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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Looks like an interesting pile of parts he has on my350z. Will be interesting to follow hiw progress. Shame he cant be here to show us in person though. Should be shot for the condition his car was delivered to the detailer in!
  2. Chris`I

    Show plates

    Yeah def agree with that... Although nothing is as easy as simply pulling it off someone else's car which they'll never stop I saw a news bulleting on BBC one morning where they showed these plates that break up when you try to remove them. You know how safey seals leave a bit behind? Well these do the same, 3 or 4 chunks break away and stay on the car. Easy to remove if you want to change your plates, but stops someone nicking yours. Very clever stuff. Crap pic but here you go:
  3. Like you did with O2 Yep. I also praised the lovely customer retention lady who sorted me out too! Now thats service for ya
  4. Think i'm just going to relax and chill Oh and i'm going to the Bryn Howel for lunch on the 4th of oct Nice place Mike, looks very good. Last time I ate there it was very crowded Service was pretty good but the bill felt like I was paying for everyone else in the place. Nice car park though Maybe we should all meet for lunch, would be good to catch up
  5. Sorry to hear that mate. Maybe we need a Sales and Service table! Basingstoke would definately be bottom of the Sales, and somewhere in the middle for service. I had a few problems with mine, which caused no end of hassle. This was of course until I spoke to the dealership principal, who was a decent guy. Unfortunately hes now moved to Southampton and I dont know who they've left in charge. I suggest you contact the dealership principal (which I guess you already have) and then the group head office (I could never find the details!)
  6. Dan Perkins Slough: I would like to give my view of Dan Perkins Slough. Although they are not highly rated on the forum as a whole, they have always been very good to me. In just over 6 months I have had 2 services and an MOT and all have gone without a hitch, they even gave me the MOT for free. Always been kind and courteous, and all commented on how they love the wheels and Varis lip They even swapped over my LED sidelights to normal ones for free when the MOT chap tried to fail the car for the LEDs being blue (when they were white!). Was expecting a dealer to charge for that given it takes (in their books) at least 1/2hr to do lol. Can't say they are faultless as another forum member found out when he had problems with them, but to me they have been very good. West Way Basingstoke Well, where to start with this lot. There sales dept is terrible, but thats not what we are rating so I will try and stay unbiased. There service dept is quite good, although expesive. Wanted £300 to fit new disk and pads all round (me supplying disks and pads), and over £1200 for the lot with them supplying them. Service level however is good, with them calling frequently to let you know where they are and also dropping off the car when they are done which was nice. I think I would put both in some sort of neutral category as Dan Perkins have been good to me, but not so to others, and Basingstoke, although technically sound, are expensive.
  7. +1 on everything Chesterfield said. Saw this on BBC1 last night and it was madness! It was the first segment of the program and nearly made Amanda puke! You saw them in the central reservation, thinking what are these nutters up to, then saw them get hit. Then the highway patrol turned up and detained them, then they showed them getting hit again! Was pretty shaking to watch! The driver of the lorry was in massive shock and I guess will take a while to get back to work! The women got let off scott free (or near as damn it) and will probably do it all again! Absolutely shocking
  8. You can fit 2 golf bags in the boot, one in front and one behind the strut bar. As long as the roll of material is shorter than a golf bag, you'll be fine
  9. Chris`I


    Sure he was just taking the pi$$ mate, not being serious. Just pulling ya leg, knowing you'd get annoyed On a serious note, the new TT does look awefully like a Zed from a lot of angles. My missus dad thought that a guy up the street had got a Zed and it turned out to be the new TT!
  10. One thing Dan Perkins is good at, mine always comes back spot on
  11. I think its at the fly too, but best ask those that know.
  12. All the answers to your questions are in the FAQ I beleive. GT Pack is largely the heated leather seats, cruise control, Bose (which is a piece of junk) and maybe wheels (dont know if there are better wheels nowadays). Most agree that its not really worth the money, but as people have found, they are hard to sell without the GT pack. Imports are fine as long as you get a good imported. Search JM Imports on here, they have a good rep.
  13. Autostitch has always done me well - http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mbrown/autostitch/autostitch.html
  14. IMHO if you are staying near standard then bronze is the way I'd go
  15. Chris`I

    Creaky Bum

    You're right in so much that its the drop links, but a bit of grease usually sorts it. Certainly did for mine. Not heard of anyone that has had to replace them for them creaking. Some other more mechanically minded people will be along to put me right if I am wrong though
  16. Do try and make the Wales run, it really is worth the effort
  17. Hey chaps, Just had the word that my Zeddy has passed its second MOT ( ), but they had to change out the side light LED bulbs for proper ones as they were glowing too blue for the tests. How I dont know as they were white LEDs so whiter than standard lol! Anyway, this got me thinking, where do you stand if you get some of Pauls lights? Would you have to unwire them for teh MOT and put the normal side lights back in? Or would they be sufficient as side lights as long as they are not see as too blue? I know blue lights are illegal on the front of cars (seen as immitating the Police etc). Thoughts? Oh also, the clear fog light with red LED bulb (as Phile now supplies) passed no probs (I did wonder and my mate was sceptical too, but it was fine)
  18. Seems there is quite a little comminuty going for the PC version of this (its not strictly a PC version, more a fiddled demo). Certainly looks impressive compared to Destinator. Have a new skin to try out tonight on my lappy then will look to get it into Centrafuse and give Destinator the boot
  19. Thats exellent. Epecially as it all seems to be working still afterwards!
  20. +1 on no spacers Gix. Rear could be dropped a little, but I think the offset is pretty much spot on
  21. Great work mate. You portfolio is coming along nicely
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