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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Ditto with me and Amanda. Although shes usually limited to just around B'stoke
  2. Also known as "impact engineering" as my old scuba diving instructor used to call it
  3. Midlands?! Thats nothing compared to the trips me and Zedrush have made from down south! You should count yourself lucky mate! We need a southern division before he can think about a Midlands on
  4. Maybe Adam could donate me some Bilsteins and Phil could donate me some KW v3's and I'll decide which is best and keep them I was kinda hoping that the Bilsteins would work out quite a bit cheaper as atm I cant warrent spending that much on suspension when I'm not tracking the Zed
  5. Flashing rapidly, not dimming. Whenever I've had a flat battery in the past the dash lights have dimmed. Yeah, I'd expect them to dim too. But this is a Jap car, you never know if its meant to be telling you the battery is dead!
  6. :lol: The stupidity of some people amazes me! Still one more numpty off the road!
  7. I will accept visa or check bud Where do people swipe the visa? in mikes butt cheeks.................... Get your missus to use her gashcard Always one to lower the tone, although Chris did start it I dunno...you start a thread which may help people out and all you get is filth Hey now, I kept it clean, its takes the others dirty minds to cross the line The missus says its ok for me to come and wash the car, but she aint taking her bikini, sorry chaps
  8. Ooops, error corrected Supprised that didnt catch Jays attention
  9. Very nice, offset suits it well
  10. Lights on dash, are they flashing or dimming? I'd guve Gix's diagnosis a go, should tell you either way
  11. What are the prices like of the Bilstein Adam, vs the KWs?
  12. Although you are paying for access just like the Ring
  13. Any lawyers in the house care to back this up?
  14. errrrrr........................ no...!! I beleive it is/was technically private land, but alas usual road laws apply. I'm sure when it was built there was talk of having a higher speed limit as it was private property, but when it was adopted as a road, I guess it takes the road laws on
  15. Yeah its a real anti-climax aint it
  16. Chris`I

    Bloody curbs

    Damn, bloody kerbs! Hopefully wont be too hard to fix, should be doable in time for JapFest
  17. +1 - especially handly when you are demisting your windscreen, thats why aircon cars do it quicker
  18. Dont disagree. I think we have already decided that the lightweight track cars are undoubtebly more fun than a Zed. And that a beemer isnt much slower than a Zed in normal driving. And that a GTR is a hell of a beast in terms of weight and power. What you need to find is a nice balance. 7 is too harsh for daily driving, GTR really is too much of a beast to be a trackable car in reality, beemer just isnt sporty (sorry but its not) so the Zed is the nice balance. When all is said, it comes down to where you place that balance. Personally I prefer to have a nice GT car that is quick and poised on the road and can also be tracked the once or twice I might make it to a track in a year. I also cant have an extra track car as I dont have the space. I would love to have an oil burner to run around in and a 7 (and very nearly did that before getting the Zed) but I dont have the space and I would be driving to work in a boring car and always feeling that if I had the Zed I would be having more fun more of the time. Its all about reaching your ideal balance
  19. Chris`I

    My Nismo Wheels

    Ten sets arriving on tuesday next week Hope you got a couple of ruddy big rottweilers guarding them
  20. Chris`I


    That will make very little difference. Although the newer models have more BHP, if I remember rightly it as at the expense of low down torque. So although BHP is higher and 0-62 is slightly quicker, its probably no quicker on the track. Not by much of a margin anyway.
  21. Think P21S do more than just wax acutally But yes, try things moving up in their abrasiveness, so claybar, AG SRP, PB SSR2.5/3 or maybe (heaven forbid) a touch of T-cut. All I can see Halfrauds saying is that it will need spot respraing, so may as well give it a go yourself with polish. If not I am sure they will do a good job, they contract it out to companies so sure it will be fine EDIT: Nice one, glad to see its sorted!
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