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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. +1 - we dont have a cabin filter as far as I'm aware and as Adam points out.
  2. Thats what I thought. My guess is that it suits his reg plate better that way Plus when he comes to sell, someone isnt going to stray away from it purely because it has a JDM bumper, like you might with a standard car. only thing I dont like is the yellow reg plate, new number plate comes tomo black and chrome And is illegal How long before you get pulled for that?!
  3. Thats what I thought. My guess is that it suits his reg plate better that way Plus when he comes to sell, someone isnt going to stray away from it purely because it has a JDM bumper, like you might with a standard car.
  4. +1 - I think thats the most I could do to mine without spending too much. I fear that most of the cost is going to be postage though Would it be much cheaper if we could get a few all at once and send out lights back in one consignment?
  5. I read somewhere that they are 80 litres. There will be a fair few litres in there even when the DTE is 0, I think Sarnie covered 60miles or something on 0 DTE before
  6. Tesco only allow me to put £60 in at a time and that gets me about 330 miles, mainly motorways, but playing when I can. The mosts I've seen is over 400miles from my trip to ESR last xmas on the way up from Blasingsmoke to Sunderland. Trip computer says about 28MPG, which compared to my Leon which gave 33MPG on average on the same commuting, it aint too shabby.
  7. What do you do to fill and hide the hole left on the boot lid? What about the washer jet, I take it you took that off too?
  8. Are you saying you give us your 03 lights and in exchange we give you 06+ lights? He wants to know if you can exchange 03 lights for new 06+ lights at the same cost as if you have exchanged 06+ lights for 06+ lights
  9. Dont blame ya for trying. If they do it for the same price then I might just be interested
  10. Go here: http://www.vehiclelicence.gov.uk/EvlPor ... =directgov Bang in your details and see what that says. It takes your details from the database as they will appear on you tax reknewal. If its lower than 273g/km then you will be quids in, but keep ya mouth shut
  11. Doubt it going by how much they trade in 03-05's vs 06+ ($200 vs $500)
  12. +1 (Still prefer the GReddy though) Does everybody know that I have one for sale? If only I wasnt skint *sigh*
  13. Went last year and it was excellent. Weather was perfect and the lap wasnt half bad either. Would we get some track time?
  14. I hear ESR have a nice big garage they could let you, couldnt you Phil? Pweeeease?!
  15. Mate you sure you've warped the discs? I hear from good sources that you near as damn it cant warp modern discs. I thought I had done mine when I bedded mine in, but turned out it was some pad transfer on the disc. Did the bedding in again, got rid of the build up and all is fine and dandy again. Just need to remember to leave the car in gear rather than on the handbrake if I've been for a spirited drive
  16. Looks good, think Jay will have these shortly with a bit of modding
  17. Bah, I need to burn ... erm .... buy my copy too. Well reminded
  18. Dont do white. It would probably discoulour in a few weeks and would be an ar$e to clean!
  19. Set mine to 6k. Gives a nice amount of time when the light comes on solid to get your gear change in before loosing all torque or hitting the limiter
  20. +1 - you need a good mic to record it well and also a good set of speakers on the PC (w/ some kind of sub at a minimum) to even guage what it would sound like. I'll just listen to them at Wales
  21. Bigphil? +1 Phil would make a killing if he could stock up on these and we could get them at a decent price. At £800 its too dear for me, but at around £400-500 I might be interested with a lot less hassle.
  22. is that what the lens is supplied with phil ? It is now. *cough* PM *cough* (Sorry I'm a pain in the ass ) will be in touch tommorow Chris Good man ta I should be getting commission for sourcing the bulbs
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