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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Looking at those prices it looks like he got a good deal
  2. +1 - so long as its been serviced every year (or the correct interval) there should be no problems. I'd still get an RAC check done if its a private sale just to make sure
  3. Wales it is then Just dont look too closely, although I have done a lot of work and what I think is a good job, its no retrim Tim
  4. Sure that was posted on my350z aaaaaages ago.
  5. Thanks guys. That was after 3 coats of black and 2 coats of grey done by sponge, meant to be a base coat. Been doing the drivers seat today so they are both ready to be given a couple of coats with the supplied air brush, then sealed with the finisher. I'm very impressed with the finish so far considering its just been slapped on with a sponge! Watch this space EDIT: Tidied to acutally make sense
  6. Chris`I

    LED rear lights

    PM'D Phil he never replied so i took that as a no maybe we should approach mjp or holdcroft with a group buy ? I have it on good authority that he has to empty his PM inbox every day at the moment due to volume of messages, dont be too annoyed if your message got deleted by mistake Might be an idea to give him a call instead
  7. Chris`I

    LED rear lights

    I think most people get them from Holdcroft's, never heard anything bad said. I'll wait here to Phil to chip in though, he seems to source everything else
  8. You naughty boy! Did he change that quick, or are you playing silly buggers?
  9. I'd plead ignorance and say I didnt realise they were trying to race me. I mean a Zed vs a Vectra?! I would hope the judge would see your point
  10. I'd go with that. Shame it wont ever happen
  11. Not me, I've seen what it can do Good for you mate. I know a few people that have tried and failed, always good to hear of those that have managed to stick with it. Just think of all the mods to the Zed you can afford not throwing money away on cigs
  12. LOL you guys crack me up Didnt realise Paul Smith did reversible shirts, are we sure Tim has his on the right way round?!
  13. As the others have said the handbrake is an easy job, tbh they probably forgot to tighten it again after doing the pads. As for the pads they need a good braking in as Gix describes. Then let the real fun begin
  14. I certainly would put a lot of weight knowing it came from you and had a good check over before being sold. The only slight problem I can see is that I didnt know who you were til I came on here, so I can see you struggling to grab the usual 350z punters who rock up to the Nissan dealership. Still theres plenty of people that come on here shopping for a Zed so I dont think you'll struggle for business.
  15. Nice on matey! See the site gets a mention, just hope those hoody types dont start hanging around
  16. Excellent work chaps, looks spot on! Cant wait to see and hear them all
  17. Chris`I

    Carbon lip

    No I've just had it so long and cant be bothered to sell it and have to post it out, so I obviously dont need the money that badly, so if someone gives me a decent amount for it on the day I'll donate it to the club. Offers around £25 should do it
  18. Good stuff. At least when big corporations have too much red tape to do anything useful, the good old man in his van can be flexible
  19. Looks to me to be a UK car that has had the rear bumper replaced for whatever reason. I think the wheels and the rear bumper change will have put most buyers off (i.e. not standard) so the dealers have had to drop the price to try and sell it. It looks pretty tidy, esp the engine bay. Someone has looked after it or the dealer has had it cleaned which I doubt. Also noticed the ash tray appears to be missing. You need to get the background of why the rear bumper has been changed, and if its all legit its a bargin, but any sniff of crash damange and I'd give it a miss.
  20. Chris`I

    Carbon lip

    Yup I have a genuine Nissan one in my loft as we speak. It sticks on with 3M tape which is more than enough to keep it in place. Had mine on about 9 months before fitting the Varis lip. I will sell it to the first person to catch me at the Wales run and give me some money for it, proceeds to the club
  21. I've second skinned the whole of the cubby area and the stock sub sounds much better. That wasnt my aim but was a nice bonus. Agree the sub is weedy, but then again, I cant see that Nissan were aiming the car at audiophiles either
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