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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. +1 - I was going to suggest that once I heard you got his number. They will be very interested to hear one of their licencees has had an accident which was quite blatently his fault and tried to fob you off and didnt even offer insurnace details. Tell the cab firm you've told them too F'in taxi drivers are a pain in the rear end. Once the missus came to pick me up at the station, she was trying to find a space and a cabbie was up her rear end (she was in my Zed), so she swung it into a disabled space. He then wound down his window and shouted abuse about her not being disabled the f'in retard. How the hell did he know she wasnt disabled?! I told her she should of said she was picking me up and I have no legs, see him get out of that one
  2. tells us more ? neons ? flashing ? where ? There is definitetly a flashing neon NISMO sign in the drivers side rear quarter assuming he hasn'nt removed it say it aint so tim Its oh so true. Have you seen Tim's dash? Its like a NASA type vehicle i've only ever heard about the shirts you make him sound like tom jones driving a space shuttle You just put one flashing neon sign in your window and you get called Tom Jones
  3. one of our customers. who isn't? Me? Oh wait ...... Phil: waiting for your PM for the painful bit.
  4. Potentially. You dont know who the guy is and its probably too late to do a blood test for alcohol so I'd just leave it. Did the guy offer you any details? I mean just because superficially nothing looks damaged doesnt mean it is. I would have taken insurance details off him right there and then.
  5. Along the same lines as my Rotas. Therefore I say dont do it as I want to be the only one I like them, but not to sure if its too much black. I like the look of silver Nismo's on yours
  6. Thats a disgrace, money making at its best. If we see it on the NW Run I think we should all stop and ask if he's broken down and wants us to fix his car so he can get on his way
  7. Good excuse for braided lines and some new fluid
  8. PMSL il have a video camera running especially for you jay.....!! Make sure you have one of those 2 minute long tape's stuey PMSL and thats including foreplay As much as i luv ya Stuey, think u'd have a heart attack before 30 secs was up if you were really propositioned on 10th by all 3 of us Outside stuey's house on the morning of Sunday May 11th Hey in that case, Louis can borrow his Zed for the day
  9. There is one. Its for the mods only to try to work out a plan to ban me Your too well behaved these days to get a mention!! They're currently trying to work out how to minimise the damage Jay and Louis are having on our reptuation and image
  10. Chris`I

    Oh dear

    If its in good nick we could offer him £5k for a quick sale and have it as a 350z-uk track car
  11. I cant remember but did you raise that with pistonheads? Sorry if you have, but I'm sure if you tell them they are in breach of copywright by showing those images they will remove them if you can send them perhaps one of the originals which should be much higher res than he has posted.
  12. I think brake fluid change is part of a P3 so the fluid shouldnt be low. Either low pads as Adam says or they didnt do something right on the service
  13. +1 - be grateful you were the one on the selling end of his naivety and took him to the cleaners price wise! Be happy you made a good chunk of profit and leave the poor guy to lick his wounds over his soon to be apparent loss! I do think you have every right to tell him to take down the pics though as you own the copywright on them
  14. If you havent read already, there is an FAQ on DetailingWorld about how to best show off swirls and other defects if you really want to
  15. Thats just crap. As the comments on the BBC site say, its not out there to make the roads safer, its to earn them more money and its sick! Think it can catch 30 cars at once? I say we take some paintball guns and nail em as we go past
  16. I'm up for it but TBC with the holder of the purse strings Is north or south team decided by where you live or where you were born? I can be north or south depending you see
  17. My old dear used A-plan for a while and she was happy with them and I'm sure she made a claim with them with no probs at all
  18. Just booting it in the wet should be enough for you to feel the acceleration and then the ESP kick in when starts to slip. Sounds to me like its not working. Try taking it to Nissan and see if they will look at it for free (or at least negotiate a price to hook it up to their computers otherwise they will charge you £30+ just to read the codes) or try and find someone with an OBDII reader and read off any error codes and see what they say
  19. Didn't bother as I assumed everyone knew what thay looked like So why post then
  20. From the valuation i did the yesterday enough to get a zed right now But im not going to even think of doing that just yet Sarnie smells a remortgage
  21. Sounds good to me. Weekend after NW run is JapFest so def cant do then. Is this open to non club members? Not sure the missus will want to come but could get a mate from the MLR to come if you want to do some MLR bashing
  22. I can find you a passenger if you want to come to Basingstoke to collect them. Admittedly out of your way, but hey its company!
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