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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris`I

    My Nismo Wheels

    Is that considered better than PB Wheel Sealant? I will have to seal mine again shortly and this looks easier to apply And for those with a carbon fettish, you can get this tax disc holder - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Solid-CARBON- ... dZViewItem I wouldn't use it as a sealant, although it says it can be. I use CG Jetseal 109 for the wheels - same stuff as on the paintwork. I haven't used the Poorboys Sealant, but generally it gets a good response. Seems to be pretty similar to the Jetseal. I use the AG stuff to top it up really. Once they are clean and dry, rubbing the wheels all over with it sprayed on to a cloth and buffing it brings up a really nice shine. Ahh I see. Too lazy to have something on top of the sealant, thats enough hassle for me
  2. Chris`I

    My Nismo Wheels

    Is that considered better than PB Wheel Sealant? I will have to seal mine again shortly and this looks easier to apply And for those with a carbon fettish, you can get this tax disc holder - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Solid-CARBON- ... dZViewItem
  3. Chris`I

    My Nismo Wheels

    Mine used to be like that, chopped the top bit off the first day I had it Gonna get a carbon one at some point. Spoke to a bloke on eBay that I've had carbon off before to get a GB on them (and someone here tried to start a GB with them too apparently) but he couldnt do more than a few quid off them due to their cost in production
  4. A 1% difference in the rolling radius should not effect the TC or anything like that and 255 should be fine for an 8.5" wheel (which Rays are on the rear iirc). All you will find is with wider tyres is a buldging look as it is the widest that the wheel will take. Check with Phil@ESR, Adam@Z1, Kev@Envy for their views, but as far as I can see the tyres will fit. Personally I still wouldnt use them as they just "feel" too wide to me.
  5. According to the other channel its MY07s only.
  6. It is indeed, but try driving that to work And if you think how light that thing is, the time for the GTR is still amazing!
  7. Chris`I


    As some of the others have said, dont be supprised by oil burners once they get going. You can easily chip them and in a straight line, once moving, they will out do a Zed. Back when I had my Leon, the diesel ones we becoming more popular for commuters as you could chip them to the same BHP as the Cupra R but they had more torque, so 0-60 the petrol won it, but if you did 20-100MPH runs the oil burner did them! That said, the number of missed changes you had would have done you in for sure. Need to get more practice
  8. Chris`I

    My Nismo Wheels

    Think you made the right decision in the end by not having them refinished, all silver sets off the car very nicely
  9. Chris`I

    My Nismo Wheels

    Nice one Dave, looking very I agree with Stew, they look very different than on most colours, the contrast of silver on yellow is excellent
  10. Gotta love technicalities - not actually riding it at the time. I bet the cops were waiting at the hospital just waiting to book him
  11. Go to your local halfords and get a rust treatment called Krust. Apply that and it prepares the rust to be painted whilst also killing it. Then use the normal touch up pen paint to apply a bit of paint over it. Use a toothpick or similar and apply a small amount at once (it will spread a lot so only use a little) and keep reapplying every half hour or so until it is filled up. The trick is to apply lots of small amounts otherwise if you do it in one go the metallic flecs will sink to the bottom of the blob and look pants. HTH
  12. if the results are good we may order a few kits in. I'd have one. Give your paint shop a break for once
  13. be very interested to see the results in the flesh, pop in if you get the chance. Let us know what they look like from different angles. The main gripe I had with the attempt I made with a touchup pen and Langka was that from one angle it was spot on but from others it was miles darker. I hear that this is an inherant problem of metalics, esp silver, but this kit is meant to be specially formulated to avoid this
  14. Chris`I

    My new Z

    Very nice Apparently my neighbours all think I'm sad for the ammount I clean my car, but I dont give a toss, they're all boring and old and at least I'm having fun
  15. Shiney Funny how you've added the Alezan and I've just recoloured mine away from it Next up on your list should be clear fog light and silver indicator bulbs
  16. Ditto, or bash them forward and give someone a flash of high beam
  17. +1 - was reportedly doing 7m 25s and still in developement. At this rate wouldnt be supprised to see sub 7m 20s from it.
  18. Shh, Sarnie was trying to keep that quiet, people arent meant to know thats why he got rid of it
  19. Think they got sent out at the weekend. 7.30am at Reading services then
  20. Oh BTW do you guys have your tickets yet? I have a sinking feeling that mine should have arrived but havent
  21. Whats the score with arrival times? Last year we were just told to be there before 10ish I seem to remember, and that was just to beat the queues. Do we all have to be in before the show starts this time? Last year car were coming in all morning. Missus will be happy with that one
  22. Not sure where its wired in, but my guess would be you're not supplying any power to the radio amp. On my pac-roem, I seem to remember having to wire in the radio amp? Or is it powered through the HU? I cant remember, but I guess its something around there
  23. I'll have to speak to the co-driver on that one, not sure she'll be up in time! Will deffo convoy up if I can get er in doors to get up in time though
  24. I could see that happening with the kids that live in Blasingsmoke
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