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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Also odd how you would dismiss an extra 2-3 mpg so readily when you are defending those who adapt there driving style to probably gain little more. I am not dismissing, the point i am making is your often better off trying to save 2/3mpg in the current car than switch only to find you have saved 2/3mpg but alot quite a lot of performance i.e. your actually no better off ..and don't have the chance to go and have a blast when you want. If I was getting a car which was "quite a lot slower" I'd be looking for a better gain than 2/3 mpg. If i was to get something which did better MPG, I'd get a chipped old shape SEAT Leon TDi. Had the 1.8T and it was pretty rapid and the oil burner when chipped will give the same HP and more torque than the Cupra R petrol! Not half as fun to drive as the Zed, but if all you want is something quick in a straight line and good MPG, then thats a corker!
  2. Lose weight but lose a lot of torque. No thanks. +1 - do sports cats give a decent enough saving in weight to balance out the little bit of torque they lose?
  3. Speak to Andy and Zedrush about them. As previously said, cheap kits are dodgy and I'm sure one of them killed a hinge or lock or something with a cheap kit as it never lined up properly. Better to pay the extra expense and do it right
  4. But if you're gonna do that then what is the point in having it in the first place!!!
  5. You sire are a nutter - so get some bought
  6. And then you'd cry when the chip, get water in and bubble
  7. If I didnt have my Rotas, I'd have had these! Anyone want some Rotas
  8. Thats surely a given! I would have thougth that would have been no 1 on the list from the start Whens it being installed matey?
  9. They look awesome in the flesh. When I first saw pics of Leemiks lovely red zed, I had my doubts about them, but seeing Kevs car on various car show stands, the wheels look awesome! Not for running on a daily driver though
  10. Nice one dude, knew all that polishing would pay off one day! Hope you had a straight numberplate for the shoot Can you do us a scan of the page so we can see it?
  11. +1 - I have a 53 reg @ 52k miles, 26k of which has been me driving and havent had to give it a drop of oil yet. The problem with the 06 Rev up engine was a relatively isolated incident, so just ask the owner how often they have to add oil. If they say never, then you are on to a winner, if they say every few months/thousand miles then look for another. And as Bronzee says, keep an eye out for sales on here as they are all loved and cherished
  12. Its a pretty firm limiter, you definately feel it! I've had more violent ones, namely my oldest clio and me Leon, but you definately know its there when you hit it!
  13. Could probably hook them stright off the battery then and have a switch in the cabin to turn them on? Depends when you want them to run. If you want them to be with IGN then you will have to trace down a suitable wire, if you just want to switch them yourself, then chase a wire from the battery, to the lights and then back to the battery, but then rather than attach it to the -'ve, poke it through the bulkhead (there is a rubber grommit by the batt). That comes out in the passenger footwell, so chase it over to the drivers side and attatch a switch. Earth it and jobs a good un. Make sure that the wire to the lights is fused right by the battery though to ensure if it goes wrong it doesnt kill it
  14. Another idea is that you work out your expenses and claim them up front. Only downside with that is that (a) you dont really know what it will cost and ( if they dont show even the expenses dont cover the time you've lost. Guess you could wing it depending on the job, i.e. if its close then small deposit, if its a bit of a trek then get expenses paid up front
  15. Into the engine bay? What are you trying to run? The battery will give you 12-14v directly
  16. I can do it much cheaper than that, get Photoshop Looks good Kev. Wish my old man was still around, he'd love that, being a Mackem and a fan of fast cars!
  17. Mate that sucks. You say you are doing these for free? I take it they pay your expenses though? Could try doing it so that they pay a deposit which is refunded upon the shoot happening? Like you say, if its all free then they will take you for a ride as they lose nothing. You need buy in from them to give them incentive to actually turn up. Refunded deposit would be good as they buy in but the incentive is they get it back at the end
  18. Just went to do this at work, and they were already set. Did anyone else find this? Might be the fact that I had an old version of FasterFox and it kept those settings? Dissapointing as I wanted it to go quicker hehe
  19. Thats a pretty nice sum, wish my insurance was that low. Saying that, last year I only paid £530, which is pretty low for a 24yr old with 20k commuting miles included! Thing that supprised me most is that when I past 25, was expecting another drop but it went up! I blame those damn uninsured drivers pushing up prices for us
  20. +1 - give him a ring. Hes usually too busy to read and reply to all PMs and they sometimes get deleted by accident when he purges his inbox. Mobile is (nearly) always on
  21. Now now, I think hes having enough torture trying to sell his car, no need to rub it in
  22. :lol::lol::lol: I guessed he was gonna do that once he had to reverse back :lol:
  23. Nice find, I use FF at work, so will try it out tomorrow
  24. Nice one mate - congrats! I'll tell Amanda it took you ten years, shes bugging me and we're only been together 2.5yrs!
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