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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Okay Im totally confused If cant get her up for 8:45 Ill promise Ill get to the first service station where you all be at for 10am 10am ? probably passing you in bed at st davids dont forget to wave to us Yeah can Amanda borrow your car in that case as she wants to do some driving and we'll fight over who gets to. If you dont get up we can have a car each
  2. Hmm, this would buy you a nice TT setup for the Zed Good luck with the sale, I'll pass it on to a chap at work who's been tempted to get one for a while, see what he says
  3. just dont wear your skirts........!! we dont want to encourage jay to wear his boob tube................. Duely noted What sort of time would we be leaving St D? We can let reception know to give us all a wake up call and get a table ready for breakkie
  4. I'd suggest that we do it from the B&Q in Reading where the Jap meet is held on those Tues. If we park up in the corner past B&Q there should be plenty of space for a meet and greet then head on down. Shall we get a list started of people wanting to come then we can make a call on Saturday night/Sunday morning on what to do and PM people? 1. Chris`I 2. H5 3. dcash5
  5. Definately planning on it, but all down to the weather. Its only 10min drive for me so it will likely be a last minute decision I think if we get sufficient interest we should arrange a meet nearby and all drive in together as I'm not too sure what the organisation of this is like, but going by the blurb its a bit of a free for all!
  6. JAP PERFORMANCE SUNDAY - Wellington Country Park, Reading 27th April 2008 - £5 entry http://www.japaneseperformancemagazine. ... vents.aspx (scroll to 27th April) Missed this last year, and seems to be running earlier this year, think we should have a gander as there are now quite a few members around the Reading area. Current plan will be to meet at the local B&Q car park (just down the road from the event - HERE) and then convoy down so that we can all park together, or if the car park is big enough out the front, meet there then go in. I will recon the car park on the way home one night this week. We will call this on or off the Sat night/Sun morning depending on the weather and numbers in attendance. I'm expecting this to be quite low key, if we start getting larger numbers, we mau have to rethink the strategy. Planned attendance: 1. Chris`I 2. H5 3. dcash5
  7. You could be supprised. I have an R6, did direct access at 24 and got insurance for £500 for the year is that fully comp ? you need fully comp on a bike really Yup, fully comp from Bennets. I think they went a bit dollally offering it that cheap!
  8. You could be supprised. I have an R6, did direct access at 24 and got insurance for £500 for the year
  9. Get me £2k and I'll promise to do my best to turn mine red in time
  10. I've heard this many times and mostly its been dismissed as an urban myth. I've heard if done properly it wont weaken the rims at all, but if done incorrectly then it can have this effect.
  11. I dont mind meeting at the services if its prefered
  12. im driving through bristol to get there if that helps bud Arent you going up the night before? I think the others will be driving up on the day
  13. Video removed Good luck with the sale. Car looks stunning after its detail
  14. Yeah tea and biscuit shortage in the NE now! Better tell my uncle to go and stock up before Phil wipes them out! That seems like on hell of a day! Would take a stealership about 4 weeks to clear that lot and even then it wouldnt be washed And what have I told you about selling those Varis lips, their all meant to mysteriously dissapear
  15. Actually I spoke to BigPhil (trader on here) about these not so long ago. After having a good write ups from the VAG boys I thought it would be good. But from what he has seen on the Zed, the flow rates arent up to that of the pop charger and recommended I save some money and get one of them instead. Either way, they wont improve performance in terms of power as the ECU cancells it out. Some say it improves throttle response, but most say it just sounds better. Adam@Z1auto usually recomends people try and get an 06+ airbox if they want the best performance as it flows the best
  16. Fingers, toes, eye, legs and arms all crossed for ya
  17. They look like (06?)/07/08 OEM headlights to me
  18. See the thing that annoyes me is look at those prices. Something so simple as replacing the amber strip in my lights (which I really want to do), they only charge ~£40 for. I think thats very reasonable for what they do, but its such a PITA to take them out and ship them off. Try and et someone in the UK to do that and it'd cost you a fortune. They get it so easy in the US
  19. Dont get me wrong, I do like it, just some cars I think look better without. I can take it or leave it tbh, but I dont dislike it
  20. I've spoken to one of the bods that I contract with and as far as he is aware, once a phone has been barred, it is blacklisted from all european networks and there is no easy way to get it removed from the list if at all. If you are thinking of trying to get it unbarred, I'd talk straight to the provider you use and see what they say. I'd say you are not going to be so lucky Basically the bar is applied with the IMEI number, which is like an IP address for your phone. It identifies your phone uniquely and gives the details like model and make and also a unique number. They bar this and unless you change it it wont work again. Changing it is highly illegal from what I understand. The network will also not give you any details of why the phone was barred. They dont know who the hell you are, so wont give you any info. They probably wont even be able to tell you its barred tbh, call centres probably dont have access to that information. Bit more info on IMEI and barring: http://www.crimereduction.homeoffice.go ... goods5.htm
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