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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Looks ok, but a bit stretched out to me. Could this mean a folding hardtop 370z on the way?
  2. Unfortunately we have already tried this and no one wants him
  3. Can you imagine the face on a dealer when he came to service that! Given Nissans past record, they'd probably not even know what they are Any idea on the gains on the Zed for an otherwise stock Zed with TBs (obviously remapped)?
  4. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac 3. AndySpak 4. Squarehead 5. M13KYF 6. Shire 7. Stanski 8. Little Miss 9. Chesterfield 10 Mr and Mrs xStric9x 11 marzman 12 Chris`I I'm up for it, but could be time dependant. Going to go up for the weekend again, but want to get some MTBing in, so later the better on Saturday for me, so me and Amanda can get out for a ride at Llandegla and then pop down (sans bike rack hopefully!)
  5. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac +1 3. AndySpak 4. Shire 5. Stanski 6. Little Miss 7. Squarehead 8. Maccaman 9. H5 10. flirt 11. Chesterfield + 1 12. M13KYF 13. IanS16 14. Drewbie 15. nurrish 16. Chris`I +1
  6. Chris`I

    Braking query

    I had a simlar thing with mine where I had pad transfer. It was more like a judder for me as I had multiple spots of pad transfer. It did feel like the brakes were catching more on some spots though. Do your discs have outlines of pads on them? If so get out there and rebed them in, and all should be fine as Phil says
  7. Good question. Normally you pay on the day of handover. +1 - I got mine as soon as my funds cleared. I made sure it was ready before transfering the money
  8. Nice to see you getting some free advertising there Jay And I agree, the bunchpag definately won
  9. Lol you need to look at who makes what mods before you make judgement. Rays make Nismos, and Rays make Volks. Also Nismo make carbon b pillar covers, so now you are calling Nismo chav? :lol:
  10. Yeah, he's got the clone going on! Ming hasn't been about for a while, and there are other things I want to do from scratch now..... Imitation is the highest form of flattery - remember that mate
  11. I think you should explain your anomolies to the DVLA and stump up the extra £215 you owe
  12. Facebook cuts all this old skool malarky out Indeed it does I'm always amazed at the amount of "cool kids" that seem to have gotten no where and all the geeks seem to be doing very well for themselves. Interesting how things turn out
  13. This thread is hillarious! Which thread did it branch off from? One of the NSFW ones I would guess? Someone point me in the right direction, I want the story from the start :lol:
  14. Yes, Sarnies fun cars R.I.P could always get an M5/AMG/Cayenne/Skoda fabia I am buying the Mrs+sprog a 330d Touring which means I can have whatever fun car I want, i just don't want to tie all my money up in a car having a kid to buy nappies for etc I might just get a zed again, can't decide............. Zed, Zed, Zed - we need our supply of cheap second hand and unused mods back again
  15. Sorry bud, but then how the hell did you get it cheaper? I thought the only way to pay less tax was on imports that were classified as light goods vehicals or whatever it is? Ian: looks like you got unlucky and they classified your car correctly and charge you the "right" amount of tax. Some imports come in as light goods vehicals and get lighter tax because of it
  16. £210? how? Mines £220 for 6 months and £400 for 12! Cheeky scumbag imports thats how! My mates Evo gets taxed like that, even worse, he gets it taxed as a 2l (not even turbo) so it costs him half what I have to pay
  17. I'll take my seat and see how this one works out
  18. Same here when I did hooked up my light bar for the bike rack. Be careful though, as there are two pale green with white stripe wires down there! I tested one and it didnt work and thought I had the wrong colour til I found another the same which worked! Very dodgy! lol.
  19. You wont find better in this price bracket IMO, no point trying, at least until the 370Z is out, which is most likely my next car Keep it and get it modded, just have some fun with it! If you work out how much you'll really save my changing car, it never works out to be much. Remember that the Zed is pretty frugal for what it is and if not driven hard gives good MPG. Plus all fun cars, bar the lightweight sports cars, will be walloped with tax. How many MPG do you get from the ZR out of interest? Also get some new insurance! Thats mental prices. We have the Zed and missus corsa on a multicar policy which is £800 for both of us on both cars and me with 20k mile business use!
  20. Decided couldn't wait a year for ours so have just this morning placed an order for a white, black edition should arrive in about 8 weeks. Business is booming then
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