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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. It looked like a seperate add on piece clipped on or screwed on - got a close up pic at home (sad I know) post later Yeah its an extra bit of lip, but can be specced as an option on JDMs. Kind of like the US Nismo front is just a lip screwed to the front bumper
  2. Yeah they have a small extra lip on the edge - not sure if its just an optional add on or not? After a bit of discussion at St Davids, I think we decided that it is an optional extra on JDM cars
  3. Voted. Will also vote from my other 3 laptops and also work PCs
  4. I agree with Sarnie, it improves low revs (idle and pulling away) but other than that not a lot. I'm sure the improved grounding will help in unnoticable ways as well
  5. My money is on that he'll pay a model to pretend to be him
  6. Good idea thats another aspect of the stone chips, if you get it resprayed a buyer will suspect a front end shunt and if you dont he will think its been driven hard behind a gritter all its life I'm sure if you explain it to them, and they've seen a few others, they will appreciate the effort you have made to get it resprayed, I know I certainly would
  7. Nismo from BigPhil (and I wish I was on comision, currently working out the terms )
  8. I got Amanda a Canon IXUS 860IS as am well impressed with it. They certainly have closed the gap between SLR and compacts. It has the same Digi processor as my 350D, so the only difference is the lenses. In good to fair weather there is nothing to tell the pics apart from my 350D, only in tough situations has it been obvious. But I still have good photos from things like The Kooks@Swindon where it performed admirably for a compact. It also has Image Stabilisation (you def want to spend the extra to get that) and a massive screen, fills the back panel as there is no view finder. All round it is excellent
  9. Can never have too many bud Dont worry, i took 98 photos of Rickya's car in the space of about 15 minutes For an hour studio session, i took 532 pictures of one republic a few months ago and i was snapping like mad! Its easy to do when you have the storage space And is definately the best way to do it. With cheap storage I tend to take loads and loads of pics, get them all on to the lappy and then delete the rubbish ones (usually the blurry ones if its involving the Zed) and keep the good ones. Normally gets me down from several hundred to around a hundred for a given outing Scary thing is you can now quite easily get 8GB CF cards and thats a lot of pics
  10. Think we may have to find a new venue for car washing this time, they may be a little busy Nah, Mike always has time for Zeds, I'm sure Bex will understand
  11. Amanda will be impressed if one of her pics makes it to the calendar We have a good team effort. I do the tech, setting it all up and she does the arty bit of framing it then hits the button
  12. If Amanda and I are free, then I'll be up for it. Mike and Bex showed us unbelievable hospitality on this Wales trip, giving us a place to wash the car, a few drinks and Mike even polished my charity case OEM exhaust tips! Oh and its my birthday too
  13. you still have to get the red led bulb and for the sake £65 for the lens and bulb off bigphil i would rather only take the bumper off once +1 - the bulb is a tenna, so its only £55 for the light assembly really. Plus, I'm not sure how the MOT chaps will take it, so I'd rather have my original to go back to if it fails
  14. Take it you've tried the usual Admiral/Elephant? They have been very good with young drivers from what I've seen. Sometimes they do go mad with a quote though Oh and mine might be up for sale in a couple of years. Will be moving on to a 370z no doubt (wont be able to afford a GTR )
  15. Wont be for long, not once hes got his genuine Nissan carbon lip cover on
  16. Speaking of Tim, well dont to that man for buying my genuine Nissan carbon lip after all of 2 seconds of persuasion (I put it against his car ), proceeds of £25 to the club. Should get us a bit more bandwidth for all this whoring that is going on
  17. So what about JapFest Jay? You'll be able to get the car in Castle Coome, dont worry
  18. Nah course not, was keeping me reined in If you want any of them full size, just give me a shout. Phil: here ya go buddy, full size pic here . You can thank Amanda, she is the budding photographer.
  19. What ya gonna give me for the original? J/k, I'll whack it on my webspace somewhere and give you the link to the full size jpg
  20. Right, finally back in Blasingsmoke, after the +1 decided she would drive us home, so I had a nice chuaffered drive back! Few more pics from my SLR: And god said, let there be rain - and there was rain! And an attempt at a pan
  21. Wow what a great weekend, and its still not over! Was good to put names to faces, everyone was amazingly friendly, but I was worried about the women conspiring at Mikes when we were washing the cars! I heard mentions of a drivers wives section of the forum, a drivers wives meet and mumorings of them even driving a section of the run. Very dangerous! Evo triangle was awesome, I can see why its so highly rated now. The pass before would have been good if it hadnt rained so much. Hope your car is OK Martin, cant see the rain would have done much good to the new trim! Everything just ran so smoothly, well done to all the mods and associated members who set it up Few pics from Amanda's cam, I forgot my CF reader for mine so more driving ones will be posted when I get back home I'll be at Siverstone
  22. Where abouts is it and what sort of time? Me and the +1 will be driving the M6 toll, M42, M40 after lunch, so if its not far off them we might pop in
  23. Well me and the +1 are here. Just getting out of the car when type q (Ricky) got here. The car is a lovely colour, I'm so jealous! Off to have a tea, if anyone in St Ds is about we'll be downstairs in the bar or something I guess! I have a bright red t-shirt on so easy to spot! Free internet rules
  24. I'm still hoping that one day they catch up to google maps. Its so easy to add waypoints, telling it to either go past, or that you are stopping there. Much easier when you are trying to plan a trip through rural Wales
  25. Looking at that list, you don't seem to have a car PSU? I was looking at one of these: http://linitx.com/viewproduct.php?prodid=12004 Will turn the power on and off when you turn the ignition on and off and also provides 250W to power everything in your machine. Im using the standard PSU will a 12V ~ 240V transformer Are you going to knock up some kind of custom relay to turn the PC on and off? How does the transformer cope with engine cranking? You will be better off spending a few more quid getting a dedicated CarPC PSU considering the other costs you've already incurred to ensure you have nice clean power going to the PC
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