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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Step away from the anti lag - seriously! You will not be able to run this in normal driving, so 90% of the time it will do so all. Seriously have you heard cars with anti lag? They sound like bloody machine guns! Plus igniting fuel in the exhaust system is not too for the engine or turbo in general. This seems to be the new thing to have for the Evo boys, and I think in time they are going to knacker their cars if they run it for a serious amount of time. For the moment most only have it for playground pissing contests or on the track. Seriously mate, get it remapped better or use smaller turbos and drop the power a bit or run them at higher boost. Anti lag will cause you no end of troubles and you cant run it most of the time anyway!
  2. Looks like a good day for them! Better weather than over here
  3. Sorry to hear of the news Ian, hope you get a good pay out if it is written off. I dont own an Evo, but one of my best mates has one and I've been out in it a lot, on the road and on the track. They are an awesome beast, but a weird one. As breay has already mentioned, in a straight line there is not a lot in it, in fact it is so close its very much down to the driver. Sometimes I get away from the Evo, sometimes he does me, just depends if either of us have any slip ups on the way with gears or traction. Also they are awesome around the bends, but so is the Zed if driven right. In the rain, granted the Evo will win, but I feel a little like a passenger in the Evo as apposed to the Zed. Why? Well because of all its electronics, you can stick it in a corner, boot it and it will track you though. With the Zed, you have to feel your way in and out of the corner, not giving it too much stick, but the reward for hooking it all up is massive. Round a dry track there is nothing between the Zed and Evo (FQ300), but the Zed is more rewarding as you are in control, not the YAW sensors and other electrics. Also the ride quality is vastly different. The Zed is firm but forgiving being that its a GT car. Its compliant, but on a track is somewhat lacking. The Evo swings the other way. On the track its brilliant, but I wouldnt like to do a long journey in it on the roads, not compared to the Zed where I have done over 350miles in one go before! So afraid to say, you need to get out and try one (or two or three ). Although on paper the Zed and Evo are pretty similar, they are miles apart on everything else, from ride quality, comfort, noise, handling (more the way it handles rather than one being better than the other).
  4. +1 - Chips Away informed me of that too! Bloody Nissan monkeys
  5. Pump Stew, pump!!! We need lower prices
  6. Yes get ya finger out lad! Is there a turbo button you can hit or something? I dont care if it all dries up so long as I can have some fun in my Zed first
  7. +1, if you can.... +2 - hope it was on a credit card or similar that was protected
  8. Chris`I


    Thats a god damn bargin!
  9. +1 - almost identical 25yrs old, 4yrs NCD, clean licence on driveway in a good area, 20k business miles with Admiral. Paid just over £500 but that was on a multicar deal, which has the missus Corsa on it, but both of us insured on both cars (and yes she does drive it, and better than most blokes I see drive too - be very affraid - shes gonna do some driving next Wales run!). Total premium was £750 for both cars. Anyway, it was £530 last year for me when I was 24yrs old. Admiral seem to favour young lads with fast cars, they did the best deal for my mate and his Evo too. Get the missus/mum/dad on there to try and bring it down, you'd be amazed at the difference it makes.
  10. Nice work bud! If I ever get this pay rise work keep promising me, my first lot of new take home may well be coming your way Can you do them down the reflector stip too? The amber bit that you have done back in yours.
  11. We have to remember that Mark and Liam aren't as bright as us, Stew. Lol - I would hope Liam is otherwise I aint going to him when its time to remortgage
  12. Happy Birthday chap, hope you have a good un
  13. Sad news indeed. I never met one person who didnt have high praise for Craigs work. Just wish I could have got my Zed done before he called it quits. Definately hang around and pass on the knowledge to us numpties
  14. Good news matey. Glad she (and you) have decided to take the plunge with the new venture. So when is our 350z-uk limited run?
  15. Not really aiming too. Just trying to look a bit less of a gay biker. Just make sure you dont try and sand those chicken strips off like some numpties try and do!
  16. I can't get rid of mine. I'd be embarrassed but the bike is in one piece so I'm just happy about that! Looks awesome Kev. You been on the track Stew? I hear its a lot easier to do on the track, plus you shouldnt really be aiming to do it on the road
  17. +1 - I have a 7" touchscreen in my cubby and I dont think you'd get a full HU in there without some serious modding! Everyone I've spoken to with a double din Nav HU in the original HU position was happy with it, so I'd go with that
  18. Hope its not the BCM. I got mine replaced on warrenty and they said it would be about £500 if I had to pay for it Affraid to say that it looks like that is shot though. Get it to an auto electrician and see what they can find.
  19. Cling film might be a better option than a metallic substance on electrical connections!!
  20. So by the looks of it, its some sort of cap that trys to stabalise the current across the battery? Dont Nismo do something similar? I seem to remember a post about it before. Trys to stabalise the current flow and reduce spikes apparently giving you a cleaner flow of electricity to components. In reality I can see this doing naff all
  21. Chris`I

    JDM Allstars

    Will check with my social secretary, but if I'm free I'd definately be up for that! EDIT: OK so I think I'm free, so would be up for it. What are the logistics? Does "all area access" tickets mean we will get access to the grandstand for the event? Saves us £25 on a ticket if it does
  22. As the others have said, those are all fixable problems, but theres really no point with the amount of good cars on the market. I've never heard the camchain problem, and my exhaust is still good after 52k miles (its a 53 plate too). Tyre wear is just down to using old OEM tyres and easily fixed. Stone chips and oil pressure are like all the other Zeds by the sounds of it. Walk away and get another. There are plenty of good ones around which arent half the hassle!
  23. Chris`I

    New BMW Z4

    I hadnt even notice that
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