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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Is that the one on the brow of the hill just before the pub? I agree that is one place you dont want to be hooning along. They also sign that it is there so I give them dues for that one, its actually worth it That's the one. As you go over the brow there is traffic turning across you. If it wasn't for the warning and the camera, there would be big accidents..... Yeah that is probably one of the most justified cameras I have ever seen. Even with a sign saying about the turning you probably wouldnt slow people down. At least with that they have to
  2. Ahh Newbie 350GT you remind me of my younger days on here when I was a whipper snapper, young and wreckless and thought that babies came from stalks... ahh the memories erm.......... i take it you mean storks No Jay stalks babies. Sick I know, but he just cant give it up
  3. Is that the one on the brow of the hill just before the pub? I agree that is one place you dont want to be hooning along. They also sign that it is there so I give them dues for that one, its actually worth it
  4. Simple way to make it obvious, when listing the attendee update, put in big text the link to the summary/info thread saying something like MORE DETAILS HERE. Job done
  5. Another +1 for Admiral multicar. We insured me and the missus on both cars cheaper than it was for me alone on my old Leon Cupra! Bargin. Still theiving gets wanted an extra £200 to pay by DD so it went on the credit card in one lump
  6. Not in this climate surely??? http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/ Yeah but in my disjointed logic, a house is for a long term investment, house prices will rise past what you paid, even if they drop initially and there are more people having to rent as they cant get mortgages Plus speak to Sarnie, may be able to get an extra good mortgage
  7. Holiday and turbo's sound good to me If I had my boring hat on I would put a deposit down on another house with it buy to let
  8. I did think about it, but tbh I kinda wanted it to go wrong so I have an excuse to retrim the lot I was originally going to pop over and see them when I came up at xmas but left it too long to arrange in the end. If you do pop over see if we can sort out some discount for others on the forum
  9. Quick update, spoke to Ben@http://www.furnitureclinic.co.uk/ , hes a very helpful chap and recommended me a kit to go for. I'm going for one of their large kits with 500ml of light grey and 500ml of black to give me the effect I am after. Quite expensive at £90 all in, but hey its cheaper than a retrim and Ben has told me it should get rid of most if not all of my cracks and problems with the current leather. Once done should be something like: Will obviously do a write up and let you know how I get on with it
  10. i think if you put decat pipes on it youll burst your ear drums
  11. And Louis holding it just to make sure
  12. I think that would persuade me to use them if they were just round the corner from me! I think postage was always quite expensive from them so that would make a big difference
  13. Nice one I've had the mechanics and service desk guys comment on my Varis lip when I got the BCM sorted when it went haywire a few month back. Always nice to hear others complement the car that arent in the Zed fraternity
  14. Are overclockers still more expensive than other sites? They used to have a good array of products but were nearly always more expensive than others like Dabs, ebuyer, etc. I havent built a computer since my water cooled beast back at Uni (3 or so yrs ago). I have given up and gone with laptops since as I dont play games other than my XB360 so simply dont need all that power. Putting a PC together is easier than most think, once you dont it, you can build another very easily. Most connects only go in one place anyway Putting on the CPU headsink is probably the hardest part which is probably loads easier these days with new socket layouts?
  15. Thats pants, and very poor customer service from a company that have always been good to me and I've always recommended. This could be interesting, as usually the courier will use the postcode and house number to do the delivery. If you get lucky I guess they could have good local knowledge and deliver it to yours otherwise it'll be returned to Dell
  16. Hmm, I see the problem now. Its not the drop that does it, its compounded by the raise from the road up and then down that does it. Will be hard to erradicate that without building the driveway flat or trying to level the path to road hight and hence you go straight down the drive rather than up the path and down the drive, if that makes sense? I have a mate which has a ramp down to his parking which is way steeper than that and I'm ok, its the fact it raises before it drops Can also see how it would cost so much to level now!
  17. OK, so I guess it will look something like this: I tried to recolour the centre of this pic which was a tan/orange colour to grey. Obviously it wasnt leather so the texture isnt right, but you get the idea
  18. Quite a few i would of thought, actually i could do with a list making up of those starting from there *cough* too slow *cough*
  19. Lets start a list: Meeting at St Davids Park: Chris`I
  20. And possibly see some Honda's let go like last year to which the whole crowd will say "I've never seen a Honda let go before" Thought the track time was all gone? Did I miss something?
  21. I got 13 passes, but missed the bear
  22. Thats what I thought. Its a shame I only spotted this now as they are based in Gateshead and I was up that way at xmas, could have had a look. Wonder if there is someone up that way that could take a butchers. As for risking the seats, there isnt much risk as the drivers right hand bolster is getting worse by the day, so if it doesnt work, it just forces me in to having them retrimmed earlier
  23. Think its meant to work quite well. DW thread on some guy whos used it - http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... t=recolour I have emailled them to ask if they have some samples of offcuts that have been coloured and a few more details, will let you know how I get on
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