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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. When are you looking to have the website fully live Phil? Cant wait to be able to hopefully see stock online, and I'm sure my CC company will love you too
  2. Well done mate. Now get more attendance for the Reading meets with all your powah
  3. Chris`I

    My Nismo Azure

    +1 - need to get me one of them. Still waiting for a stone chip reduction filter for my 350D I beleive the more practical option is Photoshop I'd love to have some wide angled lenses, but they cost far too much for just some shots of the car. Widest I have is the kit lense for my 350D which is 18mm iirc, but not wide enough to get the fish eye effect going. I also like the fact that you've kept the EXIF data, makes it easy for me to see the settings used and *cough* borrow them *cough*
  4. Welcome I'll be the first to say it, get your name down for the Wales run if you havent already. I regretted not doing it last year when I first got my Zed
  5. Looking more and more unlikely we'll get it at cheaper rates, just no interest which is understandable as the Wales run is expensive, never mind an expensive hotel to add to it! I'm just going to book it at the normal rates.
  6. 1--- Lomoto +1.... 2--- Chesterfield +1 3--- Chris`I + 1
  7. Me and the missus will be staying at St Davids Park Hotel, so sure we'll be able to meet up with anyone that is about. We're struggling with numbers of people to stay there if we want to try and get a preferential rate, so anyone that is up for it shout up as she wants 5 rooms TBC before she tries to get a good rate Thanks Chris , but I always have stayed at a small Hotel on the Hoole rd. in Chester just a short walk in to the centre No worries, I'm treating her as a belated pressie and to get her to come with me on the drive out! I'll probably just plump for the full rates Where abouts do we meet up on Saturday night?
  8. Me and the missus will be staying at St Davids Park Hotel, so sure we'll be able to meet up with anyone that is about. We're struggling with numbers of people to stay there if we want to try and get a preferential rate, so anyone that is up for it shout up as she wants 5 rooms TBC before she tries to get a good rate
  9. 1. Ian 2. H5 3. Andy 4. Trev-the-Rev 5. Chris`I +1 (TBC) Went to this last year and it was very good. Steve kindly gave me a home on the Z stand
  10. I did mine that way but i did take the top bolt out of the headlight, that way you can ease that headlight up slightly to give better access +1
  11. Nah, I have one of these meeting me in Southampton docks Phil: Sounds like the wipers are doing their job then, I'll pass on the screen wash til I use up my lovely Halfords stuff up.
  12. +1 - yet another reason not to get my R6 back on the road. If every muppet out there has headlights on, how on earth and motorbikes meant to stand out?! Oh well, while the world is going tits up I have no problem destroying the planet with my 3.5l car as any kids I would have had, would have had a crap place to live, so why dont we just destroy it now
  13. We stopped using rainX once PIAA released their own version, much better, £5.99 bottle Mine beads with just using the wipers themeselves (i.e. the silicone seems to leave behind some which causes the water to bead when the wipers arent in use, very apparent with Amanda's and my car). Will this stuff do much extra? If it does, stick a bottle in my order
  14. Hmm will look into it, will take of perhaps they didnt connect right at the body shop I take it non of them light up when you brake? If thats the case its highly likely the lights arent connected right. If an LED fails, you'd just see one of them out and the others would work still.
  15. You need an 03/04 cubby, they flip up and retract. Later 54 onwards have the flip up only ones which I guess is what you have. We did cover this in some detail in other threads and is well documented on my350z.com
  16. +1 - they should not undertake any work that incurrs extra cost without your authority. If they do something and you didnt say they could do it, I would refuse to pay
  17. There is no ariel Ah there, you see, you'll never get away with that then
  18. We can send mass emails from the site yes, and one will be going out. Can't wait for my invite Can't believe you walked right into that Chris Yes but the invite will be like been invited to a fancy dress party, but in our case you have to turn up in a zed. I have visions of Liam strapping cardboard pieces to his lambo to make it look like a Zed
  19. Chris`I


    Prices? I very nearly had a Cusco strut brace when I was at the Piston Heads show at the NEC, but resisted the temptation. Was £140 at the time, hope you can beat it my good man
  20. Me and the missus are going for a long weekend, so we'd be there Saturday and Sunday night. Assuming anyone else staying would be Saturday night unless otherwise stated
  21. Thats the one Unfortunately until we have some reasonable numbers (dont know what constitues reasonable numbers, I'll ask the missus), we cant get a price. So far inc. yourself I have 3 potential room bookings. I think she'd want say a minimum of 5 to try and get some good deal going and obviously the more the merrier, especially if we tell them it will be a recurring thing
  22. +1 +2 - but I can see the point for new people joining. I vote Jay makes a new all singing all dancing intro with real Zed footage or pics from our meets and calendar
  23. For those looking to stay near the drive out, me and the missus are staying at St Davids Park Hotel as a belated Valentines pressie and to say sorry for her missing the show she wanted to see. She has said that if people who are interested let me know she'll try and get preferential rates by booking it through work contacts as shes an event organiser. Dont know if its the kind of price range people are looking at but if we get a few we might get a reasonable discount. Also looks to be excellent for photo ops
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