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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. From the links posted previously, it looks like it used to have the proper front end and now it doesnt. Both from Chorley Nissan site, here it is with the original bumper Has anyone spoken to them to see what the real story is?
  2. Just pinged an email off to my mate to see what time he's been thinking of heading up. I have proposed a time of being there as 7:30pm (we'll leave home about 7pm). Sound good people? Are we just going to meet there or convoy in? 7.30 should be fine, I can do either but can always join a convoy if there are a few of us. Without trawling through the previous posts, it looks like its just me and you. My MLR mate has just emailed back to say 7.30pm meet up should be fine. Probably easier to just meet there. Find the MLR lot if you get there before as thats where I'll park up. Theres usually a reasonable turnout on their behalf so should be easy to see!
  3. Exactly what I'm doing, coming from Blazingsmoke it will be nice to get away! Will be going out and taking piccies of the countryside and the Zed in the countryside
  4. Looks excellent mate, hope to see the car again some time to see it in the flesh
  5. http://www.alloywheels.com/tyrecalc.asp Use that to calculate the difference between the stock wheel rolling radius and yours. Sticking in the numbers (Sarnies standard for 19") 275/35 vs 255/35 - 2% difference 245/35 vs 245/40 - 3.75% difference The bigger difference gives rolling radius that appears to be quite far from standard, and I think that will be your problem You need to check with someone more knowledgable what acceptable changes are though. Remember this is all ratio's of sizes to widths. You cant just say all 45/35 whatever will be right. With wider wheels you will have a lower profile as to get the same sidewall hight and thus rolling radius you need less of the width as a percentage.
  6. Just pinged an email off to my mate to see what time he's been thinking of heading up. I have proposed a time of being there as 7:30pm (we'll leave home about 7pm). Sound good people? Are we just going to meet there or convoy in?
  7. What do you want to see pictures of? Well I was being a bit presumptious and assuming he had a Zed or was looking so I want pics of his (soon to be) Zed
  8. +1 - plenty of quick detailer on there and you'll be fine
  9. +1 - that'll get me back to the gym!
  10. I seem to remember someone saying a Pug 307 net fitted or something, could get them cheap on ebay. Try a search for "cargo net ebay" and see if that turns anything up
  11. Most likely an 07 with an 03-05 bumper. The lights, bonet and interior all point to 07, so why does it have an 03-05 bumper?! Could have been a crashed 07, but theres no reason they couldnt fit the 06-07 bumper, hmmmm.......
  12. +1 - mine used to move about and the retaining lugs of the tonneau cover stopped it. Seem to remember Nixy supplied me a cargo net for the promise of a drink, or postage or something. Been a life saver for tying stuff down
  13. Wikipedia is your friend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop_factor And yes I am being lazy and not explaining it
  14. Have a browse on dpreviews forum and see whats out there. I got a second hand Canon EF 28-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS off ebay for a hundred quid or so which was a bargin. You need to be carful of not just going and buying a range you fancy, as you can get lenses that look impressive and cover nearly all ranges but it doesnt mean they are any good. Usually the less difference between the zoom range, the better the quality will be unless you are paying mega bucks for the lense. Really to replace the kit lense and have zoom, you need two lenses, on in the wide angle range (15-70mm) and one zoom (70-300mm). My GF parents have an all in one type (25-200) and the quality of the pics is appauling for a 350D. You also need to decide if you want Image Stabilisation. For anything over 200mm, especially for motorsport I would recommend one. I currently use a Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM which is held in very high regard and has excellent IQ for a non "pro" lense. Best to get reading on dpreview and see what the current lense to have is when you decide on the length of lense you want Theres also nothing wrong with the kit lense, so long as you realise its limitations. Wide open shooting (low light) is poor, as is shooting at its zoom limit. Keep it a decent light and not at the limit of zoom and you should get decent shots Oh, also forgot to mention, dont forget you dont have to have EF-S lenses. Just beacuse they are designed for digi cam sensors, doesnt mean you cant use older EF lenses. Just remember the crop factor of the 1.5x sensor (i.e. if you have an EF 18mm its really 27mm eqivelant because of the sensor crop). You can get some top quality older lenses that wipe the floor with new ones and arent half the price
  15. Google maps link of meet location I'll check with my mate what time he's planning on going up as I did arrange it with him originally. I tell him to get the MLR to save us a bit of space If you guys fancy meeting up and convoying in then there is a nice big layby just on the A33 just south of Reading. You'd need to come off the M4 at Jnct11, head down the road a few miles to the next rounderbout and swing a 180 on yourself and come back. Its just before the petrol station you passed on the way out (Google maps link of layby)
  16. Try the usual traders or speak to your local Stealer. The owners manual I have from this site is for the US car so the bulbs might not be the same. Nissan will give you the part number though
  17. Where abouts are you coming from? I'm convoying with my mate in his Evo, we'll be coming from Basingstoke on the A33 if theres a conveient place to meet on the way
  18. I have offered to head up ESR South but he didnt seem too impressed
  19. Is Sarnie an old got as well Jay? Lol I think its a northern thing, you guys always suffered with taste, I mean fried mars bars come on Me thinks you've just dropped off the ESR VIP list, us northerners dont like you southern fairies dissing us Plus I'm Northern and like that kind of look. Phil's car isnt miles away too if you disregard the mahoosive wing of the first car postd.
  20. +1 - give it a go, and see what they say. Labour is cheap for them so if you pay for the part and they cover the installation you might strike a deal easier. You can then source the part(s) from the traders on here at a much lower price than Nissan would do it for. Could also uprate it while you are there
  21. Updated for 2010! Full details on Facebook here Dates: Jan 2010 - Tues 19th Feb 2010 - Tues 16th Mar 2010 - Tues 16th Apr 2010 - Tues 20th May 2010 - Tues 18th Jun 2010 - Tues 15th Jul 2010 - Tues 20th Aug 2010 - Tues 17th Sept 2010 - Tues 21st Oct 2010 - Tues 19th Nov 2010 - Tues 16th Dec 2010 - Tues 21st Its held in the Comet car park just by the footie stadium. Meet up is officially held from 7pm-9pm. Be good to see you there Scoll to the last page to see latest update, this thread has been running every month for quite some time!
  22. Excellent pics, and brill writeups all round. Definately need to arrange a club track day at some point
  23. Good stuff - but I bet is you and your ESR hotline thats slowing down my delivery
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