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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I was dissapointed when I first saw one. Some features are very cool, but the basic functions arent executed that well. Plus you are tied to Edge rather than 3G, but that wont make much difference to most people. They do look sexeh though
  2. Yes if you came here. Leave your credit card at home and close your Paypal account if you're going to visit Phil, you'll thank me in the end In all seriousness, Phil does a very good service of fitting (most) stuff bought from for free. They are very professional and had my plenum spacer fitted in the time it took me to have a look around the showroom and have a cuppa!
  3. If time was permitting I'd love to give stuff a go helping out this wonderful forum, but as it is I'm stacked at work trying to deliver a high profile project at O2 (*cough* a newly released O2 only phone *cough* ). Getting good overtime, but alas no spare time! Found it hard enough to get the Monday off after the Wales run! If its just stuff for fun and theres no time limit drop me a mail. Coding is coding, and even though I havent done any web front end stuff before (PHP/ASP/etc) I'm always willing to learn
  4. +1 - I do it for a living, just not for the web. But that is what a mirror site is for, hosted somewhere in the depths away from prying eyes to try these things out on first. Of course if they did that and the real site had something different to the test site then thats something different. In that case they should roll back to the previous version before the change, the live site should never be down for long
  5. How many people do we need for a stand? Its not looking like Wales run numbers, so we may be best off having a small 350 plot on the larger Zed stand?
  6. I'm staying (well planning to, need to book) at St Davids Park Hotel as a belated Valentines treat for the missus. I was going to try and get some special rates with a block booking but didnt get enough interest soon enough for the missus to use her business contacts to get it. The others stay in places on Hoole Road or something like that
  7. Just take everything after the .php? in the URL it tries to send you to and it'll work. Someones cacked something up in the setup of the page Looks to be fixed now though
  8. I dont care if that NSW, I had great fun playing wth it! Good job no one came in the office at the time
  9. Sounds a bit high (5-7% for 2 RON) and surely the ECU compensates for this after while??? Sorry it's about 15ps reduction, yes the ecu does compensate for the 2 less ron but i doubt very much that it compensate's you for the lost power. If that was the case we would all be using 95 ron. I believe it compensates by winding back the timing which is where the power loss is incurred. 97RON it has more control over the timing (less likely to detonate?) and can advance it to give more power over 95RON. As the others have said, most of the time you wont notice. I just like to be nice to my baby as work pays for my fuel
  10. You'll have to come to the next Reading Jap Meet to see em
  11. Back on topic, please! I can't see you having any problems, Jay. No speedbumps that I recall and we've had plenty of kitted and lowered cars along. Good to hear. I'm in the same boat as you Jay. Although the Varis lip is very forgiving (no probs so far) I'm still paranoid of speedbumps and sharp inclines!
  12. Look good, but the price would be a bit steep once you add the VAT
  13. Excellent, just try and kerb those babies
  14. We're just killing time waiting for you to open ESR Southern Division *cough* WHEELS *cough*
  15. Don't worry, when you get to 35+ you can look forward to being a moderator Oooh, only 10yrs for me
  16. Tesco 99RON for me too. 95RON if I'm stuck and need a bit to get me home
  17. I'd say part carbon, thats what I'd do if I was to get a spoiler
  18. Give bigphil or envy a shout, I'm sure they can beat those prices. I assume redpads are redstuff pads? Phil does this for £100 a set
  19. And what was the first attempt? 100% and then you asked a butch mate to do it for you?
  20. Glad you got a good comprimise and got it all sorted.
  21. Thats what mods are for. Go find another GM wth a varis CF lip in the UK
  22. We have secured funding from business innovations so we are just waiting for them to sign off the expenditure, most of the work is done so hopefuuly by the end of march. Good news, i keep putting off ringing you in fear of been releived of £1700 for a set of Nismo wheels and tyres. give me your number and I'll ring you then Straight talking as ever! You have nowhere to hide these days
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