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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Mk1 old shape, TDi, get it Revo'd and you'll be having mucho when you hit the power band
  2. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA +1 :lol: good job I'm at home, I was peeing my pants watching that second one!
  3. As the others have said thats a healthy budget. Either for a slighly older car and some mods or a newer one in better nick
  4. PMSL Yeh everyday I go out and kick a bamboo tree in order to take revenge on what Tong Po done to you bro lol i will get back your honour. Plus still a bit peeved what he did to Mylee I wanted to be the first Love that film, got his dancing down to a tee when he is drunk Theres something I never saw your parents stocking, Bamboo trees! Where are they on the Blitz site?
  5. i think your skirt and boob tube will give it away............... thats beavis lol, Im the one in a mini dress and fishnet stockings Gives it away all the same. Think the car might do that for you too, although, wait, I havent see it
  6. Even if they work, all its telling you is you've been caught Without a scrambler it wont save you, and they are illegal. If its a copper with a laser gun then your right but the laser detectors will let you know in advance of any static speed traps etc Ahh, didnt realise they picked that up
  7. Cant help I'm afraid but... Give Phil@ESR or Kev/Gav@Envy a shout, they will help you out
  8. Even if they work, all its telling you is you've been caught Without a scrambler it wont save you, and they are illegal.
  9. Just like my Varis lip, terrible when they do that isnt it
  10. Thats why it'd never work for me. I arrive early and leave early, so wouldnt work with others in my office. Plus I like to drive the Zed how I like and listen to what I want. We dont have 3.5l engined cars to save the planet or our wallets, so get out and use em and have fun
  11. Chris`I


    Nice one. I'm near enough the same age and paid £500 last year but thats with business milage, so sounds like you got a good deal. Just need to count down the days. I suggest a visit to Phil every day to see what mods to get
  12. Sorry dude, I was just unlocking the car when the heavens opened! In all honesty I didnt think anyone would show, and in my defence I had 3 days off last week with a stonking cold At least with this meet it gets better throughout the year with the nights getting lighter and the weather getting better
  13. Dont rub it in Still a fair bit of blue sky here in Blasingsmoke, not sure about up the road in Reading
  14. Simmz can give us a weather report just before leaving work then! I'll be screaming past in about 1/2hr on my way home. Its meant to rain about 5-6pm onwards, but knowing the weather report its miles off anyway!
  15. Its not actually much lower at all, only the thickness of the CF below the bumper so maybe 3-5mm. The problem is how much it extends out the front. Mostly not a problem, but I do find speedbumps or lowered kurbs which have a dropped road in front are a pain. I.e. if the road sinks and falls away just before it goes back up, it does tend to be a very tense moment! Theres one speedbump by my house that is a tentative 1st gear manouver, but most others are fine. I never went near multistories before and still dont with it!
  16. Have you seen the latest SE Europa, more like a TVR, e.g. leather dash etc. very plush. They say the car is aiming at the 911 market, but it seems to be between the Coxster and 911. I did catch something when it was first launched, but got the impression that although the interior wasnt stripped out like the Elise, it wasnt much to write home about. If I'm honest I didnt pay much attention though Will be good to give the Zed some competition, get Nissan to improve the interior and give it a diet
  17. Well it uses the same mounting bolts that are there for the undertray at the corners of the bumper, but I found that it blocks access to some of the other bolts to get the undertray off. So I drilled and dremelled some more holes to give access to them so you didnt have to remove it to service the car. Elsewhere there is sticky tape for the centre section and 2 self tappers each side to latch it to the bumber. Its very solid once on, and a cracking piece of kit Are you on the OC with the Nismo kit with the smoothed rear spats? They look very
  18. Well that kinds of depends on the area you live in, the condition of the roads, the weather, how many shows you display at which means pristine clean. Well a show car is a bit different If I was showing mine, I would probably still keep to the same routine, I'd just drive it less to keep it cleaner
  19. They do make low calorie beer, but like low fat everything, it takes mank!
  20. If its anything like past Lotus' its likely to be stripped out and bare basic? Says its a 2+2 though so could have the edge over the Zed if you have mates to ship about
  21. And the Police chopper for aerial photos On the subject of photos and convoying around the countryside, will we ever stop and let another group past? I could see good photo ops if you drive for a bit and stop, let the trailing group past, get lots of piccies and then they do the same for you Not sure the logistics would work having 10 Zeds stopped while the others pass, but might work?
  22. Yeah dont go too mad with protien guys. Unless you are already hitting a platteau when working out it wont make any difference. If you are just starting out then a proper diet as Jay has pointed out will get you 90% of the way there. Its only when you need the extra 10% that you need to start hitting protein bars and shakes. If you take too much you'll just pee it all away
  23. Loosk interesting. AskMID calls it a Lotus 122 under that reg plate
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