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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Daily driver, 60miles a day, 20k miles extra on the clock since I got it about 10 months ago! Depreciating like a good un, but I'm having fun! When its not worth a lot I have an excuse to go SC or TT
  2. bigphil £1200 for the wheels, with Falken tyre's £1700 07714457051 0191 523 5555 eastshoreracing@btinternet.com +1 - excellent service with free tea and biccies
  3. The dealer will tell you that the Rays option is £1000 on top to the wheels that come with it, so for their true value you need to find the price of the standard wheels then add £1k. And obviously they do a discount for getting them as an option, they'd have no hope in hell of selling them as a £4k option! Buying them singularly they sell them for far more as they are (supposidly) harder to come by and as a single item they will always charge you more. Just look at the deals Phil can get a full set of Nismos for, its far less. Second hand prices reflect that. Thats why I'm keeping my Rays as track wheels then have them refurbed when I come to sell
  4. Nice one chap, good to hear that the Zed is near par with a TVR as I've never driven one!
  5. Thats the plan I think that will look very US style, different to everything on these shores and very good Ours has the tuck although still with the twins You know I always thought something looked different to the rear end of yours but never could put my finger on it
  6. Thats the plan I think that will look very US style, different to everything on these shores and very good
  7. Looking good, Sunset with what looked like a Nismo spoiler and new rear lights. Didnt catch much more than that far too early for me! You were the first Zeddite to see my new wheels though you lucky person
  8. It better be Beavis, Im holding you responsible if it aint You gotta be there first
  9. I'm going to yeah. I think there are cheaper alternatives down Hoole Road where a few others are booking. Havent seen any names mentioned though. The missus caught me looking at St Davids and thought it was nice and thats the only reason we're going there
  10. 1--- Lomoto +1.... 2--- Chesterfield +1 3--- Chris`I + 1 4--- Martin + 1 5--- Jonathan73 +1 (Saturday night I suspect rather than Friday) 6--- Stew +1 (I promise I won't wear my kilt!) Try not to lose people Stew EDIT: Dag namit, you edited it from under my feet
  11. Chris`I

    New Scirocco

    I thought it looked quite like the new shape Leon, or a Pug. Disappointing
  12. I might buy a few more to stick here and there. Do you think it would look out of place on the missus Corsa?
  13. Gave you a flash of the lights and got a wave back :bye:
  14. What I didn't get one of those! But you only came in for a badge and half a cup of coffee (your words) You need to buy more than just a badge to get biccies I got me half a box of biccies and several cups of tea when I was there, and my car washed, so you can only imagine how much I spent
  15. And check your wheel nuts. I realised this weekend when I went to fit my new wheels that in the last 2 weeks since washing my Zed I'd managed to lose one Nissan batties were the last to have the wheel off. We also checked the other nuts and the fronts were all pretty loose and the backs were fine as I'd had the tyres changed at a place that knows the torque settings a damn site better than Nissan!
  16. Looks good if you can get your company to foot the bill A lot of phones dont come with the antenna port any more. IIRC they were designed for car hands free kits, but with most kits going bluetooth now, they arent making them with the port any more.
  17. The only thing I have heard of before is a new antenna that plugs into the hands free antenna socket if you have one. Another option is to try a hands free kit. Wired ones tend to have an antenna built into the headphones so get better reception, or a bluetooth one and leave the phone somewhere it gets reception and then with the BT you dont have to move it
  18. I saw this in TKD too when I used to train. We did a fast defence course which I thought was really good, and takes away all this spinning head kick fancy crap and played on good ole whack em where it hurts mentality. The amount of hightly graded people who couldnt do anything to defend themselves when an attacker was coming at them was shocking. They could do all the fancy moves but froze the moment it counts. Making the point of them being so hightly decorated martial artists completely useless! Anyway in the end its all about being able to defend yourself when it counts so second Dan or not, least you know you can kick a fella to the floor
  19. Chris`I


    That matches the US Silverstone which is what I thought Jay, where did you get 06/WA983L from? Is that another standard or something? Its Cadillac Pink Hoping youd go with it Well my mate at Halfords makes them up for me for free, so how about I get some for the Wales run and we'll pinstripe your car?
  20. Chris`I


    That matches the US Silverstone which is what I thought Jay, where did you get 06/WA983L from? Is that another standard or something?
  21. Chris`I


    £100 to paint Random question - whats the paint code for GM on an 2003 car? I need to get my mate at Halfrauds to make some up but being lazy to goto the car park and find it on the car. I think Silverstone in the US is the same colour?
  22. The idea is to do enough to protect yourself whilst being controlled enough not to kick %£"$" out of them If you get called up to court for battering someone, it is looked at very very dimly if you are trained. Unless you are vertically challenged like me, then you just say you feared for your life and the only way to stop them was to batter them
  23. Another theory I have heard on www.my350z.com is that they use 12v LEDs and when the car is running, its giving more like 13-14v which the LEDs dont like but bulbs can handle. Aside to that, I had the same problem, and ordered a new set from another ebayer and havent had a problem with these new ones. I dont know if they're a good batch or something but they've been working flawlessly now for a few months whereas the others started to flicker within a week. Heres the link eBay item. They appear to have some kind of resitor in them which could fix both the ECU problem and the over volt problem
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