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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Would make a handy sunbed though when your not driving it. +1, or a picnic table at Zed meets
  2. Jay, I think we're on our own with liking the US style Zeds
  3. Guess I'll be up for that, 1.5hrs away isnt too far to go
  4. +1 Get one my350z.com is one of the best wealths of Zed information out there, if you disregard the high percentage of rubbish that can sometime be found Looks good. Spoiler from certain angles looks a bit odd, but reminds me largely of Mike Lee's Zed. Like the amo installs over the rear speakers, looks very neat
  5. Chuck that in my box Phil if you have another going spare, I fancy having a cleaner rear end
  6. I'm going to strap a leccy motor to mine and calll it a hybrid. He wont stop me the f00ker If I have to go into London from now on, I'll just expense the charge, work wont be bothered about paying
  7. Chris`I


    Can just picture louis putting on a dress just to get a free ride in a GT3
  8. Hope you have good solid locks on teh garage. I had my old MTB bike stolen from a locked garage. Its got ruddy big locks on it now
  9. Ouch - thats not good! Glad I can see my car from my bedroom and kitchen windows so I can just blip it from in the house, and if a window is broken I'll just leave it til the morning from now on!
  10. Chris`I

    Show wheels

    You tried the usual sources of traders on here?
  11. +1 Hibernate saves the current state of the PC to the hard disk so that all power can be turned off and it can be restarted where it was before from the hard disk. Standby powers down all non essential parts of the lappy like hard disk, monitor etc but keeps power to essential parts (RAM, CPU). It uses very little power, but if power is lost it wont recover. I use hibernate all the time. Takes a little longer to boot, but uses no power. Confusingly, Vista has a new hybrid sleep which saves the data to disk like hibernate but then goes into standby. Meaning it can boot instantly like standby, but if you lose power it resumes from the hibernation state. Very clever
  12. Looking good chap. I see Amanda's Carrera 4 is still there You have PM by the way
  13. No date won't be changed now Excellent What sort of numbers of people stay over the night before? Should we start a seperate thread for accomodation?
  14. Hmm will get someone else to do this for me any offers lol I'll come and give your car some beans! lol sweet, got 100 shot of nos to, sure you can handle it? 'Insert some cool Fast and the Furious quote' No worries! Obviously Jay cant with his granny shifting thats why he wants someone else to bed it in
  15. We need a line up photo outside the hotel, looks good from the piccies on their website
  16. I heard a few people mention St Davids Park in the previous Wales Run threads, do people tend to stay there? Missus caught me googling it and says she likes the look of it! I think this was a meeting point last time for the Chester/Wrexham members Unless it's some dogging venue Oh well, me and the missus are going to make a weekend of it and stay there, if anyone else fancies staying the night, she's said she'll use her business contacts (shes an event organiser) to try and get us a good rate I take it the date isnt going to change now? Dont want to arrange time off work and book the hotel to have it change!
  17. Chris`I

    CF damage

    As the others have said, get the trader to raise it with their courier if the box was damaged, and if the box wasnt, then I'd assume it left them in that condtion which would be rather shocking!
  18. I heard a few people mention St Davids Park in the previous Wales Run threads, do people tend to stay there? Missus caught me googling it and says she likes the look of it!
  19. I get 350-400 miles to a tank and sad for me to say that it is nearly all motorways (no fun!). I got to Sunderland from home (350miles) on a tank and had a fair bit left, so guess if you can sit on a motorway at a constant 70 all the way you will break 400 comfortably. This should not be expected and is far from the norm though. Fuel is only fuel though, so go out and get the best you can afford and go have fun! If you need to count the pennies for fuel then this may not be the car for you
  20. 1. beavis +1 2. lomoto 3. M13KYF +1 4. Digsy +1 5. Gixxer 6. Martinmac +1 7. stuey (lead car) 8. AndySpak +1 maybe?? 9. Chesterfield +1 10. Shire 11. xstric9x +1 12. Little Miss 13. Djtimo 14. Davej 15. EBIZED + 1 16. Jacko 17. Chris`I +1 18. Squarehead - (depends on date) 19. James852 20. Kai 21. tmJak 22. MrLizard +1 23. "Stone Chipper Liam" 24. Lexx Whats the plans for accomodation? I see posts about St Davids Park hotel, is that where most people that stay the night before if driving a long way? Possibly get preferential rates? Thinking of having a few days off and making a long weekend of it
  21. Nice one chap, hope you can make it to Wales
  22. 1. beavis 2. lomoto 3. M13KYF +1 4. Digsy 5. Gixxer 6. Martinmac +1 7. stuey (lead car ) 8. AndySpak 9. Chesterfield +1 10. Ian (depends on date) 11. Shire 12. xstric9x 13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase) 14. Little Miss 15. Djtimo 16. Davej 17. EBIZED 18. Jacko 19. Chris`I +1 (seeking approval from the powers that be) 20. Squarehead - (depends on date). 21. James852 22. H5 23. Kai 24. tmJak 25. MrLizard +1
  23. not drive for 4 weeks
  24. granted, but yours takes 4-5 weeks you said...ours takes 5-7 days Slight difference there, and Adams has to cross the pond
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