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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Anyone used something like this leather colourant kit? I think my seats are past recovery of normal leather care and I dont think the tan leather suits the "feel" of my car any more, so I am looking to recolour the leather, mostlikely black bolsters and headrest and grey centres (the perforated bit). Just wondering if anyone has used anything like it before and what the results were like? I have seen a thread on DetailingWorld and the chap seems happy with it Chris PS I cant afford a retrim and this is a relatively cheap way to achive something similar PPS Any photoshop wisses, feel free to knock up a GM coupe with these kinds of seats. I did one quickly last night, but its on my machine at home **** Update ***** - got the kit from Furniture Clinic, excellent customer service, thanks to Ben@FutnitureClinic for all the help. Here is a quick pic after applying the colourant base coat and ready for spraying. Very happy with the finish so far
  2. I'm assuming you dont mean me, but the other Chris who has this exhaust. Mines stock Not sure which of the other Chris' it is that has it. thought was you Afraid not. Need to ban any future Chris' from joining to mitigate the confusion
  3. I'm assuming you dont mean me, but the other Chris who has this exhaust. Mines stock Not sure which of the other Chris' it is that has it.
  4. Sounds promising Phil: who does the fabrication on these and the R&D of the design? Have they been designed and tested using CAD and flow programs? Just wondering what the design was based on compared to others like Nismo/etc/etc
  5. It because they earth it to the chasis through the original HU I think. And the aerial can be used as an earth as it has a powered amp attached to it.
  6. +1 - mine sits in a not so reputable train station all day 5 days a week. I think I can handle the car being a little nearer the road than not have it. Is there no possiblity of a tempory solution where you or they take the drive down a few inches but possibly dont finish it and do that when funds permit??
  7. Signed. This is a joke. Be interesting to see if the Beijing Olympics are too Chinese
  8. Oh shhhh you! I'll get around to it eventually. Looking to possibly get a Tommy Kaira for the back and probably a smoked badge of some sort for the front. Dont want to change it too much though, need to make sure its all reversable for when I sell it down the line
  9. That seems to ring a bell with me, I seem to remember having to earth one of the wires to the chasis
  10. Thanks guys, have to say the pics dont do it justice. Over the last couple of weeks its had a wash, clay, AG SRP, 2x AG EGP (left over night to cure) and 2x P21S wax. Looks absolutely lovely. Hoping the EGP will hold up better than the P21S to give a bit harder wearing and not require too much waxing other than when I fancy it No, no guide for it. I used the one on the OC but tbh I dont think the way they recommend to do it is the best as it requires quite a lot of flexing of the rear bumper and if I was to do it again, I would near as damit take off the rear bumper. I'd get Phil or Envy etc to recommend the best plan of attack for it! Also colour choice on the wheels was down to Phils paint shop getting it pretty spot on to my description of the colour. Initially I didnt like it as much as the exact colour I wanted byt now its really grown on me, and I know no on else will have that colour
  11. Thought as the car was clean and the sun was out for once, I'd shoot a couple a pics of the car as I havent really posted any pics of the wheels and carbon lip since I fitted them. Also got a quick one of the clear fog light. Enjoy
  12. +1 to all that has been said above by Gix and Tim. All sound advice GT85 is another good alternative to WD40, I find it better for most things you'd use WD40 for.
  13. First dibs on the pop charger when you come to sell it then. We all know what you are like
  14. Interesting to know cheers I have some megs stuff (#10 & #7) at my old dears house that I used to get rid of a few scratches that I had on my R6 headlight after some fine sanding it polished it down to an excellent finish. Its got some proper cut, not your usual ScratchX/PlastX type stuff
  15. I was greeted to this when getting ready to goto BSB. Unfortunately doesnt look like we're going
  16. +1 on both those points and to putting tyre black on your tyres. If you attempt that I will come up there and slap you myself for the stupidity! AG EGP would be good on I bike I would guess, give it a nice seal to keep the crap off. Careful around the tank though, might make it slippy and ditto where your thighs meet the bike, wouldnt want to slip off
  17. Second dibs on that, pending some photos
  18. Must .... not .... laught oh sod it :lol::lol:
  19. pretty sure you ment "flesh" lol i obviously have done mine and so has zedrush what are you looking to find out ? Paul Yeah yeah, I cant type, whats new Did you have pics of each stage of your respray? Like prep, spraying, finishing etc? Always interested to see this. I'd love to change the colour of my Zed, but giving the cost and the fact its off the road for quite a while I just couldnt do it.
  20. Sounds very promising! Always appreciate local knowledge. If you could seriously get the chopper there for an aerial photo, I think you would make everyones day and guarentee a place in next years 350z-uk calendar
  21. With the classic 350 headlight hazzing, this Turbo Wax headlight restoration system is the bees knees. It lasts for months and monts as apposed to the likes of the Meg's Plastix, that will generally only last 2 weeks. http://www.turbowax.com/cat/head-light-restoration/ Think mine is starting to haze. Is it just a case of the lense needs a polish with some proper plastic polish (i.e. proper abrasive, not a cleaner polish)? Might try and take a pic later
  22. Sounds like it will be you +1 - I might try and get all 6 over the course of the NW Run weekend. Will take me a tank to get there and drive around on Sat, a tank for the run and a tank for the trip home. If I do 2 fillups per tank, thats all of them! Out of interest do they give you 2 cars if you put over £60 in? Or do I have to put £35 in then another £35 in one visit?
  23. Yup Paul's the man to speak to, his looks absolutely stunning in the flash
  24. Chris`I

    Rear badge???

    Doesnt mean they have any in stock
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