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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Ah the good ole days! Need to get my teeth whitened
  2. There is a Bride involved but not my wife Does it involve more than seats? I'm waiting for someone to get a dash retrim so I can tell if I want one or not
  3. +4 - esp the full leather interior. Willing to divuldge any more details?
  4. I know how you feel our place is full of the dam things every day Pffff, who'd have one eh!
  5. I have to say I tend to agree. I have always said that Leemik's (American member) car looked better before he added the Nismo wing and thats why I wont get one, so I'm with you buddy. The wing still looks good though, just not as good as without on certain cars imo
  6. The only way to get it unblocked it by either the network themselves who wont do it or changing the IMEI number of the phone which is highly illegal.
  7. Spoiler looks nice *cought* Wheels are not a display stand *cough* :lol: And are those Jays seats in the background?
  8. Chris`I

    Bride seats

    When you get bored of them can I have first dibs? Look v That reminds me, need to post some pics of my seat recolouring antics
  9. Be interesting to see the results when its bedded in with and without bungs. As my car is a daily driver I want something fairly quiet on motorways and noisy when I want to go for a blap. I'm thinking this isnt the way to go atm
  10. Although the idea would seem feasible, the ECU would be programmed for the sensors being a set distance apart, so unless you could keep this distance it wouldnt work properly. Saying that, it might still work with them closer together, just the coverage wouldnt be as good.
  11. Just read the document, a very informative Shaping up to be a top day, cant wait.
  12. Yeah so long as the weather is good. Cant beleive that every night this week the sun has been out in Blazingsmoke, but the one night we wanted to do something it lashed it down. Hardly a cloud in the sky atm
  13. Balls, was hoping it was 5-6yrs. Oh well being a 53 reg looks like the bonnet will need some repairing and repainting then EDIT: Just re-read it Would this be considered under the anti corrosion warranty?
  14. Halfords online are currently selling the Meta SR2 targa parking sensor half price at £49.99 . These have been discussed before and although being a numberplate holder style and having a limiting field of view over 4 sensor bumper mounted systems, I dont think you'd get much better for £55 inc delivery. I've ordered one too see what they are like. Only available online Linky to Halfords Online It also came 3rd in Auto Express recent tests, top of the sensors that require no drilling. Review Here Will let you know how I get on. I envisage getting some bondo and paint to blend it in a bit
  15. Right, well I was in Chips Away yesterday getting a scuff done, did an excellent job and touched up my 1 million stone chips for me as an extra Came to collect the car and got shown around what they did and the lovely lady that runs the place pointed out that I have some bubbling paint on the front edge of my bonet So I need to know how long the Nissan paint warrenty lasts as I have let my extended warrenty (which I doubt covers paint) lapse.
  16. Glad you got it sorted now. I did the same and took off all the bolts first time just to realise it was the end 2 of each side that were needed! The only modding I have done to it recently was to drill out access to all the Nissan undertray bolts so that you dont have to remove the lip to take the undertray off and service it. If you want to do the same, I suggest you get a really good drill, dremel, facemask and goggles as CF is nasty stuff when cutting it
  17. I spoke to the guys at WRC (I think) at Silverstone last year. Seem to remember they had a Zed pushing 400BHP on standard internals and 600BHP on a rebuilt block. They seem to be the numbers you'd be looking at. Any reason you need more than 600 horses? Racing, drag? What other upgrades do you have? I'm just being curious
  18. You can also power it from the headunit I did think about that but didnt know how much power it would draw so thought it best to take it from the ciggy lighter outlet. Would be really easy to power it from the HU, just pop the centre dash out and tap into the wires there. Although iirc there is no earth in the standard wiring for the HU (its provided through the aerial amp) so best to earth it to the chasis
  19. Danny: As you already know how to take the central dash out, its just a case of finding a 12v supply that runs off the ignition. Best place for this is to tap into the ciggy lighters. If you have a UK car then there is one handily in the passenger footwell, so all you need to is get the power cable down there and splice in the wires. I cant remember what the connectors are called but you can get some that take a wire in each side and bites down on them bridging it. You need a pair of these to tap the wires in. Put the dash back together and you're good to go
  20. Chris`I

    My GT4

    Nice and clean. Wont stay like that for long
  21. Where did he get it? Any reputable seller wouldnt fob you off with fake carbon. And good carbon is expensive, take it from one who broke the bank with a Varis lip
  22. From the pics it does look like real carbon as the strands dont appear to be perfect but more natural. Having got the Nissan fake CF and a real carbon lip, yours looks a lot more real than the Nissan one. They look like real strands. What you might find is if its cheap, is that its some kind of flexible vinyl type base with the finest layer of real carbon over it, hence why the backing is black and it doesnt look like its layered. I have some real carbon pieces from the States that are flexible due to the type of resin used. My Varis lip is light and rock solid, again as they used solid resin. Its not from Delsa Motorsport on eBay is it? The bits I've had off them have all been like this, but I've only got badge inserts and pillar covers. The bits I have of their CF I have is like this and its real CF. I always thought their bigger pieces would be stiff, but maybe not if thats what you've got
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