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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I said black with red as that was my second choice when I got mine. I do like the bronze ones too though What other stuff are you going to do (or have done) to the car in the looks department? I think that could sway your descision too. I think if you went with a nismo kit then the bronze would look sweet, but if a more agressive kit was the way you were going, I'd say black with red lip.
  2. Me, me, me, I wanna go! Have you done it yet Martin? I take it you are nicely locked up inside the boat and dont get to surf on top?
  3. Aye, Amanda was asking me this last night. Do we have to be suitably attired?
  4. F00kin 'ell! Glad you're ok. Just goes to show that the Zed is a stong ass car! I dont think it has an NCAP rating, but as you say, that should get some serious brownie points.
  5. Downloading the PC version now. Just waiting for the maps to finish Will come pay you a visit at Bala, as I'm not there at the start, see if its any different to the version I've just got hold of.
  6. Its Igo 8 with latest 2008 maps. It also renders in 3D and it looks fantastic. Speed camera warnings too!!! Also in does 3d buildings for places like london!! Its a great user interface and looks the muts nuts!!! Certainly looks swish
  7. Do you know what the Nav software it is running? Havent seen it before. Looks more interesting than the Destinator that comes with the Centrafuse front end I'm running.
  8. +1 - now you will understand his "needs spacers" posts which is pretty much every answer he ever makes
  9. That just gives me a blank google maps page. Mike: Given the correct travel lodge is now posted (Wrexham not Oswestry! ), should I stay on the A5 from Bala or head up to Llandegla? Google map links: ( A ) Go north this way ( B ) Or stay on the A5 this way
  10. Looks like a fun drive for me over from Bala then Can anyone who knows the area suggest if I'm better off using the A494/A5 (going up and around) or heading south and around using the B-roads?
  11. So whos got some contacts to get us an airlift to the next hoon then? I heard on the news last night that they've proven air travel is better for the environment than driving
  12. Looking good chap. Are you going to hook it up to a proper CarPC PSU so that you can get it to auto power on and off and also protect it from spikes in the power when you turn on the car?
  13. Yup agree with what the others said. Lump is on the drivers side only.
  14. Me either, I want a PM - as long as its not Gordon bleedin Brown
  15. Most importantly, did you at least get a ride in it?!
  16. Cool. Heard of embedded Windows before but never seen it. Did you have to put the bits together yourself or was it premade? I always thought it was a bit too much of a faff for me, so just used an old laptop
  17. Was that something like an EEEPC? Looking good so far
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