I thought it was in the boot, left hand side under the foam packaging under the carpet....................
yup, thats where it is
It certainly is, and not as big as you'd think!
Yup its tiny and on stilts haha
you make me laugh!
Braided lines will give you more feel on the brakes, and under extreme braking give you more pressure on the pads and hence more braking power as they wont flex like standard rubber lines. The difference on my R6 is massive, not sure how much you'll notice it in the car.
Mine went in today. Shame I didnt know you'd be back in the week as I'd have booked it in for tomorrow! Swing past the train station and you'll see mine parked up in the small car park How long will you be about, might be able to pop down and say hi. Could see if they'll let us loose in either of the Zeds in the showroom
Bah, bring my own wax?! It should be supplied for free, what kind of service do you call that I aint bringing my P21S, Jay will use it all! Should just need a quick spritz to get the muck off, will wax it nicely the weekend before
that looks fine to me mate.
buy the way is that a 5zigen or a buddy cluib?
you have there?
5zigen, and it sounds lovely
He need silver indicator bulbs though
You sure you'd like to start up a workshop/shop in NZ Phil??!! Lol, we could do with a few people in NZ that have half a clue about 350's.
could well be tempted especially as it's not moved above -3 degrees today
Ya reckon, that Zedrush would be upset.
Surely Air New Zealand do a frequent flyer scheme.
Dont think you'd be able to check in a Zed as luggage
Mine are a custom colour, somewhere around gunmetal, but a more steel colour. Courtesy of Mr BigPhil. Car is bog standard stock hight, was thinking of lowering but have resisted so far as the Varis lip only just clears the speedbumps on my road
Look good mate!
Are these the Delsa ones? Any chance you can take a pic side on so we can see the edge? When I saw them at the last Reading meet they looked ok on a GM Zed. Would help me make my mind up if I want them.
You sure you'd like to start up a workshop/shop in NZ Phil??!! Lol, we could do with a few people in NZ that have half a clue about 350's.
could well be tempted especially as it's not moved above -3 degrees today
Keep telling you to come doon sooth, but oh no you have to stay up there I'm sure if Jay asks mummy nicely you can have part of their mahoosive warehouse for a southern workshop to visit when its too cold
But im crap at washing my own car I always leave residue marks as I cant dry properly
Better learn quick then
But since you are a good mate remember when you said youd help me? and show me the way like daniel sun and Miyagi style
I dont know what I'm doing either. Brillo pad seems to shift most stuff though
Hope you'll find it friendly around here, we tend to pride ourselves on our random banter that you dont tend to get on many other forums.
You should try and get the old man and yourself along to the Wales run we have planned for May 11th. Going for a hoon around the North Wales country side. And next year bring the GTR too
i knew that was comming..............
I'm sure we can arrange some kind of wash session in the car park at St Davids, just need some buckets and watering cans Alternatively is there a garage near by that has hand wash facilities? Not sure the missus will agree to a wash session, but if I stick her in the spa while we do it, cant see she'll care!