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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Gutting to hear that mate, especially when you were so close to the end. Theres always next time, as the others have said, these things happen
  2. 18", would have probably gone 19" but Rota dont do them that big. Added bonus is it saves me on tyres. Phils looked awesome on 18s with a small drop, but still trying to work out if I can get away with dropping it. Knowing me and Phil, I'll end up having some KW3's some point in the future so I can drop it as much as possible without fouling the speedbumps in my street
  3. Good luck matey, can only imagine how hard it is. I reached Red belt in TKD, and that was hard enough for me. I didnt have the paitence to even reach First Dan, so second Dan gets mucho respect. BTW, your sig..... my engine is filthy and needs a polish
  4. Should be more considerate to their cousins over the pond
  5. That's what I`m interested in hearing. So the higher priced fuel does actually give you a better mpg? I`ve got an empty tank so I`ll go fill up with the posh stuff now and see how I do In my 'tests' yes. My Zed went about 10% further on average and at the time the fuel was 9% more expensive. I get another ~5MPG more with Tesco 99RON over 95RON, which would be ~15% improvement so this tallies with the above
  6. +1 - when you fired yours up at the Reading meet, it sure turned some heads I'm quickly prefering this over the Nismo, but think I'd still go for Nismo for resale value and a slightly more subtle sound on mine.
  7. Thats becuase thats the pics I sent to Phil They're not quite that colour though as Rota dont do them any more (least not over here) so they've been made up in a custom colour to give a close match. Got some PB Wheel Sealant on its way as we speak Had a slight problem yesterday. Got this far and then found out that my wheels have 21mm wheel nuts and they were too big with the socket to get them in the holes! (note we werent using the normal wrench with the car thats just used with the jack to lift the car. We used Halfords pro sockets to try and get them on) Phil is sending out some 19mm black nuts on Monday, so we'll try and get them fitted again on Tuesday
  8. I've head that placing a resistor across the seat airback plug (obviously left when you remove the seat) will trick the car into thinking the airbag is there and working so you wont get the light. I think a couple of people on here have done it, but also try www.my350z.com, as a lot of people on there have done it
  9. +1 - I'd go with that. Even if they try and repair it you could technically say that its not up to par and get a new bonnet. If they go to Nissan for pricing, you may be able to get yourself a carbon bonnet with the payout knowing Nissans pricing
  10. Did you cheat and call Phil?! No, Phil wouldn't have told me if I had asked anyway. Just a guess..... Well good guess! They are 18" Rota GTR, custom steel grey spokes and ploished lips. Well impressed with them, just need to get em on the car
  11. Did you cheat and call Phil?!
  12. Good call Always see these kinds of things on eBay, but never know if they are any good or not. Good to see someone giving them a thumbs up.
  13. Chin up mate, I know its hard, but you'll be ok. Get plenty of practice with the kit, and we might just have another club photographer in the making
  14. Sorry to hear that mate! We were awake most of the night too, and Amanda scarily said if my car got damaged which insurance would you claim off if a roof tile fell on it! I said as the damage was dont to the car, you'd claim off the car insurance and I think they would somehow counter claim against the house insurance. Just like if a car hit you, you claim through your insurance and they chase the other party on your behalf. Best of luck with getting it sorted, thats gutting to hear.
  15. Nope Nope A couple more, but they just dont do them justice inside so once I get out in the proper light today, I'll do some more: Think that gives away what they are Digs
  16. Couple of teasers to keep you goin....
  17. 1. beavis +1......................................................................CONFIRMED 2. lomoto +1 3. M13KYF +1 4. Digsy +1.......................................................................CONFIRMED 5. Gixxer 6. Martinmac +1................................................................CONFIRMED 7. stuey (lead car) 8. AndySpak +1 maybe?? 9. Chesterfield +1 10. Shire350Z 11. xstric9x +1 12. Little Miss + 1 13. Djtimo 14. Davej +1 15. EBIZED + 1.................................................................CONFIRMED 16. Jacko 17. Chris`I +1...................................................................CONFIRMED 18. Squarehead + 1 19. James852 20. Kai 21. tmJak 22. MrLizard +1 23. LiamZ 24. Lexx 25. choptop (TBC) 26. Andy 27. Zedrush (TBC) 28. Tilly +1 29. Limiter (TBC) 30. Daaave 31. Toon Chris 32. Stew (+1) 33. Keith (Little Misses Work Mate) - He will join site soon promise
  18. Oh I see, I think this is for the case then they pay the actual fuel bill, as in the company fuel card? I get paid a certain number of pence per mile by work. I think thats where its different The only tax I claim back is on the difference between the government recommended rate of 45p (<10k per annum) and what work pay me. [numpty_hat] OK, probably me being dumb, but I havent ever filled out a P11d. Would they somehow be doing this for me and then that being added to my tax code for PAYEE? [/numpty_hat]
  19. Is it really? I Just caught on We were signed to an NDA for so long I forget the real name
  20. Well they've arrived, but I'm at work so cant see them until later! Will post up piccies and let you know how well bubble wrap works for extra grip!
  21. [numpty_hat] OK, probably me being dumb, but I havent ever filled out a P11d. Would they somehow be doing this for me and then that being added to my tax code for PAYEE? [/numpty_hat]
  22. I'll give you the address if you pay for my room too
  23. I'd just be asking him for royalties on you copywright photos
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