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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Good job I didnt take Phil up on a bet about you turning up then, would have lost me some money! hehe. You should let your GF drive you car for a bit. I let Amanda drive mine and she's well up for road trips now and it saves me driving all the time
  2. I just pull em off. Even the Megs ones I got had tags on, and on that tag was remove before use
  3. Good man, welcome to the carbon club. It only gets more expensive from here on in! When Phil mentions he has a nice Varis lip for sale, just run, and dont look back
  4. So your Jap radio only allows you to listen to a load of wideboys saying "Innit"? Better than the usual radio 1 tosh Ya reckon?!
  5. Only if they see YOU getting in the car . B@st@rd PMSL Now now, thats no way to treat one of your highest spending customers
  6. Blimey, I heard you were built like a brick out house, but never heard it being called a high ranking architecture before
  7. Love to see a tutorial on that one!
  8. not my fault Yes it is, if you could spell it would have never started Glad you spotted it now
  9. Next meet 15th April. As the weather gets better I'm expecting better turn outs And a banner if H5 can get hold of it
  10. Good job mate. Might have to blag you to come and do mine when you get the Megs G220 as I've been contemplating buying one but dont reaally have the need as I have some swirling but I dont think I'd get my money's worth out of a G220. Also, you need to get down to the Reading Jap Meets. Every second Tues of the month (just missed this months!). We had 4 350z-uk'ers last time, need to grow it though. Perfect as the weather gets better to get out and meet fellow members
  11. cos i dont know where the spelling mistake is Took me a while to spot it
  12. Chris`I

    Number plate

    Andy was selling a std rear bumper. Not sure if he has sold it or not, but worth a look. He wants 100 notes for it, with a respray, it might just work. Can prob then sell your bumper for the same, and make not much of a loss http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight=
  13. Chris`I

    Number plate

    Just dont look, thats what I do. I told HSBC I'll be green and have no paper statements, so unless I go online I dont know how much in debt I am Excellent plate btw, I think you could get away with DJ 51MMZ spacing on a UK plate but not on a JDM. Std rear bumpers come up every now and again, put a Wanted thread up and see what people have. You've forked out for the plate, you may as well finished it off
  14. A still want to have a TVR some time in my life, but doing a big commute each day I think the Zed is the best choice for me for now. How do the two compare?
  15. That's really helpful information. If I wanted to use this to feed a spare power supply in the front, would the black wire give me an earth? I didnt check the black wire jim but you can take an earth from anywhere (eg. the power supply at the front) or just take it straight to the bodywork I beleive, but you better test with a voltmeter, that red is perm live, black is perm ground and pink is switched ground controlled by the Body Control Module (BMC) which turns the lights on with things like open door, unlock car etc. I'd check in the Service Manual (download in FAQ section) as to what can be driven from it as I'm unsure as to what it is fused with. Footwell lighting like I'm doing with LEDs is generally safe as they pull next to no power
  16. I'd go with what Phil says, he knows his stuff, would hate for your lovely car to be damaged by our crappy fuel! btw, car looks lovely. Not a fan of big wings, but in this case it suits the c-west kit
  17. interior lights on the a pillar would be ideal I'll rip the pillar cover off later and take a look. It has a permenant live, permenant ground and switched ground for when the doors are open. All easily accessable, I'm using them for my footwell lighting when I get around to finishing it!
  18. Which side of the dash area? I ask as there are permenant live and ground wires running up the passenger A-pillar for the dome lights. Cant remember the colours but can get hold of them if you like Next choice is to take it from the headunit feed. Always an easy to find wire with a voltmeter
  19. Yup, they absolutely smothered the roads down here with salt last night
  20. Remember the Nismo also comes with a new Y-pipe which is reportidly the most restrictive part of the exhaust. Scorpion and DC dont come with a new Y-pipe IIRC.
  21. I was told that in the Px service they connect up the Nissan Consult computer to the car to read off any error codes and do diagnostics. In the Lx they dont do that so its cheaper but also invalidates the warrenty Disclaimer: this is just soemthing I seem to remember being told by my local dealership and is in no way guarenteed as the absolute truth
  22. I'll bag one. no probs i've got about 50 +1 So everyone that attends Wales get a free GTR poster I'll have one too please, just in case demand is high and its a first come first served basis
  23. oh dear LOL - do they not have carvery's where you live Jay, or is it simply not up to ones standards?! A bit riff raff, but one will eat if one must, lol, so its a roast dinner buffet dont think we get it in the south, looking forward to it. Still waiting for Limiter to confirm But I will be there with my missus Well we centainly have them in Basingstoke and thats dawn souf but then we are common
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