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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Well, panel filter will be about 50 quid, or about 90 quid for a JWT pop charger, plus £850 for the Nismo exhaust. Remap - not so sure about - ask the guys at Envy they sent theres off to Japan for a flash. Dont know of anyone who has had it done actually in the UK other than those with piggy back systems, but they cost about £1.5k to buy and have mapped. As you can see, you can get gains, but its not very much bang for buck. Hence why a lot go for FI.
  2. Will do. Got to do the patio first to replace the pile of mud where the old deck used to be. Old deck been moved to bottom of garden and hacked apart to form new deck you see so now theres a nice mud patch where the old deck used to be at the top of the garden.
  3. Its nearly done - just dont want to have to do the finishing edges, the rotory saw we have looks scary The hardest bit is because we are on a slope, we're going to fill the sides of the decking to the fence with earth to make it level to the deck, but I need to de-stone/sieve it all to make it nice for plants and thats a fecker of a job!
  4. Yes and stop moaning, its letting me get away with not finishing our decking in the garden Plus its the best weather for drift training
  5. Chris`I

    New mod!

    What - pics of your new hair do? Rubbish I thought it would be something interesting
  6. Nice one mate, hope its gone to a good home
  7. Chris`I

    New mod!

    Now where did that hammer go ....
  8. The new tax rules are for ALL cars post Sept? 01! - Obivously you have the perfect timing on tax renewal dates I beleive pre-06 cars go to £300 next year, and £440 the year after. Thats what lots of people thought (me include) but it did not get actioned. Its straight to £440 as confirmed yesterday Barstewards!
  9. Copter tape! Google it, use it on bikes to stop cable rub. Same stuff they use to protect helicopter blades. That or try and get some sticky back carbon kevlar type tape (dont know if it even exists!) as thats what they use in motorsport against abrasion. Is it just the underside of the lip thats getting scratched? My Varis lip has had a few scrapes, but you cant even notice them tbh, I just leave it to get on with it
  10. Nice one mate, glad the forums could help out. Amanda has a mate at work that called me a saddo for being on the forums (he has a 350z too and tryign to get him to post still), until Phil sorted him out brake discs and pads for less than half what Nissan wanted for it! Shut him up pretty quick. Still cant get him to post though
  11. Chris`I

    New mod!

  12. From what little I know, the filter doesnt make a difference as the throttle is drive by wire, so it only needs to open the throttle enough to get enough air in to satisfy its own demand. In a normal car, the throttle opens relative to the throttle pedal, so at WOT a less restrictive filter will let more air in. However, the Zed being a clever bugger say, oh no, I have as much air as I need so I will only open the throttle 90% rather than 100% Thats how I see it working
  13. +1 - thought you'd got during a drive or something
  14. Nice photos! Seems you keep some nice company in other cars looking at one of those photos
  15. You can make the pics in your facebook open to the public and post them in our facebook group. See my signature for the link )
  16. Just need to adjust the steering wheel reach a lil bit and he'll be off!
  17. Can of coke to clean the glass, removes all contaminates then wash of with plenty water, regular practise in endurance racing to remove oil on the screen during long events. My neighbours already think I'm mad cleaning my car every week, what are they going to think if I did that! Sound advise though, Coke cuts through any grease/oil/etc!
  18. Thats what I'd go for. But there is a slight price difference
  19. Get one from Phil. He does the same ones that I recommend off ebay, just wont take a week to get to you like ebay
  20. BCM is fooking expensive guys. Mine went under (extended) warranty and the claim assor said for a little box of tricks it was well over £500 quid. Plus £100 for my dome light, I would have been looking at about £750 all in to have had it fixed on my own. See if a scrappy has any BCMs as I'm sure you can wire it in. They told me first that the BCM wasnt getting power, but it was it was the BCM that was shot. If you could get one and plug it all in yourself it might just work
  21. I've also heard that the twist type wouldnt pass an MOT before, cant remember where though. Guess it depends where you take it.
  22. Good man, well remembered
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