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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. You can check this website on Saturday to see where they will be on Sunday http://www.arrivealive.org.uk/home/ Kind of them to tell us where they are! Will that be the same for their sneaky cam though?
  2. We could paint it for them. Shall I have my mate at Halfrauds make us up some tins? Dayglo pink and yellow should do it
  3. beavis 2 x carvery Gixxer 2 x carvery Ebized 2 x carvery Lomoto 2 x carvery Shire 2 x carvery martinmac 2 x carvery tmJak 2 x carvery Stew 2 x carvery Stuey 1 x carvery AndySpak 2 x carvery Digsy 2 x carvery Chris`I 2 x carvery
  4. 1. Ian +1 - Paid 2. Chris`I+1 - Paid
  5. I stand corrected. Whens the first 350z-uk sponsored track day then?
  6. +1 - I beleive they are coded to the ECU, so they dont have much chance of selling it on. Plus most of us admit that aftermarket HU are far better and change out the Bose
  7. LOL, post up loads of pics of the Zed obscuring the Punto :lol:
  8. Chris`I

    My Zed

    +1 - even my wheels have their own wash mitt
  9. Thats probably gonna take me longer to get to than his current location in Sunderland with London traffic!!! BOOOO Handy for Jay though
  10. Do you already have the leased line to ESR Head office from there? Would save you a fortune on mobile calls
  11. http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/391635.htm
  12. Oh, dont worry, they'll wise up to that one soon enough knowing them
  13. Why not offer him a refund, minus eBay listing fees as you will have to relist it and stick it on again and hope for a better buyer? Sounds like a lot of hassle to me for not a lot of gain. Just my 2p
  14. Speak to Phil and see what he can do. I'm sure for a trip down you can offer up various skirts and see how they'd look (if its not too far, but it could save you in the long run)
  15. +1 - needs something a bit extra at the sides and rear
  16. No offence taken mate, I'm just pointing out the pros and cons of each. I'm impressed that you use Manual, I cant ever be arsed "P" most likely is Programme. Its pretty much the same except you just change one of the settings, so focus on changing f-stop or timing and it takes care of the rest
  17. That is your setup time Ahh i see, then yes i had set up time. How doesit work with Motorsports? Cant you set up before with warm ups etc? Sometimes but not always. If weather conditions change, it doesnt always give you much time to tweak the settings too much, so I prefer to use programme mode so I can play with something like shutter speed and it does the rest. All personal preference at the end of the day.
  18. +1 - by the time it kicks in I will hopefully easily be able to afford it, but I'm thinking of the poor sod that has it after me (or not as the case may be!!!!)
  19. Cool, do you have any more details on the model number? As you say there are loads on eBay, too many to choose from! Looks good btw
  20. Basterwards, so after 08-09, my older car (53) gets hit with the same tax as the newer ones? Thats not what I signed up for when I bought it
  21. In time for my birthday - woo bloody hoo
  22. I'm an automotive retard and even I managed to fit my own But how much did your pads squeek! Thats because he didnt break them in properly. Admittedly mine squealled a hell of a lot till I took them out again for a proper thrashing. No squealing since
  23. Get her trained! My missus is very good at getting in and out very carefully. I made it very clear any damage she causes to the car she is paying for. From then on she's been very good!
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