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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Easy for you to say, its not your Zed they'd impound!
  2. Careful with Lx services over Px services if you have a warrenty. From what I remember from Basingstoke Nissan Dealership Principal, with an Lx service they dont connect the car up to the diagnostics machine as they do in the Px service and as such, if you get an Lx service it will void the warrenty if you have one. If you dont have a warrenty then its all good as the machine aint likely to spot much otherwise it would have thrown the CEL light anyway from what I've been told
  3. Chris`I

    my new rims

    Mine are 245/35/18 and 275/35/18. Slightly smaller rolling radius than standard, but ratio stays the same between front and rear so no TC light and Phil assures me it gives less sidewall flex for better handling. They weigh a bit more than my Rays (comparing new front to old rear as they are the same size), but handling seems to be much better. Wet grip of the Falkens seems to be slightly less, but more predicable over my previous Pzero Rosso Where are the pics of yours Chris? Try page one mate, about half way down More to come when I get a chance to clean em and its sunny
  4. What are these sticks you talk of, and how are they worth so much?
  5. depends you are looking anywhere between £120 to £60,000 if you want it diamond studded platinum Cool, where can you get dimond studden platinum from??? I was just wondering how much to respay my severely chipped front bumper on a GM? You should be looking at around £200 is what I've been told. Depends if you know anyone to get it for you cheap and what your haggling skills are like If you live near ESR phil does a price you cant argue with... I am right on the south coast, let me guess, phil is hundreds of miles away? ;-) Got it in one! I hear a rumour of ESR South being in the pipeling though, should cut down on our carbon footprint! Think Zedrush is using someone in Reading to do his bodykit, that must involve some spraying, he might be able to offer someone to do it
  6. I sincerely hope that was on a track! I have an R6 too and would hate to bin it at any speed, it would be scary as fook! 155 is near as damn it (if not) THE fastest it goes too Sorry to hear about the engine. I wouldnt call the engine oil hungry, mine has done 45k of which I've done 20k and it hasnt used any oil outside of the services yet and I check it every couple of weeks. Surely something is dodgy if it managed to only starve 2 specific cylinders?
  7. Chris`I

    my new rims

    Mine are 245/35/18 and 275/35/18. Slightly smaller rolling radius than standard, but ratio stays the same between front and rear so no TC light and Phil assures me it gives less sidewall flex for better handling. They weigh a bit more than my Rays (comparing new front to old rear as they are the same size), but handling seems to be much better. Wet grip of the Falkens seems to be slightly less, but more predicable over my previous Pzero Rosso
  8. I suggest contacting the company that produces it. Having had a quick look at the site and they seem very niche, so I suggest you use their support and get them to tell you how to do it. They suggest being able to mount the filesystems you produce, so I cant see why they wouldnt be moveable. Alternatively they seem to have USB key chains which encrypt the data exactly the same which you could use to be mobile
  9. depends you are looking anywhere between £120 to £60,000 if you want it diamond studded platinum Cool, where can you get dimond studden platinum from??? I was just wondering how much to respay my severely chipped front bumper on a GM? You should be looking at around £200 is what I've been told. Depends if you know anyone to get it for you cheap and what your haggling skills are like
  10. Come on then, spill the beans, what did you learn? ISO, shutter speed and f-stops, how they are interrelated. Or something to that effect. All photos were taken in manual as i cant stand auto now Good man. Were you in true manual or just programme? True manual you have to tell it everything (i.e. ISO, shutter, apature), in programme you can adjust each yourself, but it will compensate the others to give a correctly exposed image. I tend not to use true manual as its too much fiddling. I like to just change the timing or apature but not have to worry about it not being exposed properly Not sure, was "M" mode on the D40. I expect that as i changed ISO, shutter and apature and the others did not change to compensate it was true manual? I also used the metering properly for once Sounds like true manual - good man Nice to use for artistic shots when you have the setup time, not so good for motorsport shots
  11. I think there is. Didnt Toshiba drop out of HD-DVD and MS have announced they will no long make the HD-DVD drive for the XB360. That sends a pretty clear signal to me
  12. Come on then, spill the beans, what did you learn? ISO, shutter speed and f-stops, how they are interrelated. Or something to that effect. All photos were taken in manual as i cant stand auto now Good man. Were you in true manual or just programme? True manual you have to tell it everything (i.e. ISO, shutter, apature), in programme you can adjust each yourself, but it will compensate the others to give a correctly exposed image. I tend not to use true manual as its too much fiddling. I like to just change the timing or apature but not have to worry about it not being exposed properly
  13. I didnt She looked quite good at rallying in the end
  14. Thats a shame mate, but theres always next month! I'm not sure if I can make it yet, might have to pick the missus up from her hols, or she may be gettng dropped off by her mate. Either way I will try and make it. If not the MLR chaps are very friendly!
  15. Chris`I

    my new rims

    Doh! I put mine on before I put the wheels on the car, didnt even think about it. I had also heard people in the US being unable to even use the centre caps for some weird reason. A load of them run without them
  16. Have a guess Market domination But yet we still havent recieved our commision
  17. Come on then, spill the beans, what did you learn?
  18. Sounds interesting. Any pics or more details on the mirror?
  19. Also forgot, I have the Delsa A-pillar covers too, and Z side emblem inserts All good stuff
  20. BigPhil does a set and seen them on his own ESR demo car, look v good. I have also seen a Delsa set (from US eBay) and are also good. I have the Delsa B-pillar covers and they are good quality. Either of those I think you will be more than happy with
  21. Chris`I

    my new rims

    Still waiting for that nice sunny day. If you're out on the Wales Run, you'll get to see it in person
  22. Chris`I

    my new rims

    They're staggered so the rears "stick out" more than the fronts. The centre hub is set back in further. Another quick pic of mine...
  23. Chris`I

    my new rims

    i heard that you had yours painted any chance of some pics? When I get a good sunny day I'll do some of them fitted, but for now... Did you have any issues with wheel nuts? I found that the ones from my Rays were too wide to fit in the Rota holes with the socket on them so Phil had to send some new ones down
  24. No worries, even do you half day rate for a fellow Zed owner half a cheese sandwich it is Good stuff
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