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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Give Phil a shout and he will beat or match that price I'm sure. The wheels are also wider than the Rays, by half an inch on the front and an inch on the back. They are the width that I run on my car (8.5"F/9.5"R). Cant remember my exact tyres but they are 245/265 F/R so their 225 seems a little skinny to me. I will post up my exact tyre sizes later if you like. Cracking looking rims
  2. At least you can just brush it all off with a nice soft cloth now its all waxed nicely
  3. I tend to wait for coolant to be up to temp, and oil pressure to drop to around the middle of the dial before giving it any real beans, even then I will wait at least another 5 mins before giving it a good thrashing. I beleive oil and coolant temps operate at around the same temp (non-FI) but the coolant gets up to temp a lot quicker
  4. If you dont understand the ins and outs O% interest on balance transfers or purchases, just dont get a credit card. Its far easier to not get into debt in the first place, than get out of it! Why do you think I've not bought anything from Phil in a few months
  5. Car looked stunning Kev, as did the model. Two counts of getting into trouble because of you, first the model wasnt impressed when I pushed passed to have a look at the car and second the missus gave me an evil when I said I wasnt going to use Phil any more as your brolley dollies are nicer :lol:
  6. Me too with a HUGE limit , But no car to spend it on If it's that huge, buy a car! +1 - or shut it
  7. Clay - AG Polish - AG Extra Gloss Protection - P21S Not the most rewarding, but it looks good anyway!
  8. Would an ECU reset be a good idea also. I remember from my Leon days, they used to reset the ECU to get rid of (I think) the long term fuel trim (maybe the wrong terminology). Basically, over long runs (motorway cruise) it would lean out the mixture as it learnt your driving style. So if you did a lot of m-way driving it would give lower power than those who drove it like they stole it all the time. ECU reset apparently cancelled this out. Not sure if the Zed does that too. Another thing they said is that you need at least 2 tanks of higher octane fuel through the tanks to make it show on the dyno, not just put it in on the day if you normally run 95RON as it wont make a difference. So many small differences in this stuff can make a difference. You need to find a reputable tuner and try and dyno in the same conditions each time to even get something faily relaible. Butt dyno all the way I say. Or track lap times. They're what count
  9. Yup good day out again. Learnt there are two sizes of towing eyes! I have a thin diameter one, and some have a fat one Nissan are funny that they cant even keep that the same! And those who saw me paniked about if the bike rack would fit, its fine, been and got it, perfect fit Got some track time piccies, will sort them and post them up later.
  10. Depending what time the track session is, you should be able to borrow mine
  11. See you tomorrow, bright and early, with straight numberplates
  12. Sod the stock trip computer, those gauges are looooovely
  13. Speak to Phil@ESR or Kev@Envy, they both have lots of experience of getting the width and offset of tyres right. I have 8.5/9.5 (F/R) and they have +30 offset iirc. Dont overlook brake fluid also get some good DOT5.1 (Motul rings a bell). Stock fluid tends to flade a bit after a good spirited run Theres also a whole range of pad/disc combos, again speak to Kev/Phil to see which match your intended usage and budget. Make sure you get down to a Reading meet as well if you can, would love to see that car when its done
  14. Will be mine on Sunday Best I've seen so far. Did ask the chap if he'd knock up more but apparetly they'd cost in the region of £300 to get the carrier, modify it and get it powdercoated. If you know someone who can fabricate stuff I'd be more than happy to send pics and dimensions of it once I have it. The bird automotive one doesnt seem that well designed, but there doesnt seem to be any alternatives.
  15. Phil has one of sorts. Not sure if its a Ti or not. Sounds good though. Price is pretty crazy, good chance you could get a bargin here, but need to find out the reserve
  16. Chris`I

    renault coupe

    Agree with you guys, thats fugly. And only 240BHP?! You need at least 300BHP these days in a coupe Looks like a crap attempt to mix a G37 and an Aston (rear profile looks similar to current Astons)
  17. Chris`I

    New wheels

    Watch it, or you'll be the next Sarnie
  18. Best of luck with the sale mate, shame it didnt make it to Wales. Please dont get an MX5 though
  19. Jeez you guys get up far too early I think for these shows they should open at mid day so we dont need to get there til 11am
  20. cheers fella thanks for your input its looking more and more like 350z time for me as soon as i sell the ctr and get the missus to agree happy days stu fella? Cheeky swine! Run man, RUUUUUUN! We'll distract Nixy for ya while you escape I came from a Leon FR, not a CTR, but they were considered rivals by many. Used to get 30-35MPG in that and get 28-32MPG doing the same driving in the Zed. During the Wales run I dont think I manged to give it enough beans as I found it very frugal! Something like 30MPG across the weekend!
  21. Chris`I

    New wheels

    +2 - agree with Rob, the plain lines suited it better for me. Each to their own though, thats what makes these cars brilliant, there are so many styles that suit it, and they are lovely looking wheels
  22. Where abouts is that? Depending on what time we have to be there, I may be able to get along (it adds about 20mins to the journey) and travel up with you chaps. Depends if the other half gets out of bed of course! It is the first roundabout off the A404(M) northbound towards the M40, after you have left the M4 at j8/9 - know it? Think so, but as you and Jon are planning to be going earlier, my co-driver will never get up that early, especially when we need to do a 40mile detour in the afternoon to get this bike rack! Will probably head up and meet you on the gate at no later than 8:30am
  23. What time do we need to meet you on the gate mate? I've prob missed this if its been said before Where abouts is that? Depending on what time we have to be there, I may be able to get along (it adds about 20mins to the journey) and travel up with you chaps. Depends if the other half gets out of bed of course!
  24. Good, can kill 2 birds with one stone. Secured myself a bike rack for the Zed
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