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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I've emailled them to ask about postage to the UK, and will give it a go if its reasonable. I tried the Langka kit, but was unhappy with the colour match of the Halfrauds paint a mate made up for me. If this is a reasonable price, it will hopefully do a better job It says on the website to use shipping option 3 to post to the UK missed that GM colour code is WV2 btw. On this point, I was told by Chips Away there are at least 2 variants of it on their database, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with. Chips Away colour was much lighter than Halfords, but at certain angles the Halfords stuff was just too dark, whereas Chips was a much better match, albeit slightly lighter than OEM. OK got an email back from them and they do indeed post to the UK with option 3. Think I will order some after pay day (next Monday) and see what happens
  2. I agree with the others, needs to be high gloss black, and keep it nice and shiney
  3. Martin is paying for everyone else's wales lunch... see..
  4. nowhere near that number of 350z's, well it didnt look that many to me From what I remember the 350z percentage was pretty low, maybe 30ish? I was about a third of the way back of the 350 pack when my sig pic was taken Does the other channel claim to have the biggest 350 meet? How many did they get?
  5. Chris`I


    You aint delt with Nissan Basingstoke have you?! It was like pulling teeth to get them to give me a full tank. They tried whacking a tennas worth in first
  6. I've emailled them to ask about postage to the UK, and will give it a go if its reasonable. I tried the Langka kit, but was unhappy with the colour match of the Halfrauds paint a mate made up for me. If this is a reasonable price, it will hopefully do a better job It says on the website to use shipping option 3 to post to the UK missed that GM colour code is WV2 btw. On this point, I was told by Chips Away there are at least 2 variants of it on their database, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with. Chips Away colour was much lighter than Halfords, but at certain angles the Halfords stuff was just too dark, whereas Chips was a much better match, albeit slightly lighter than OEM.
  7. +1 - jst get the body shop to do some testing to find a match. They should have some tester cards to get them pretty damn close what black paint on the rear hatch ? do you mean the top black tint on the glass ? Yeah the tint or whatever the finish is on the glass. Should be able to find a black gloss that near as damnit matches
  8. I've emailled them to ask about postage to the UK, and will give it a go if its reasonable. I tried the Langka kit, but was unhappy with the colour match of the Halfrauds paint a mate made up for me. If this is a reasonable price, it will hopefully do a better job
  9. +1 - jst get the body shop to do some testing to find a match. They should have some tester cards to get them pretty damn close
  10. On the note of the bubbling bonnet, Chips Away spotted that mine has started to do this last week. I am going to take it to Nissan (Dan Perkins Slough and Westway Basingstoke) as far as I am aware there is a 12yr anticorrision warrenty, so if the paint hasnt been broken around the bubbling, I'm going to try and claim it is still their fault. No idea how I'll get on, may be time for a carbon bonnet (*cough* Phil *cough*) but I will certainly fight that it is poor quality on their part and let you know how it goes.
  11. Nice line up of cars. Would be nice to hear your comparisions of Zed vs Evo VIII as my mate has that same Evo and we're always fighting over whos is better. Undoubtly mine is more of a hit with the ladies, as his GF proved when she asked why he didnt get the same as me rather than the Evo
  12. +1 - dial illumination can only be changed when the headlights are on as well. The normal backlight (i.e. when headlights are off for daytime) cant be changed. Well not in mine at least.
  13. Need some nice grooved/drilled discs
  14. Fun route, fun route, raa raa raa
  15. Phil - you got PM, now I know you're awake you can read them Replied Good man - on both counts Shame that they change the disc sizes/dimensions on these cars, would be far easier to have industry standard sizes
  16. Phil - you got PM, now I know you're awake you can read them
  17. Sounds normal to me. Make sure you watch the speedo! I thought that the first time I drove it, coming from a Leon FR (180BHP) it felt slow, but looking at the speedo I was going far quicker than I felt My mates Evo VIII also feels much faster than my Zed, but in a dead race it really isnt. Remember this thing is meant to be a GT car and becuase its not turbo'd the torque is always there and you dont get the kick that turbo'd systems give you. Is your GT4 turbo'd? Sorry dont know anything about them btw, I'm a bit slow with them
  18. Jay, hes not on about keeping the callipers, hes got a spare set of discs for them that he wants to know if they fit a Zed David: Speak to the traders on here (BigPhil@ESR, Kev/Gav@Envy, Adam@Z1auto) they will be the quickest route to an answer. I dont know the ins and outs of discs and fitment but they do sound mighty similar
  19. Damn right! The R6 was my first bike, only because my dad left it to me. If I could afford it I dont think I'd have gotten a 600 stright off the bat. Its way way way more capable than me and I dont honestly think I will learn to be as good a rider having gone straight to it (not having a smaller one to learn the limits off). Its one hell of a ride though, forget any car you have been in for accelleration. As Gix says a 600 isnt a baby. Anyone who tells you a 1000 is faster is only right if they are a big bloke or they talks out their ass. Most bikers I speak to say thou's arent any quicker and just go through rear tyres quicker as you just cant use the power. Hella good fun though
  20. I voted black, but you really need some more aggressive looking wheels soon if not already on order
  21. I'm sure Jay doesnt live a massive distance away from there, sure he can send the boys in
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