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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Andy's car? Ooh is that the game his car is featuring in? It looks good, nice one PS Can he get us free copies?
  2. Look forward to seeing a more tastless shirt this year Tim PS. What the hell are we all doing up so early on a weekend?! Why are you up so early? My body clock is a sod. Up at 6 o'clock 5 days a week kinda gets you into a routine which wakes you up at the same time on weekends. Then I cant get back to sleep. Still the forum keeps me out of trouble!
  3. +1 - my mate thought mine sounded awesome, but thats just standard, hoping to get him a demo of some more exotic exhaust tones come JapFest Cant blame him, he does drive an Evo, so obviously a V6 will sound a lot throatier
  4. Look forward to seeing a more tastless shirt this year Tim PS. What the hell are we all doing up so early on a weekend?!
  5. We can all climb on to Stuey's Zed! i think mini bus is more like it coz there is quite a few staying there i think Awww thats not fun. I was gonna bring my skates and skitch on it Seriously, yes a minibus will most likely be the best idea
  6. Yup, and plenty of other games
  7. Always good to ring around to reassure yourself Phil is the best deal. Plus chances are if others can do it cheaper, Phil can match it
  8. Or twin turbos I'm trying to earn so many ESR points that I can get them for free
  9. As usual give Phil@ESR and Adam@Z1auto a should and see what they can do. I have always found they can do them cheaper than ebay etc and are brand new and genuine
  10. I have the autoleads one. Got it off ebay. Cant comment on the quality of the others but the Autoleads one does me
  11. Do you know what else. I saw on the news today that teh peat boxs in the Peak district (I think) are giving off twice (yes twice) as much CO2 as all of our UK flight put togther atm. They say that the problem is the peat absorbs CO2, but when exposed it releases it again and loads of it is dying and being exposed. Do they not think it would be better to work out why the hell its dying and stop it>!?!?!?!?!?! Can watch the report on BBC News. Havent been able to find it in readble form.
  12. You mean you wear clothes in your Zed??? Oops! Should have I not mentioned that? Those heated seats can get a bit too hot in places Do you lot not know you are meant to have a set of race overalls, boots and gloves in the car at all times?!
  13. taxi................. only 10 mins............. Good stuff. I did think that from google maps, but wanted to make sure.
  14. Brodit are a mount making company which should do one for you, give it a google. Probably get a mount off eBay Example boxster mount which you can then get a holder to keep the PDA in place:
  15. For those that know the area better than others, wheres the best place to park if coming from St Davids Park? Or would we be better off with taxi's?
  16. Chris`I

    Empty Nos bottle

    But then his sticker would be the wrong way round
  17. All two of us against the MLR and Team Shock yeah!! Ahh but we'd have a banner, and my RC drifter too, so I think we can take em. Plus when we get Jay to start coming, if they take the mic, he'll batter them
  18. That would be handy. There is a permenant live that goes to the dome lights, so you could tap into there. Be carful with the wires, as the dome lights have a permenant live, permenant ground (switched on by you when you press the dome light) and a selective ground which is activated when you open the door. Its not a selective live, prememant live and permenant ground as I thought it would be. So read the service manual before tapping into the dome light wires
  19. I hope to get it for ISTS in April so I may still have it. Good man Bring it to any Reading meets too, we can take over
  20. Nice one mate, wheels look good, dont think I've seen them before, very original Now you need some silver indicator bulbs
  21. Do we have a 350z-uk banner knocking around still? I'm sure I saw one at Silverstone (JTS) last year? Would be some good advertising if we could get it to someone attending
  22. Except we've just taken the hits with our current cars At least mine was used and not new so it had already depreciated a fair bit.
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