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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Haven't investigated any possibility of joining in..... YET! +1 The penalty is DEATH to those who live close by and don't come. the same as last year we lost a lot of members iirc No excuse, you all had the document/route well in advance, its not my fault you can't read or use your sat/navs lost as in you killed em getting lost is part of the fun esp when theres ten cars following Thats a point. Be very careful following me after lunch as me and the missus arent doing the full run and turn off not long after the Evo triangle as we are staying in Bala, not Chester where the rest of you will be going!
  2. Sounds like a fair price. I paid a little more than that at Nissan Blasingsmoke when I got mine done last year.
  3. Jay: It used to be the case that you could always find unsecured Wifi networks to use to get net access, but people have been seriously tightening down on them recently so there arent as many about as there used to be. Cloud is in a lot of places, pubs, train stations etc, but doesnt give you the coverage of a 3G connection. I'd still say you want Wifi and 3G tbh if you want to be truely mobile and get the net anywhere.
  4. Not good at all! And the police wonder why people carry weapons these days!
  5. All good except, without subscription to something like Cloud ( http://www.thecloud.net/About-us/ ), you may struggle to find wireless (WiFi) networks which are accessible. Just get the Q1 (or similar) and a 3G card/dongle. Sorted
  6. As the others have said - 3G is a mobile telecomms network, just a quick one, that you can get internet over with the right card - either plug in USB, PCMCIA, or in your case built into the device. You get connection via your mobile provider (Voda, O2, Orange) and coverage is widespread. WiFi is a local network, owned by individuals or companies. Very small coverage of individual networks, but some companies (like Cloud) have multiple hot spots around the country that allow access to their network. Both allow access to the net but at different speeds and coverage. You definately want WiFi on it, but 3G doesnt really matter as you can use a USB dongle to connect to the mobile network.
  7. Looks a bit different now though mate! Still looking good though And no photo with a Zed in it can be flawed
  8. +1. The extra £s was were it though for the extra time with that decent noise! Yeah let you off then
  9. £95 I think Big Phil or Envy plus p&p, got mine off envy £103 all in Much cheaper than when I bought mine. I paid £120 from mynismo.com for mine That'll teach ya
  10. Nice one All are welcome to these meets, we like to think the meets are conducted in a gentle atmosphere and there is certainly no cliques with in the group. First timers are always welcomed to these events. The drive outs are well organized and safely run. Basically its Chester to Bala for lunch, bala to Betws-y-coed then the evo triangle, returning back to Chester. A fantastic day out. +1 - was my first drive out back at the last Wales run and its excellent! Especially the Evo triangle and seeing all the cars at Bala. Very relaxed and can take it at your own pace, no need to go anywhere near uncomfortable speeds. Also dont be offended if you are overtaken (not that its encouraged), there are some very spirited drivers around here Unfortunately it looks like I'll be missing the run down to Bala, as we've managed to get a hotel in Bala itself on Clubcard points, so will most likely pick up the run at the lunch stop. Tempted to take some cones and "reserve" us an area
  11. Welcome mate. Speak to Zedrush. I'm sure I remember he damaged his and had the lips painted with some special super bright silver paint as that was the closest they could get to the original finish. A quick search might turn it up
  12. That is soooo true. Although, you could then have got me an iPhone on the cheap, as employees can put something like 12 mates/family on subsudiesed deals
  13. Outlook isnt looking too good on the 12 month contract front. It appears O2 have stopped doing any 12 month contracts, so I dont think you will be able to get one. All telcos are trying to force people into 18 month contracts for some time now, usually by pricing 18 month contracts more favourably. O2 seem to be the first to get rid of 12 month contracts all together. But, try going to someone like Voda/Orange for 12 months and you'll get the same crap deals compared to 18 month contracts. Its just the way the market is going. Now for the bight side I think you should still get a decent upgrade on handset. Your spend has been reasonable, simlar to mine last year and I managed to get a better deal from Vodafone, so try haggling with them. For the best deals you need to go through to retention as they have the most power. From there you should easily be able to get unlimited data or money off your contract, esp if you moan about the long contract. I got £10 a month off from Voda this year along with a new phone, so I dont see why you cant get something similar. If you like the idea of mobile internet, then free data could be good as thats normally what, £7.50 a month? Give it a go and see
  14. I was thinking of just connecting an EEEPC up to my car pc setup rather than the laptop I'm currently using. Think it would work nicely
  15. I'd say an EEEPC with a 3G card from the telco of your choice
  16. Stew: CBA to read all the thread, but is your number still 07XXXXXX973 (same as Wales run last time)? If so I'll have a dig and see how much value they are putting on you and see where you stand getting a 12 month contract. Who did you speak to? Was it plain customer services or retention? I can tell you O2 are working very hard at keeping their customers, but it may be that they dont do 12 month contracts any more. Telcos know very much that its easier and cheaper to keep current customers than win new ones, so we'll see what we can do.
  17. When are you planning on making the trip up mate? Start of next week, I'd be more than happy to come and let ya see the CarPC around lunch time. End of next week I'm working from home, then off on hols for a couple of weeks so wouldnt be able to do it later than Mon-Weds Glad its all getting sorted. I'd take it there for sure just to make sure there isnt any damage to the seal etc. As I said before, Mark is on here lurking from time to time so they do take it seriously.
  18. Feel for you Stew as i have no doubt that the route and roads you have planned for the hoon are better than the welsh one's Scotland is probably a bit too far for a lot of people to travel. If I wasnt on holiday at the time of the hoon, I would probably do that over Wales, but as I am, I have no choice. Next year I'll try get to the hoon though, especially if Amanda has some holiday so we can do some riding too
  19. I know it can be bettered with aftermarket exhausts, but I think as standard it still sounds damn sexy!
  20. Theres plenty to chose from, but the good far outweighs the bad! Too heavy Crap paint Rattles (I'm getting rid of them one by one!) Worst handbrake ever! But all is forgiven when you give her a good ragging
  21. Wrong fitment mate. You need (I think) T21 wedges. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2Pcs-7440-W21W-We ... 286.c0.m14 I prefer the look of the chrome ones that JDM Performance do. As I have an LED fog and it doesnt look as good or as bright. Could just give the LEDs a go and see
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