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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. So the question is, are the additives they add worth it? Hmmmm.....
  2. James, you do realise the only difference between cheap sh!t and supermarket stuff is the additives they stick in the tanker? I cant remember if it was on here or Cupra net, but there was a lad who worked in the business and he informatively told us the additives were the only diff. The actual petrol is the same
  3. No need mate. Cant remember why, but the instructions give you details on when and when not to use it. Over here we dont need it IIRC as stock it heats the TB/plenum area to stop freezing, but has the converse effect of heating the air in the plenum sligtly which you dont really want in hot climates. This valve lets you turn off the flow of coolant (which actually heats it!) if you are in hot climates and back on when it gets cold. Over here its not overly hot for long so no need for it.
  4. Should we write in and say we are offended that they are offended by the little doggie? :lol:
  5. What a crock of shite
  6. Chris`I

    Z Badge

    3FIDDYZ has one
  7. Another vote for Tesco 99RON. Ran m old Leon (25k miles) and 30k miles in my Zed so far with no probs
  8. I was gonna go through all of them to make sure she was worthy, but got bored so just voted anyway!
  9. Could be a bargin. Just need to get that screw out and find a new bolt to replace it with.
  10. Sounds like a good plan. I would suggest waiting for him to return before you use the disclock on the theiving get! On a more serious note, its interesting that you can set up the key fob 5 times to erase the previous keys. Does that mean that a Zed can have 5 sets of keys set up to open them?
  11. I'd revert back to the old wheels and take off as much of the engine bling as poss. It will then still obvsiously be modded but still look cracking for whoever buys it. Those Nismos will get you a nice chunk of cash on here
  12. only reason i am this cheap just now is till i have enough work behind me to prove im worth more, as just now i'm hardly getting any work, even at these prices so god knows how many less i would get if i charged more. once i have proof that im worth the extra money then, prices will go up (you lot will get a discount) Adam Just dont be too cheap! Need a nice balance between reassuringly expensive but not OTT. This is where you are doing things rigth with the networking. You want to charge a decent rate so people think you are decent, but need to get your name out there and build a portfolio before people will fully trust you. Doing group work for forums, or mates is a good cheap way for us all to win Just remember where you started when you are charging mega bucks and do forums members a good deal
  13. I'd give up my car in an instant. As Laim said its insured, dont try and be a hero, just let em have it. Not sure what teh best thing to do with keys is. Mine are kept at the bottom of the stairs, but out of sight of any door/window. If someone did manage to get in, they'd see em pretty quick and hopefully leave us alone. With the blatent disregard for life these little thugs have I wouldn't chance it on taking them on.
  14. Anything is possible with the right amount of money! Probably more than a Zed would cost you though!
  15. Yes and no. From my limited knowledge on the subject, the chip you are talking about will be a piggy back ECU. This will take what you tell it at the throttle and modify it to tell the ECU to give more fuel/air than it normally would at that throttle/rpm. However, the 350z has a learning ECU. So it will say "woooah there, you cant have that much sh*t, I'm going to cut back on it cos I know better then you". So the piggy back ECU can tell it all it likes to give a certain air/fuel, but the ECU will eventually tell it to feck off. The only way to get around this is something like a Utec (sp?) which truely controls the system rather than its inputs, but costs big bucks - around the £1500 region to buy and map properly - and gives very little bang for buck. That's mostly not true at least in open loop ECU mode Oh well, you can but try Outcome was still the same, they cant do diddly squat without some serious ECU mods
  16. I think its mainly dead play in the throttle response (i.e. the software in the ECU that controls throttle). You get a bit of play where nothing happens, then it wants to be off - albeit quicker than you want. I just give up and feather the clutch a little usually. Your right foot will get used to it, many times in M4 traffic jams has trained mine. You get maybe 1cm of play then it kicks in quick, its learning where that is that is key. Can also be slightly eased with a grounding kit.
  17. yep, got one in the workshop. Becoming a bit of a breakers yard round your way these days init?! You got any other interior parts knocking about, I still need to replace some of my finish by the fuse box that I posted up about 6 months ago
  18. Would be normally, but its fookin hot in my office atm and I think I'm about to pass out! Trying to concentrate on work and forums to keep me going!
  19. A £6 loss is actually very good in my books Really?! From what was an already nearly 4yr old car when I got it? Not so bad then I guess Yeah i think its really good. I mean, £6 is only about 3 pints in the pub Oh har har, well done Yeah IF I'd only lost £6 I'd be on to Phil or Kev to sort me out some turbo's by now
  20. Damn sorry to hear that Nix! Such a shame, but as the others have said, I'm not sure he can put it on them if he wasnt actually in the accident. I think they will always take the official view that he should have been far enough back to stop. However this one seems a bit special as there were multiple bikes involved, so I'd get onto a proper claims specialist and see what they have to say.
  21. A £6 loss is actually very good in my books Really?! From what was an already nearly 4yr old car when I got it? Not so bad then I guess
  22. LOL :lol: I had some guy in a Mondeo flash and wave (and his passenger) on the M4 the other day. I did wonder if they mistook me for someone they know or if they were on here
  23. Thats the way I'm looking at it now, I did plan to sell it about now but its worth so little I may as well keep it and mod it some more I'm going to wait until the 370z has been out for a year, get one S/H and thrash it into the ground like my current Zed. Migth be out of luck doing 20k miles a year though as its on 51k now, so it will be on well over 100k, not sure it will last that long
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