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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Good photos, looks like you had a good seat Shame Hamilton wasnt on performance, but hey ho.
  2. Copper red? Is that Sunset orange? And your respraying it to green? What shade of green? Have you seen Paul T's green zed on here? I think he has a GM Z, So im assuming it will be a red/green flip paint Sounds expensive Get that one painshielded!
  3. Excellent, looks like it went to a good home too
  4. If you can fit it yourself then that would be a good deal even with import duty. With someone else fitting it, I think it would work out cheaper getting one from someone like Phil and have them fit it
  5. Most tend to stay away from them tbh. The throw in the Zed is already pretty short, so not sure you'd want it much shorter. Although I think Bronzee has fitted or knows people with short shifters and find them good once set up correctly with the right weighting. What I and a lot of other people have done is fit a nismo gear knob as they are lower it actually shortens the throw a little, but definately noticable. How do you find the throw now? Unless you really want it shorter there is little point
  6. Any more details on it? There are a few tuners about that can remap 350z's but unless your customer is going FI or stroker kit there really is little point, gains are minimal. I'm sure the others will let you know who can do the work
  7. Blimey, you mean to say the BBC is clever enough to stop foreign IPs watching?! Pffffff Sure you can find a University's proxy laying around. Exeter had a few when I was there and they werent very secure
  8. +1 Just a load of bull. +2 - when I got some work done by Chips Away they told me it'd be more expensive than normal as they have to use both types rather than just oil based all over. Oil based for the chips/touch up and water based for the full spray of the scuff I was having done. Nissan paint is definately water based. Would love to have oil based on there, it would last a bit longer!!
  9. Chris`I

    Rear Wiper

    Throught the arch is the easiest method. Turn the wheel so that the wheel is in the arch at the front (ie if doing the drivers side, turn the wheel to the left) to give you plenty of room. Then undo the two bottom bolts on the arch liner and the 1 or 2 screws in the lining on the side. Then pull it out and you should get just enough access for the side lights. I think some jack the car up too to get more room
  10. Chris`I

    Rear Wiper

    Sounds about right. Not done the rear, but on the front there is a little tab to pust then the wiper slides out. Just like most other cars. Only you have less room
  11. +1 - std internals wont last long at that power from what we've seen over the pond. Looks like you need to throw some serious money at it to keep the power output up and gain torque as you want.
  12. I know that feeling! I do 300miles a week as it is but fortunately the company pays for it I still take the hit on depreciation though, but hell the driving is fun!
  13. Nice little car. With the way things are going atm, the little 1.4l will be worth more than a Zed shortly, so you could be stepping up to a bigger engine sooner than you think
  14. Dyno: 472bhp 355lbs torque on a standard engine? Dont look on my350z then, they've had loads of engines go bang at that power
  15. Not sure what I'll do but hey at least I'll be an admin Guess some pics would be a good start
  16. Yes I was going to put it on, Nismo is spoken for a few times over Shame Looks nice though, nice and shiney
  17. Its a very personal taste. I went JWT simply as one became available second hand. I have a mate with an Evo and he has a blitz metal filter which sounds like darth vadar! Hes on about trying a cotton filter as they are meant to sound quite different on an Evo. I think all cotton filters will sound pretty similar, but you may find that some others such as metal gauze will give a different note. Funny comment from my mate is that my Zed sounds more like a race car than his Evo. I told him its cos I have a real engine not just a lawn mower strapped to a whapping great turbo
  18. +1 +1 - I half expected him to kill the Stig with that car!! Also so glad that our cars are more economical than a Prius! Sad that its only 6 episodes though, they never make enough in a year
  19. I'd be up for being an admin. Need an excuse to use facebook a bit more
  20. Its a classic http://www.theonion.com/content/node/29130
  21. Happy Belated Birthday chap! Writing a functiona spec on your birthday, what fun! Still at least you are user acceptance testing like me
  22. The Onion is awesome. Havent read it in ages, but one of my housemates at uni was well into it and always found it a good laugh. He had a poster from them with the headline like "Gates to patent 1 & 0's" (sorry only funny to geeks)
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