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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Handy for returning home after a night out clubbing! Saturday night in Chester St Davids crew will certainly take them off your hands to get us home
  2. Huge guys always used to be funny in TKD, you just run round them kicking them while they struggle to turn as quick as you I find that supprising, I would have thought that strength training would still hold some use in MMA. Grappling etc requires this kind of strength which I dont think you'd get from polymetrics, thats more for explosive power and endurance. I think you need a balance of it all and thats where the key lies. The 300 workout(s) have all elements and never too much of one which is what makes them good. I would say in that routine you posted that its more heavily weighted to polymetrics but there is still strength training in there with the lifts and pull ups. Anyway, you'd batter me and thats what counts so keep doing what you're doing (better dig out my bo-staff and nunchaku )
  3. I agree, there is a difference between them and it looks like your guys have bugger all core stability if thats the case (not that I'll say it to their face) but even with pussy weights, doing deadlifts wrong will bugger your back up, just informing those that may not be aware that it can be dangerous. I had a mate at uni that threw his back out deadlifting like 30kg Doing it faster will only make it worse too, so although the weight is low, the speed of doing it and doing it incorrectly could injure you. This reminds me I need to get back into some form of exercise, become a right unfit bugger recently!
  4. There have been various 300 training routines posted and all differ slightly. One thing I would say about all of them is dont try it if you are not an experienced weight lifter as moves like deadlifts and clean & press can be very dangerous if you dont know what you are doing. On a less serious note, I saw a vid on the guys training for 300, and the trainer basically said they had as close to no repetition in the exercises as possible. Always hitting their body's with new and exciting exercises so they never became efficient at any single one always causing their muscles to grow. Was very interesting, but looked like bloody hard work!
  5. Yeah, I got the one that Trev and Gix have, but the threads have started to rust and reception is getting worse. I'm going back OEM for now and have ordered an S2000 one instead
  6. Chris`I


    If already clean I use an old wash mit and the some car shampoo (Megs gold class). This is if the wheels were done from new with something like PB wheel sealant. If the wheels are minging then I'd use a normal wash, clay and then something more abrasive like wheen cleaner to get them to a good standard once, seal them and from then on wash as above
  7. Want a wager on that +1 - mines minging. Not shine and show this time then! Weather not looking too good for later, have to keep an eye out
  8. Who'd have known it was that easy to install Endless brakes. God knows why they cost so much
  9. Nope not flush but I can live with it. I have a new problem though, in that the threads have started to rust which means reception has dropped right off. I tried to clean them and stick some WD40 on, which was good until the next time it rained and rusted! Reception is now poo and I think I will put the OEM antenna back on!
  10. Chris`I


    Oh well, at least I'm not a Southern nancy at heart I'll just keep waiting for Phil to expand and have a southern division
  11. I normally get there about 7.30pm. We seemed to be a little late last time to grab some space, so if someone wants to head down early and save a few spaces it would be much appreciated
  12. Taken from ctyres after googling
  13. Chris`I


    Just to reiterate what the others have said. Clutch life is based very much on how someone drives the car. I've seen some go at 25k, some last more than 60k. Adam@Z1auto said that if you cant make it last more than 60k, you aint driving right, so I think you should be ok for a while yet. I've had my Zed from 26k miles, now on 46k and the clutch hasnt changed one bit in those 20k miles and I expect plenty more. Just be nice to it and it'll last a fair few miles. As for having Phil on your doorstep you are one lucky . He will sort you out everthing you need and at very reasonable prices with service second to non. The only thing that depresses me about ESR is that they are so far away from me
  14. Pass plus is very good for dropping first time insurance costs. If you've been driving more than a year or two its not worth it though from what I've been told
  15. Chris`I


    +1 +2 - pay to learn to be a better driver. I have a mate who does a few rallies here and there and used to race karts and he can spank most people in a race in the most underpowered and crappy looking cars just because he knows how to use them to their best advantage and knows their limits. If you must mod the car then plenum spacer gives proven torque but not much and suspension and brakes are probably the best place to start after that. Everything else is for noise unless you replace the ECU
  16. I seem to remember Nissan stupidly called their normal remote unlock system - remote keyless entry - in the brochure. I noticed that when I got my Zed last year.
  17. Mine gets a wash every week, wax every 2-4 weeks and full going over maybe twice a year, if you do it right and keep it right you shouldnt need to polish more than every 6 months
  18. Stone chips are a sod. I use a combination of T-cut (very sparingly!) and touchup pens. Also have the Lanka blob remover which is very hit and miss, it has hidden my worst stone chips but the smallest ones are still there. The problem with metallic, especially silver is the way it lies. With a spray gun the particles in the paint are displaced differently to when it is brushed on. So from differing angles, the paint may seem to match and then from another it looks completly wrong!
  19. Not strictly true. I left Amanda watching Phils chaps fit a plenum spacer while we went to talk about more (expensive) goodies when I was up there. She was happy enough! I do agree its all about distraction though
  20. Looking good matey, be nice to see it at the Reading meet Looks like you need your handbrake adjusting too
  21. Mine needs a clean but as these bloody seats are taking me all weekend, I dont think I'll have the time. Hopefully you lot will be more interested in my seat transformation than my dirty car
  22. Should have a decent turn out this time me thinks
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