) 14. Little Miss 15. Djtimo 16. Davej 17. EBIZED 18. Jacko 19. Chris`I (depends on date) 20. Squarehead - (depends on date). Donny April 08 1. beavis 2. lomoto 3. M13KYF 4. Louis 5. H5 6. Gixxer 7. Martinmac 8. AndySpak 9. Chesterfield 10. Ian (depends on date) 11. Shire (new boy first time,lol) 12. xstric9x ? 13. Jacko (TBC) 14. Ian S
  14. Looks very nice Jay - you need that stuff
  15. Chris`I

    Anthracite Alloys

    I vote powdercoat. Sod the scaremongering about weakening the alloys, I've never seen it be a problem if done properly. More durable than a normal paint job too
  16. Mine just landed on my desk at work. Cant look at it properly as I'm on client site. Off home in a sec to hang it on the wall
  17. What cars are you running guys? I have a HPI Nitro at my old house, but the motor is dead. Itching to get a new electric one now as they are less hassle and obviously already have the radio gear, just need a base and shell
  18. Chris`I

    de cat pipes

    We have a set of used but as new Fujitsubu pipes in stock for £100, alternatively we have new Kinetic ones as well both resonated and straight through. Sorry, mate. Didn't know you did these.... No problem we have all the Kinetix range in stock. Will shortly have high flow cats for the new 2007 onwards model as well. You need a website sir, but you knew that already
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