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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. No worries, even do you half day rate for a fellow Zed owner
  2. Chris`I

    my new rims

    Look good, seem em somewhere before in a different colour though
  3. Haha, what do you girls reckon, I think we need Z promo boys. Dont give Jay ideas
  4. sweet so as long as I state the Apache license in the right parts on the software then Ill be fine What about Jasper Viewer is that an apache as well? Do I just have to do the same thing mention it again? As I PM'd you, Jasper seems a bit more complicated. Probably easiest to email both of them and tell them what you plan to do and see what they say you need to do by way of including licenses, accreditations etc. That way if they ever try to nail you for doing something wrong you have written evidence (of sorts)
  5. Time for an LPG coversion! My mates flys commerial hot air ballons so I can get that for near free!
  6. Not that I'm considering getting a reverse camera, but why don't you like yours? It might simply be down to getting used to it, but right now the main reason is due to the fact there is no depth perception. I can reverse using it until another car's bumper fills my screen, and I'm still 3 or 4 feet away! I haven't been brave enough to test it to it's extreme, I may have to experiment by standing one of the kids in the road and reverse up to them Go for it, try and record the footage from the cam and post it up
  7. Max price PetrplPrices has for Super Unleaded is £1.22.9 :scare:
  8. £113!!! I would steer clear of them, if I were you, that's just extortion!!! +1 - OMG! That is extortion. I too get the pertrol prices email, but its a bit irrelevant as it tells me the price for normal 95RON, not the 99RON I get from Tesco. EDIT: Actually they've updated the site and it now gives me Super prices rather than regular
  9. My random guess is its just a bit of oxidisation (rust) where the exposed disc has got wet and rusted. The other side was probably down wind and didnt get so wet so didnt happen
  10. You can distribute it as part of the software, but you have to include the Apache license in the distro and accredit any parts that it has played to Apache and not take it as your own work. See for more info: http://www.apache.org/foundation/licenc ... DoesItMEAN
  11. Not seen that before, I'd get a mechanicly minded person to look it over properly to make sure its nothing major
  12. Remind me not to fill up there before the Wales Run!
  13. This one gets a good review on Auto Express: http://abacuscaralarms.co.uk/store/view ... arga%20SR2 No idea how it works in the real world though.
  14. Most people are either staying somewhere in Hoole Road (lots of places there dont know any specifics) and a growing number of us are staying in St Davids Park, which is a bit of a trek but has a spa if you are bringing the missus Give them a ring as I got a special rate when I called which I cant seem to find on the site and appears to be 50% off any other rate I could find!
  15. Awesome, might get the missus a few bits. I take it they delivery to the UK? I think we should set up a 350z-uk shop similar. I mate of mine used to use CafeExpress, was going to suggest it before, but forgot the name of the site
  16. I like the last suggestion, but I'm afraid the Wales run is not possible for me. Thanks for the helpful advice, though. I'll have a look for the phone and see if I can dig it out. I left it at my old dears house when I moved out in Sept last year so she might have chucked it out
  17. Yeah you can buy a new phone with Bluetooth (BT), but that will cost a lot and you have to make sure it is unlocked or on the O2 network. Hint from an insider, tell her to try calling Vodaphone, Orange, etc from her mobile enquiring about new contracts and see if she gets a call from O2. If shes a valued customer, she might well get a call from retention, then she can demand a better phone. Or call customer service and tell them you are not happy with the phone and see what they can do. O2 customer support are generally quite open to keeping people by offering them phone upgrades. Alternatively I think I have a W800i somewhere with I beleive all the bits, you can have for free if you come to the Wales run?
  18. I just love it when you women talk dirty
  19. Chris`I

    Big Box!

    Better get that Phil on the phone then hadnt I
  20. Another thing I have just noticed is that the model I was thinking of is the VSD basis, not the VSD concept that I posted images of earlier. This is apparently a cut down version and JDM Performance seem to do it ( http://www.jdmperformance.co.uk/item_de ... rodID=1974 )
  21. ditto Should be fine then. In the original post you mentioned oil which set the alarm bells ringing. Let us know how you get on, I could always be temted if the price isnt too extortionate
  22. Chris`I

    Big Box!

    Does the fog light have the LED bulb? Phil told me the bulbs werent in yet
  23. U need a kick up the a**e Heard it all before, decided the only reason guys would say this is they frightened us girls will show em up If your comin Wales i'm more than happy to prove u wrong Fight fight fight! Jay (Zedrush Jay) bring your cage with you, we can have the fight at the hotel, make it pay per view
  24. Just use the PIAA wipers Phil sells. I dont bother with applying anything but the small layer of silicone it leaves makes the water bead up nicely. All the benefit, none of the faffing around
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