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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. +1 - especially when the traffic disperses and you can give it some wellie! Also for comments like when my Evo owning mates missus asked why he didnt get a 350z instead of their boring looking Evo! That one always cracks me up, when he gets all pi$$ed moaning his car is quicker!
  2. And if you dont have a missus, just look at the windscreen closely and see if it has wires running through it Then borrow someone elses. Or buy a dirty magazine! You offering?! Dont think your missus would be too happy with that comment
  3. Should have an even better drive out in NW this time then!
  4. Awesome! Is that a photochop or has some nutter really made it?
  5. And if you dont have a missus, just look at the windscreen closely and see if it has wires running through it
  6. Fair do's. With HDR the sky shouldnt be burnt out any more (i.e. over exposed past the limit of light for the sensor), but agreed it will just be grey, just slightly duller! lol. Most of the time with HDR you can take a short enough exposure (underexpose it) to eek out the details in the clouds which you can then merge to the properly exposed image to give more detail and no burnt out bits. But as you say, grey is grey!
  7. I wonder if that is proof of the Z dialling out mods... I've got an ODBII cable what program you using? Curerntly using DashCommand (digital dash generator) and Centrafuse (has an OBDII plugin). Both give throttle percentage. One thing I am still sceptical about is what the number actually means. Will try a throttle reset at some point and see if that gives us 100%. I doubt it will, but worth a punt
  8. Looks good chap, your portfolio is growing nicely. With respect to the sky burning out all the time, that seems like a perfect chance for a bit of exposure bracketing and some HDR shots. Thats exactly what HDR is designed for
  9. Nissan Basingstoke mate, guess they were good for something after all! They had it on back order and it took about 5 days to come in, if that.
  10. 3-6 weeks is BS! Mine was shipped in under a week. Price does seem about right for stealers, as I said I was told they were over £500 for the unit alone. I suggest you try breakers, but I'm not sure if the BCM is coded to the car, or the keys are coded to the BCM? I had to take my spare key when I went to pick up the car as it had to be coded again for the BCM.
  11. That sounds great, Phil. So, you're not going to continue on parking by feel then - sorry, couldn't resist I think he proved exhaust tips dont make good parking "feelers" (sorry bud! ). Fortunately that saved me from doing the same!
  12. Chris`I

    Headlamp Headache

    seen that, what do you think the idiots are thinking when designing that They are thinking kerrrrr ching - take it to the dealer for a bulb change Did you see the quotes though, the prices were astronomical!! Audi tell you to do that in the manual even though they are a piece of pi$$ to change. My old dear asked if she should take hers as a brake light bulb had gone, and they wanted about £40 for the hassle!
  13. Chris`I

    Headlamp Headache

    seen that, what do you think the idiots are thinking when designing that At least they gave them an access hole!! What a joke that was
  14. Nice pic matey. Try the HDR software from HDRsoft - Photomatix (google it). Can give you some pleasant effects. However there isnt a massive amount of dynamic range in that pic, so it wouldnt have done much. Also, photos are more interesting if your subject isnt in the middle of the pic, so you inadvertently made it better by not shooting it in the middle
  15. Chris`I

    Headlamp Headache

    Turn the wheel on full lock the other way to the side you are working on (i.e. all the way to the left if you are doing the right). Then there is a single strew about 1 o'clock as you look at the wheel arch. Take that out. Next there are a couple of 10mm bolts on the botton of the liner. Remove them. You can then pry open the arch liner and get a hand in there to change it.
  16. Nice one mate, I now know who to give the beer to if mine needs doing
  17. Eek! Off to check mine in a minute then as I had another service off them just a day ago!!! They've always been good to me, but you never know when they have some dodgy mechanic(s) working for them. They are 100x better than Basingstoke Nissan, I know that much. I'm in for a free MOT at the end of Sept, I will definately mention this to them and make them check mine over again. They do read the forums now and again and they do take any feedback very seriously.
  18. Sure I remember someone on my350z saying that most of it was one piece with the roof liner. Probably wrong though, look it up in the service manual.
  19. Remember to post up the logs so we can see whats going on
  20. Does seem a bit dodgy, but I wouldnt put it past them to eeek out every last kpbs from the creeking network!
  21. Interesting. Didnt realise the frequencies they used for Data and Voice could be that close. Muppets ADSL Nation XTE-2005 filter is the don and will sort out any problems there. You'll also need a IDC punch tool for the connectors on the back of it. Maplin do them for a couple of quid in store, this is the sort of thing, only its more expensive (cant find the cheap one on the site) http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?cri ... ce=15&SD=Y
  22. Also well worth upgrading the firmware after reading the other posts, so grab it from http://kbserver.netgear.com/release_notes/D103244.asp (dated Jan 08) Its dead easy to do, just make sure you are wired into it rather than wireless as a drop in the connection over wireless can sometimes cause problems with upgrades. Then post the logs
  23. I've had Netgear for years with very few problems, so lets not go blaming the hardware shall we! On the matter of better filters, yes they will get you a quicker connection, but it should not effect the rate at which the connection is dropped unless you are very very far away from the exchange. If you want to up the speed of your connection (assuming you are on ADSL Max) then try one of these, they are the daddy of all filters: http://www.adslnation.com/products/xte2005.php . Saying that, it shouldnt cause your connection to drop less, it should just make it faster (ADSL Max will increase connection speed until it gets dodgy, then drops it again slightly to make it stable.) Right, just reading through the manual so bear with me on this. Try connecting to the web interface for the router (going to assuming you are running it as is out of the box - username: Admin, password: password). Find the Logs section and post up what it says (obviously blank out any sensative info in there if there is any). BTW my half day rate is currently £600, invoice in the post
  24. Is it a modem or a router? Get the model number off the bottom of it. Can then see if we can get some debug information for you to slap your ISP about with
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