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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Yes bud, wasnt sure about getting over with the kit on, still getting used to the ground clearance. No probs though and what a great place. Even found an orange zed to card Nice one I was more worried about the tide coming in and stranding us
  2. Somone remind me that I need to bring mine to Wales. Proceeds from the sale goto the forum in the form of a donation
  3. 350z TT blowing a Porsche TT but be interesting to see nethertheless We'll have a queue around the block ready for a ride
  4. Think she is worried we will be discussing mods over beer. If I am correct then your car has one that I am contemplating Phil will pay for Flirts dinner if he convices you to get that
  5. I personally would say yes. More power is more temptation to go fast, and the faster you are going, the better your brakes will need to be. Especially important on the track. Really though, its up to you. Some will argue you wont go any faster in terms of top speed, only accelleration, so bigger brakes dont matter, but I would want to upgrade everything if I was doing a big power hike.
  6. No it would mess up the brake balance (i.e. distrobution of force supplied to front and rear). You need to keep this the same to avoid uncontrollable lockups (too much rear bias) or putting too much stress on the front (rears not working enough). Most BB kits are specially designed to keep the brake balance as near standard as possible - I know Phils is and StopTechs will be
  7. Mine too Hopefully mine will be waiting on the mat when I get back from work
  8. Is the second to last one Holy Island? My Zed visited there last xmas after a trip to ESR
  9. Chris`I

    Fair price?

    Seems reasonable to me. I've heard of quotes of £300+ just to have a bumper done! Others will be along to give a more experienced view
  10. Finepix are also meant to be good cameras. Glad you didnt go with the Kodak, didnt want to diss them but they're not meant to be very good. Plenty of piccies at the Wales run then?!
  11. Its a 12MP camera, Currys just cant type Not heard anything about it, so cant comment. When I got the missus a Canon IXUS 860IS, I nearly bought the cheaper Canon IXUS 75, which is meant to be good and a bit cheaper than the Kodak. Amazon do them We've been more than happy with the 860IS, giving my 350D a run for its money in good lighting conditions (as they share the same image processor). Gets a good review at DPReview I think ( http://www.dpreview.com/news/0702/07022 ... sd1000.asp )
  12. Thanks Stan. Thanks ( again ) to Phil, its in for surgery Wednesday morning so should be fine. Anyone else at Phils tomorrow No but tell him to reply to my PM or I'll Probably my fault for keeping him busy. Best giving him a ring bud Think we need an ESR christmas club. Will just send him money every month on direct debit. Aither that or I will have to learn to drive Hes on the case, just prodding him along. Christmas club sounds interesting, maybe I could tell the missus I'm being taxed more and send the differnce to Phil and then when I have enough he can just send me bits haha
  13. Thanks Stan. Thanks ( again ) to Phil, its in for surgery Wednesday morning so should be fine. Anyone else at Phils tomorrow No but tell him to reply to my PM or I'll
  14. How much for the pop charger? Shotgun first dibs. I'll be on the Wales run so can grab it then Seats look excellent for someone with a custard
  15. Give it another day, then we need to chase him
  16. Nope. Prob worth chasing MadMarco (I think) to see if he's sent them out yet.
  17. There is a pub called the cheshire cat which is not far from there which has a big car park and is right on the canal. Best of both worlds?
  18. There was a monster thread on the night out on the 10th, but I think it got a bit convoluted. We are thinking of meeting at St Davids then heading somewhere for dinner or a mini meet. Really need to get it sorted! I say a local organises it
  19. What wax is that Tim? If I used P21S that heavily, I'd need a new tub every time End result looks good though. Gave mine a clean inside and out today, but no waxing, leaving that til Wed when I have a day off
  20. can you paint carbon then................. You can pretty much paint anything if you prep it right. I think Leemik has a painted carbon bonnet EDIT: Just read Mikes site and its a custom red weave he has, dont think its painted
  21. Still working out the logistics of getting there Saturday with the missus. Saturday is meant to be her pampering day, so need to make sure I get there with enough time for a swim and to chuck her in the spa for a bit before I can commit to getting the car washed. Mid afternoon sometime would be the best though
  22. So why havent you considered a Cossie? As an all in one car? It has to be comfortable and nice to live in day in day out, and my dads old Sierra certainly wasnt a patch on the Zed
  23. there are other options which may suit on a lesser budget. Certainly consider them long and hard when our annual trip oop narth comes along at xmas
  24. I'm up for anything other than heavy drinking. I'm pretty much t-total these days, so any drink is likely to effect my driving on Sun! Meeting somewhere for a nice meal does me
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